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Chloë Raderschall

Chloë Raderschall
I am interested in the diversification of agroecosystems for supporting pollinators, natural enemies of pests, and the ecosystem services they provide in the light of climate change.


Current projects:

Integrating community population dynamics and tritrophic interactions for sustainable pest control: oilseed rape as
a model system. This project is in collaboration with Peter Anderson, Mattias Larsson, Ola Lundin, the Cropping Systems Ecology unit and the Plant Protection centre of the Swedish Board of Agriculture. Funded by Formas (2022-2024)

Integrated pest and pollinator management (IPPM) for sustainable plant protein production. Led by Ola Lundin and in collaboration with Åsa Grimberg and Mattias Larsson. Funded by Formas (2023-2025).

Co-designing strip cropping of oilseed rape and wheat to promote ecosystem services and reduce the dependency on external inputs. Led by Raj Chongtham and in collaboration with Georg Carlsson, Dirk van Apeldoorn and Mattias Larsson. Funded by Formas (2023-2025).

Previous projects:

During my PhD at the SLU Department of Ecology in Riccardo Bommarco's group, I studied the effects of diversified farming systems at both landscape scale (landscape crop diversity) and field scale (supplementation of wildflower strips and honeybee hives), on natural pest control and insect pollination in faba bean in southern Sweden. For this project we worked in collaboration with Hushållningssällskapet in Skåne. I also experimentally tested how climate change stressors such as water stress and increased herbivory interact with insect pollination and crop yield. 

"Safeguard- safeguarding European wild pollinators" project funded by EU Horizon 2020 (2021-2025). How mass-flowering crops in the landscape shape wild pollinator communities in different habitats within agricultural landscapes.

Optimized pollination of field beans (Vicia faba minor) for sustainable supply of plant protein. Funded by Formas to Ola Lundin. Interactive effects among insect pollination, weed cover and fungicide treatment on faba bean yield and bumblebee visitation behaviour.

Interactive effects of insect pollination and weed infestation in different lupin cultivars as part of the IMPULSE-project: Fostering the organic cultivation of grain legumes; a multi-scale feasability study for soy bean and lupin production in Sweden funded by FORMAS and lead by Alexander Menegat.


Together with Paul Egan, I coordinate the PhD course on Integrated pest and pollinator management (IPPM)

I am currently contributing with individual lectures to the following courses:

Masters level:

BI1267- Integrated Pest Management in Sustainable Production Systems 

BI1283- Environmental Issues in Crop production 

LB0109-Agroecology and Sustainability of Production Systems

Bachelor level:

BI1394- Basic Ecology



Since 2023 Postdoctoral researcher in the Chemical Ecology- Agriculture unit at the SLU Department of Plant Protection Biology, Alnarp.

2022 Postoctoral researcher at the University of Würzburg, Department of Animal ecology and Tropical biology. Advisor: Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter

2017-2021 PhD in the Agricultural Entomology unit at the SLU Department of Ecology, Uppsala. Supervisors: Riccardo Bommarco, Ola Lundin, Astrid Taylor

2016 Internship at the Swiss Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick

2012-2014 MPhil in Sensory ecology at the Research School of Biological Sciences, The Australian National University, Canberra

2011-2012 Field work officer at the Research school of Biological Sciences, The Australian National University, Canberra

2007-2010 BSc with first class Honours at the Department of Ecology, Evolution and Genetics, The Australian National University, Canberra


Students interested in writing their thesis on crop protection against insects, insect pollination and beneficial insects or diversified cropping systems are welcome to contact me.

Selected publications

2024.  Raderschall, C.A., Riggi, L.G.A. & Lundin, O. Insect pollination enhances faba bean yield more than weed removal or fungicide application. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environmenet, 374, 109159

2024. Priyadarshana, T., Martin, E., Sirami, C., Woodcock, B., Goodale, E., Martínez Núñez, C., Lee, M-B., Pagani-Núñez, E., Raderschall, C.A., Brotons, L., Rege, A., Ouin, A., Tscharntke, T., Slade, E. Crop and landscape heterogeneity increase biodiversity in agricultural landscapes: A global review and meta-analysis. Ecology Letters, 27,e14412

2024. Riggi, L.G.A., Raderschall, C.A., Fijen, T.P.M, Scheper, J.,  Smith, H.G., Kleijn, D., Holzschuh, A., Aguilera, G., Badenhausser, I., Bänsch, S., Beyer, N.,  Blitzer,E.J., Bommarco, R.  Danforth,B., González-Varo,J.P., Grab, H., Le Provost, G., Poveda, K., Potts, S.G., Rundlöf, M., Steffan-Dewenter, I.,  Tscharntke, T., Vilà, M., Westphal,C., Berggren,Å. & Lundin, O. Early-season mass-flowering crop cover dilutes wild bee abundance and species richness in temperate regions: A quantitative synthesis. Journal of Applied Ecology, 61, 452-464

2022. Santana, P.C., Raderschall, C.A., Maia, R., Ellis, A.G. & Brito, V. Retention of colour-changed flowers increases pollinator attraction to Lantana undulata inflorescences. Flora, 296:152152

2022. Raderschall, C.A., Lundin O., Aguilera, G., Lindström, S.A.M. & Bommarco, R. Legacy of landscape crop diversity enhances carabid beetle species richness and promotes granivores. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 340:108191

2022. Riggi, L., Raderschall, C.A. & Lundin, O. Insect pest damage increases faba bean (Vicia faba) yield components but only in the absence of insect pollination. Ecology and Evolution. 12:e8686.

2022. Raderschall, C.A., Lundin O., Lindström, S.A.M. & Bommarco, R. Annual flower strips and honeybee hive supplementation differently affect arthropod guilds and ecosystem services in a mass-flowering crop. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 326:107754

2021. Bommarco, R., Lindström, S.A.M., Raderschall, C.A., Gagic, V. & Lundin O. Flower strips enhance bumble bee queens and males in landscapes with few honey bee hives. Biological Conservation, 263: 109363

2021. Lundin, O. & Raderschall, C.A. Landscape complexity benefits bumble bee visitation in faba bean (Vicia faba minor L.) but crop productivity is not pollinator-dependent. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 314: 107417

2021. Raderschall C.A., Bommarco R, Lindström S.A.M. & Lundin O. Landscape crop diversity and semi-natural habitat affect crop pollinators, pollination benefit and yield. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 306: 107189 

2021. Raderschall C.A., Vico G, Lundin O, Taylor A.R. & Bommarco, R. Water stress and insect herbivory interactively reduce crop yield while the insect pollination benefit is conserved. Global Change Biology, 27(1): 71-83, 

2016. Raderschall C.A., Narendra A, & Zeil J. Head roll stabilisation in the nocturnal bull ant Myrmecia pyriformis: Implications for visual navigation, Journal of Experimental Biology, 219: 1449-1457, doi: 10.1242/jeb.134049

2013. Narendra A, Alkaladi A, Raderschall C.A., Robson S.K.A & Ribi W.A. Compound eye adaptations for diurnal and nocturnal lifestyle in the intertidal ant, Polyrhachis sokolova. PLoS ONE 8: e76015

2013. Narendra A, Raderschall C.A. & Robson S.K.A. Homing abilities of the Australian intertidal ant, Polyrhachis sokolova. Journal of Experimental Biology 216: 3674-3681

2013. Narendra A, Reid S.F. & Raderschall C.A. 2013. Navigational efficiency of nocturnal Myrmecia ants suffers at low light levels. PLoS ONE 8: e58801

2011. Raderschall C.A., Magrath R.D. & Hemmi J.M. 2011. Habituation under natural conditions: model predators are distinguished by approach direction. Journal of Experimental Biology 214: 4209-4216. Featured: Cover

Other publications:

2019. Raderschall, C.A. & Lundin, O. Bin och humlor lyfter skörden av åkerböna. Lantmannen 7/8: 65.

2018. Lundin, O., Raderschall, C.A., Bommarco, R. & Lindström, S.A.M. Pollinering och växtskydd lyfter skörden i åkerbönor. Arvensis 1: 30-31.

2018. Daniel, C., Raderschall, C., Cahenzli, F., Formulierungen von ätherischen Ölen zur Regulierung des Rapsglanzkäfers (Meligethes spp.). Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie: 21: 153-156


Postdoctor at the Department of Plant Protection Biology
Postal address:
Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190
234 22 LOMMA
Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16, Alnarp