CV page

Dennis Günther Ried

Dennis Ried
Research Assistant in Cropping Systems Ecology (CSE), sustainability assessment of intermediate wheatgrass, including economic, environmental, and social indicators.


I am a MSc student in Agriculture and Plant Science at the University of Copenhagen and am assisting in the CSE group, focusing on multi-criteria sustainability assessments of cropping systems.

I am driven by supporting the transformation of Agriculture towards sustainable food, energy and wood production systems under climate change conditions to ensure health for humans, soil and environment. Thus, I have a strong interest in perennial cropping systems, agroforestry and biocontrol. Besides studying and research, I volunteer at the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Alnarp’s farm to foster organic crop production locally.


Prefeasibility and Sustainability of Kernza® production

The main objective of the research project is to conduct a sustainability assessment of the perennial cereal intermediate wheatgrass (Kernza®) in comparison to conventional and organically produced wheat. The indicators of the assessment include economic, environmental, and social dimensions, whereas my focus area mainly comprises the environmental dimension.

Environmental analysis

In 2023 I performed a sustainability assessment of the agroecological intensified system at the SITES Research Station in Lönnstorp (BSc thesis: “Sustainability assessment of an alley cropping system in Skåne, Sweden”).


MSc student Agriculture and Plant Science

BSc Environmental Natural Sciences and International Forestry

Degree apprenticeship Forestry Worker


Non employee at the Department of Plant Protection Biology
Postal address:
Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190
234 22 LOMMA
Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16, Alnarp