Caroline Dahl

Caroline Dahl was educated at the Blekinge Institute of Technology (Master of Spatial Planning) in Karlskrona, Sweden, as well as at SCI-Arc, Southern California Institute of Architecture (Master of Architecture) in Los Angeles, USA. She defended her dissertation at SLU in 2020. She has worked for various public and private authorities with urban planning, design, and renewal. In 2023 she was appointed expert in a governmental task force with the task to develope a new structure for national planning. 2010-2016 she worked at SLU as project manager of the research platform FUSE (Future Urban Sustainable Environments) and between 2016-2023 she was the head of the SLU Think Tank Movium and served on the editorial board of the Swedish professional magazine STAD, dedicated to debate and reflections on contemporary urban landscapes. In concurrence with her academic engagement, she runs a research oriented design practice committed to mediate the intersections and overlaps between architecture and urbanism.
Caroline is program study director for the 5 year professional landscape architecture program in Alnarp, and the international master's program in Landscape Architecture. She is course responsible for two courses on advanced level in the landscape architecture programmes, Studio project: Transforming Urban Landscapes, and Landscape Architecture Theory, Methodology and Practice. In addition to this she participating in courses on all levels and regularly supervising thesis work on advanced and post-graduate levels.
Caroline's research focuses on exploring alternatives to conventional planning instruments to support the transformation of urban landscapes. Based on landscape architecture's inherent abilities to support dynamic processes, to accept the underdeveloped as potential and to channel action-oriented site knowledge, the research aims to introduce a landscape perspective and design thinking into urban transformation. The goal is to distinguish urban transformation projects from the modernist principles that still characterize much of urban construction. Research has been carried out and is ongoing around contemporary transformation projects, including, for example, Ile de Nantes in Nantes, France and Frihamnen in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Caroline's research focuses on transdiciplinary research why collaboration with practice and society at large are of great importance. She has been head for the outreach unit SLU Think Tank Movium between the years 2016-2023. More information at:
Selected publications
Dahl, C. (2021). Beyond Beauty: Aesthetics Under Climate Regimes. In: K. Nilsson, R. Webber & L. Rohrer (eds.). Green Visions: Greenspace Planning and Design in Nordic Cities. Stockholm: Arvinius+Orfeus
Caroline Dahl & Lisa Diedrich (2020) ”Building transformative capacities: integrating design research into port-city transformation”, PORTUSplus. 9, (Nov. 2020).
Dahl, C. (2020). Building transformative capacities : links between site and plan in post-industrial urban landscapes. (Dissertation) Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
Dahl, C. (2019) Post-industrial Landscapes in Urban Transformation. In: Dahl, PJ., Pollo, R., Thiebat, F., Micono, C., Zanzottera, G. (eds.) The architectural sustainable design: An experimental Approach. Milano: FrancoAngeli
Lisa Diedrich & Caroline Dahl (2016) ”Ile de Nantes 2000–2010: a method for the meantime?”, Journal of Landscape Architecture, 11:2, 72-83, DOI:
Dahl, Caroline (2016) “Gothenborg’s Jublieumsparken 0.5 and Frihamnen: explorations into the aesthetic of DIY”, SPOOL Vol 3, No2. DOI:
Books and book-chapters
Dahl, Caroline & Olsson, Titti (eds.) (2023) Prototypa! Bygga platser tillsammans. Alnarp: Stad&Land 194
Tankesmedjan Movium. (2019) Urbana Ekosystemtjänster – arbeta med naturen för goda livsmiljöer. Alnarp: Stad&Land 188
Dahl, C., Dahl, P-J, Nilsson, K. (2019) Plan Redux: om tidsdjup i omvandlingen av Frihamnen. Alnarp: Movium Partnerskap.
Dahl, Caroline (2017) "Att klyva ytan" in Höra hemma: om det bostadspolitiska dilemmat. Stockholm: Arkdes Resumé.
Per Hedfors & Caroline Dahl (eds.) (2015) Urkunder och husgudar – pionjärernas litteratur och andra källor till landskapsarkitektur. Alnarp: Movium
Dahl, Per-Johan & Dahl, Caroline., (2012). Loft P – Tracing the Architecture of the Loft. Wien New York: Springer.
Cha, R., Dahl C., Lofti, A. (2008) ”Cohabitation” in Ilka and Andreas Ruby (eds.) Urban Transformation. Berlin:Ruby Press.
Professional magazines
Dahl, C. (2023) “Kilar, fingrar, halsband och bälten”, Tidskriften STAD No 41.
Dahl, C. (2022) “Tiden får avgöra”, Tidskriften STAD No 39, page 16-20.
Dahl, C. (2022) “Värdet av publika rum”, Tidskriften STAD No 38, page 36-42.
Dahl, C. (2022) “På ritbordet”, Tidskriften STAD No 36, page 16-21.
Dahl, C. (2021) “När allt tar slut”, Tidskriften STAD No 34, page 18-21.
Dahl, C. (2021) “Sluta rädda planeten – samtal med Jenny Price”, Tidskriften STAD No 33, page 56-61.
Dahl, C. (2020). “Livet på Traena – samtal med Moa Björnson”, Tidskriften STAD No 31, page 18-23.
Dahl, C. (2020) “Ligger framtiden i landsbygden?”, Tidskriften STAD No 31, page 26-29.
Dahl, C. (2020) “Dags för omvärdering”, Tidskriften STAD No 30, page 26-29.
Dahl, C. (2020) “Urban natur – human stad”, Tidskriften STAD No 28, page 28-32.
Dahl, C. (2019) “Ut och in”, Tidskriften STAD No 27, page 50-57.
Dahl, P-J. and Dahl, C. (2019) “The Making and the Meaning in Collaborative Design”, Scape No 16.
Dahl, C. (2019) “Gatan som kultur”, Tidskriften STAD No 26, page 20-21.
Dahl, C. (2019) “Experimentell omvandling får tar tid”, Tidskriften STAD No 26, page 46-54.
Dahl, C. (2019) “Skräp eller fynd”, Tidskriften STAD No 25, page 38-41.
Dahl, C. (2019) “Projektet som stört ordningen – samtal med Emma Pihl och Åsa Samuelsson”, Tidskriften STAD No 24, page 15-17.
Dahl, C. (2019) “Lyckat samarbete”, Tidskriften STAD No 24, page 38-40.
Dahl, C. (2018) “Efter kriget”, Tidskriften STAD No 23, page 38-43.
Dahl, C. (2018) “Där stad blir park”, Tidskriften STAD No 22, page 26-28.
Dahl, C. (2018) “En djupdykning i New Urban Agenda”, Tidskriften STAD No 20, page 28-31.
Dahl, C. (2017) “Stadens väktare”, Tidskriften STAD No 18, page 46-48.
Dahl, C. (2017) “Arkitektur för natur”, Tidskriften STAD No 18, page 50-53.
Dahl, C. (2017) “Frihet i urbaniserad natur”, Tidskriften STAD No 18, page 54-55.
Dahl, C. (2017) “Byar utvecklar Göingebygden”, Tidskriften STAD No 16, page 44-47.
Dahl, C. (2017) “Ortens vardagslandskap”, Tidskriften STAD No 16, page 58.
Dahl, Caroline (2016) “Luften vi andas”, Tidskriften STAD No 15, page 54.
Dahl, Caroline & Dahl, Per-Johan (2016) “The Celebration of Co-creation" Topos Magazine
Dahl, Caroline & Dahl, Per-Johan (2016) “Zwischen Wasser und Land" Baumeister
Diedrich, Lisa; Kahn, Andrea; Dahl, Caroline; Lindholm, Gunilla (2016) "Möten i hamnen: Nu, på lång sikt och i mellantiden" i LandskapNu!. Stockholm: Arkitekturförlag
Dahl, Caroline (2016) “Han lyfter fram det offentliga rummet”, Tidskriften STAD No 14.
Dahl, Caroline (2016) “Från tragedi till atmosfär” Tidskriften STAD No 13.
Dahl, Caroline (2016) “Bostadsbygge med lokala förtecken” Tidskriften STAD No 12
Dahl, Caroline (2015) “Dags for ratad stadsmodell att se nytt ljus?” Tidskriften STAD No 11.
Dahl, Caroline (2015) “Zonen – stad eller camouflage?” Tidskriften STAD No 10.
Dahl, Caroline (2015) “Design är mer än form: Interview with Andrea Kahn!” Tidskriften STAD No 10.
Dahl, Caroline (2015) “Mer än bara greenwashing”,Tidskriften STAD No 9.
Dahl, Caroline (2015) “Småskalig stadsplanering en svår nöt att knäcka”, Tidskriften STAD No 8.
Dahl, Caroline (2014) “Högst poäng till vardagens landskap”, Tidskriften STAD No 7.
Dahl, Caroline (2014) “När bitarna faller på plats”, Tidskriften STAD No 7.
Dahl, Caroline (2014 ”Interview: Hej Patrik Faming!” Tidskriften STAD No 7.
Dahl, Caroline (2014) “Vad vill forskningsfinansiärerna egentligen veta om staden?”, Tidskriften STAD No 7.
Dahl, Caroline (2014)”Gatumat”, Tidskriften STAD No 5.
Dahl, Caroline (2014) ”Förändringsbenägen planering – omständligt eller nödvändigt?” Tidskriften STAD No 4.
Dahl, Caroline (2014)”Kerstin Nilermark – en väktare av det gemensamma”. Tidskriften STAD No 4.
Dahl, Caroline (2013) ”Blir det bättre att leva i en region med fler kärnor?” Tidskriften STAD No 3.
Dahl, Caroline & Dahl, Per-Johan (2012) “coLAB City och rummets innovativa kapacitet”. PLAN No 1, 2012.
Erixon, L., Dahl, C., Alsen, M. (2023). Nationell fysisk planering. Stockholm: Regeringskansliet.
Dahl, C. (2021). Stämpelklockans landskap. [Exhibition catalogue].In: Peter Dacke and Christel Lindgren (eds.) Konstkiosk Trelleborg.
Dahl, C. (2021). Platsspecifika designprocesser. [Fact sheet]. Movium Fakta 1. Alnarp: Tankesmedjan Movium
Blomberg, P., Aldman, K., Lindholm, G., Dahl, C. and Klein, H. (2020). Grönplanering: en handledning. Alnarp: Tankesmedjan Movium vid SLU.
Lisa Diedrich, Andrea Kahn & Caroline Dahl (eds.) (2015) "Site-specific design: Driving forces for harbor transformation". LTV publication series 2015:27