Christina Lundström

I work as a researcher at the Department of People and Society, National Competence Centre for Advisory Services, RådNu, located in Skara. The focus of my research is on increasing our knowledge and supporting of learning, decision-making, change processes, interaction between humans and technology as well as collaboration, above all in relation to questions about soil health as well as digitilisation and new technology. The overall objective is to increase the sustainability in food production.
In addition, I am the project manager for the KliMat game, a serious digital game about food production and environmental issues: climate, biodiversity and plant nutrient supply. The development of the KliMat game is done in collaboration between SLU, the Department of People and Society and the Department of Animal Environment and Health, the University of Skövde, the Swedish center for school biology, NTA Skolutveckling, WWF, the Swedish Church, 4H, Swerock.
Ongoing projects:
From wanting to daring and being able - how can we better support agricultural entrepreneurs to promote the long-term sustainability of arable land. Funding: The Kamprad Family Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Research & Charity
SoilX: Funding: Horizon 2020
PREPSOIL: Funding: Horizon 2020
The Climate Game: Funding: Formas and Allmänna Arvsfonden
Soil management for improved soil quality and higher yield stability under extreme weather. Funding: SLF
LivestockSense, ERANet project, Funding: Formas
Socorisk: Terranimo, ERANet project, Funding: Formas
Agronomist specializing in crop production and environment, graduated in 1992. I have worked at SLU since 2001. Initially as a research assistant at the Department of Soil and Environment, then the Department of Urban and Rural Development. In 2016 I started to work at RådNu. Since 2020, RådNu is part of the Department of People and Society, Alnarp.
Between 2007-2016 I worked part-time as a coordinator in the Swedish national network of Precision Farming (POS).
I have a master degree in education since 2007. Between 2008 to 2012, I worked with projects that dealt with children's learning and outdoor pedagogy in an agricultural practice.
During 2014 - 2016, I completed a Degree of Licentiate of Agriculture. The title of the dissertation was: Cognition and Decision-Making in the Adoption of Agricultural Decision Support Systems: The Case of Precision Agriculture.
In 2022, I finished my Doctoral Degree in Agriculture with the dissertation: Care in digital farming – from acting on to living with.
After that, I have worked on projects that concern new technology in agriculture, pedagogy and soil health. The focus of my research is on increasing our knowledge concerning learning, decision-making, change processes, interaction between humans and technology as well as collaboration, above all in relation to questions about soil health as well as digitization and new technology in agriculture. The overall objective is to increase sustainability of our food production.
Selected publications
Lundström, C. (2022). Care in digital farming – from acting on to living with. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae, (2022: 66).
Lundström, C., & Lindblom, J. (2021). Care in dairy farming with automatic milking systems, identified using an Activity Theory lens. Journal of Rural Studies. 87, 386-403. 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2021.09.006
Lundström, C., & Lindblom, J. (2018). Considering Farmers’ Situated Knowledge of Using Agricultural Decision Support Systems (AgriDSS) to Foster Sustainable Farming Practices: The Case of CropSAT. Agricultural Systems, 159, 9-20.
Lundström, C., & Lindblom, J. (2018). Motivations and Needs for Adoption of the Agricultural Decision Support System CropSAT in Advisory Services. Agricultural Extension and Education, 71-82.
Lindblom, J., C. Lundström, M. Ljung, A. Jonsson, 2017. Promoting Sustainable Intensification in Precision Agriculture: Review of Decision Support Systems Development and Strategies. Precision Agriculture. 18(3). 309-331. DOI: 10.1007/s11119-016-9491-4.
Lundström, C. (2016). Cognition and decision-making in adoption of agricultural decision support systems: The case of precision agriculture. Licentiatavhandling. Uppsala: Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet.
Lundström, C., Lindblom, J., Ljung, M. & Jonsson, A. (2015). Some considerations about the development and implementation process of a new agricultural decision support system for site-specific fertilisation. Precision Agriculture 15, pp. 437-444.
Lindblom, J. & Lundström, C. 2014. Lantbrukares beslutsfattande och lantbruksrådgivning en förstudie (DEMIPROF). Inst för mark och miljö. Rapport Nr 15.
Lindblom, J., Rambusch, J., Ljung, M & Lundström, C. 2013. Decision Making in Agriculture - Farmers' Lifeworld in Theory and Practice. Paper accepterat vid konferensen: European Seminar on Extension Education, 2-6 september, Antalya, Turkiet
Lundström, C & Ljung, M. 2013. Farm school” or “School farm” – How do the different perspectives influence students´ learning? Oral presentation at The Conference Farm Education - Impulses for Research and Practice, 11 - 13 November 2013, Stapelfeld, Tyskland
Lundström, C. & Ljung, M. 2011. Collaboration between farms and schools in education in Sweden – why is it so difficult? Presention vid konferensen: The XXIV European Society for Rural Sociology Congress. 22-25 juli. Chania, Grekland
Lundström, C. & Ljung, M. 2010. A storyline with farming as the basis for learning about sustainable development – experiences gained from a pilot-project. Presentation vid konferensen: Wissenschaftliche Fundierungen des Lernens auf dem Bauernhof. 10-12 juni. Altenkirchen, Tyskland
Lundström, C. 2010. Samverkan mellan skola och lantbruk – utomhuspedagogik för hållbar utveckling! En litteraturöversikt. SLU, Precisionsodling och pedometri, Skara, Rapport 2010:1
Publications list: