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Daisuke Goto

Fish population ecology, food web ecology, and fisheries management


My principal scientific interest and experience focus on understanding fisheries sustainability in an ecosystem context as part of renewable natural resource conservation and management programs. I have been involved in a variety of interdisciplinary projects that aim to quantitatively assess how natural and human-induced stressors may interactively modulate harvested fish population dynamics and influence policy decision-making. Examples include interactions between species invasion & eutrophication, chemical pollution & hydrological alteration, and climate variability & harvesting on the sustainability of pelagic and demersal species exploited by commercial, recreational, and subsistence fisheries.

My recent work entails statistical and mathematical modeling to assess spatial and temporal dynamics of exploited marine fish stocks and evaluate management strategies by integrating large-scale monitoring survey data with population, food web, and ecosystem dynamics models (spatially explicit individual-based models, State-space Assessment Model, Ecopath with Ecosim, etc.).


  • Research Fellow. Institute of Marine Research (Havforskningsinstituttet). Bergen. Norway
  • Research Fellow. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto. Ontario, Canada
  • Research Associate. Center for Limnology, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Wisconsin, USA
  • Research Associate. School of Biological Sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Nebraska, USA
  • Research Associate. Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Purdue University. Indiana, USA
  • Ph.D. in Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, and Behavior. The Graduate School and University Center, the City University of New York. New York, USA
  • B.S. in Biology. Department of Biological Sciences, DePaul University. Chicago, Illinois, USA

Selected publications
