Dietrich von Rosen

Dietrich von Rosen 2019-01-20
Börjesonsvägen 5, SE-168 50 Bromma, Sweden
Telephone office: +46 (0)18 672025, Mobile +46 (0) 724509634
Skype address: Dietrich.von.Rosen
Postal address office: Energy and Technology, SLU, Box 7032, SE-750 07 Uppsala
Academic degrees
Bachelor of Science, Stockholm University 1980
Doctor of Philosophy, Stockholm University. Subj: Mathematical Statistics 1986
Thesis: Multivariate Linear Normal Models with Special References to the Growth Curve Model (supervisor: prof. Bengt von Bahr).
Docent, Stockholm University 1990
July 1, 1998- Professor in Statistics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Nov 1, 2009- & Adj Professor 20% in Mathematical Statistics, Linköping University
1990-1998 Lecturer in Mathematical Statistics, Uppsala University
1985-1990 Assistant professor in Mathematical Statistics, Stockholm University
1983-1985 Research assistant, Stockholm University
1978-1983 Research assistant, Karolinska Institute
Honorary Doctor, Tartu University, Estonia, 2014
Guest professor, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China, 2018-
18 undergraduate (master) theses in MathematicalStatistics
21 Ph.Lic. theses in Statistics/MathematicalStatistics/Biometry
16 Ph.D theses in Statistics/Mathematical Statistics/Biometry
Kollo, T., von Rosen, D. (2005). Advanced Multivariate Statistics
with Matrices. Series: Mathematics and Its Applications, 579, Springer, Dordrecht.
de Toro, A., Eckersten, H., Nkurunziza, L., von Rosen, D. (2015). Effects of extreme weather on yield of major arable crops in Sweden. SLU Service/Repro, Uppsala.
von Rosen, D. (2018). Bilinear Regression Analysis: An Introduction. Accepted by Springer. To appear in Lect. Notes Stat., 220, Springer-Verlag, New York. pp. 1-450 (ISBN 978-3-319-78784-8).
>120 publications (peer reviewed) (80% are theoretical contributions and the rest applications of statistics in different areas). For details see profile in Google Scholar
Professional activities (selection)
Editor-in-Chief: Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2019-
Associate editor of Discussiones Mathematicae, Probability and Statistics, 2016-
Associate editor of Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2009-2018
Associate editor of Statistical Papers, 2007-
Associate editor of Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis de Mathematica, 2003-
Organizer of international conferences, workshops, summer schools, etc. (selection)
Organizer of a one-day conference in biostatistics at Karolinska Institute, 1989
Coorganizer of FMS jubilee meeting, Uppsala, October 23-24, 1997
Organizer of summer school in biostatistics in Umeå, June, 1999
Organizer of course "High-dimensional Data and Image Analysis" Joint course VISIT – NTM, August 5-6, 1999
Organizer of ISI satellite meeting in Uppsala on Image Analyses, August, 1999
Coorganizer of faculty day at SLU, November 2000
Coorganizer of Nordic summer school in Sigtuna, "Modeling and Analysis of Biological Processes and Systems", June, 2002
Organizer of Nordic summer school in Umeå on "Pattern Recognition in high Dimensional Data and Complex Structures", June, 2004
Organizer of an international 2 weeks workshop on the Wishart distribution in Sigtuna, June, 2004
Organizer of an international conference on matrices and statistics in Uppsala (IWMS2006), June 13-17, 2006
Organizer and 50% lecturing CASCADE course at Karolinska Institute in "Statistics in Risk Assessment focusing on Dose Response Modelling", November 12-16, 2007
Organizer of Nordic summer school in Umeå on "Bootstrap Methods and Their Applications", June 15-27, 2008
Coorganizer of conference NEUROMATH, Stockholm, September 13-14, 2008
Organizer of workshop within the project "Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics with Focus on Modelling Subsystems of the Baltic Sea and Arctic Regions" Linköping, May 20-21, 2010
Coorganizer of workshop within the project "Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics with Focus on Modelling Subsystems of the Baltic Sea and Arctic Regions" Helsinki, August 25-27, 2010
Organizer of workshop on High-dimensional Analysis, Jönköping, February 16-17, 2012
Coorganizer of LINSTAT 2014 conference, Linköping, Sweden August 24--28, 2014
Organizing Topic-Contributed session "Analysis with Kronecker product structured covariance matrices" at the Joint Statistical Meeting (JSM) in Boston, August 2-7, 2014
Coorganizer of faculty day at SLU, September, 2014
Organizer of session "Mixed linear models with applications to small area estimation" at CFE-CMStatistics, London, 16-18 December, 2017
Organizer of session "Mixed linear models analysis: new estimation methods and diagnostic tools" at CFE-CMStatistics, Pisa, 14-16 December, 2018
Places where an invited paper has been presented (2000-)
Antalya 2001; Madras 2002; Portland 2003, Pihla 2004; Poznan 2004; Poznan 2004; Sfax 2005; Kochin 2006; Montreal 2006; Sousse 2008; Tomar 2006 2008, 2010; Moscow 2007; Compiegne 2008; Paris 2010; Smolenice 2011; Tartu 2012 (Estonian Statistical Society); Umeå 2012; Greensboro 2012, 2014, Vilnius 2014, Haikou 2015, Coimbra 2015, Shanghai 2007, 2010, 2015, 2018; Istanbul 2016; Sevilla 2016; Kigali 2017; Hong Kong 2005, 2017; Kolkata, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017; Bedlewo 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012, 2013, 2017, 2018; Beijing 2018; Växjö 2018; Hiroshima 2018, Munich 2019.