Caroline Grabbe

I work as a research coordinator at Grants Office, the unit at the university administration that offers support for external funding. My objective is to provide advice and help researchers at SLU to apply for external research grants, with a specific focus on large international projects where SLU is coordinator, as well as strategically important career grants from both national and international funders, such as the European Research Council (ERC), Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions (MSCA) and The Wallenberg Foundations.
My aim is to be flexible and offer tailor-made support based on the requirements of each researcher/project, which may cover the entire or parts of the application process. I can help you with everything from identifying relevant calls, to provide advice about how to write your application in order to match the requirements of the call and profile of the funder, as well as ensuring that it is written in a reviewer friendly way (e.g. adjusted to the reader, logically structured and with a clear line of argumentation). You can also contact me for support with finding background information related to a certain call, plan and keep in contact with you consortium during the application process and analyse evaluation protocols.
I have a master degree in Biomedical sciences and defended my PhD in Molecular biology, 2007. Following a two-year post doc at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, I returned to Sweden to start up my independent line of research at the Department of Molecular biology, Umeå University. In my group, we focused on investigating a small group of proteins called Ubiquitin-like molecules (UBL) in the model organism Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly). During this time, I was also lecturing in subjects such as genetics, cell- and molecular biology, animal physiology and biotechnology. In 2017, I was appointed as docent in Medical molecular biology at Umeå University.
In parallel with doing research, I initiated a new career as research coordinator at the Grants Office of Umeå University in November 2015, where I worked until I started here at SLU in October 2017. During my years as a research coordinator, I have supported researchers with applications to both national (The Wallenberg Foundations, Swedish Research Council, Formas, SSF) and international (ERC, MSCA, H2020 projects, HFSP) funders. In addition, I have coordinated a course in external research funding for industrial PhD students, organised workshops in application writing and arranged interview training events for researchers called for interview by funders such as ERC and KAW.
Some general tools on the SLUs staff Web:
External funding guidelines
Project calculator
SLU facts
Seed money
Horizon 2020 SLU-PIC 999887350