Elias Andersson

PhD in occupational science, with a background in gender studies and history of ideas. The PhD project examines how inequality is created in family farming, was funded by the Agricultural Research Foundation and was completed in October 2014. During the last ten years, I have mainly conducted research on gender and equality within the forestry sector and studied various change processes and governance linked to resource utilization and the countryside - e.g. adaptation to climate change, new technology, service development and work organizations. I’m a member of the faculty board and the vice dean with responsibility for gender equality and equal opportunities at the Faculty of Forest Science.
Deputy head of department, Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre.
Associate editor for Forest Policy and Economics
I also coordinate:
IFURO Working Group on Gender and forestry (6.08.00), coordinator
IUFRO Task Force on Gender Equality in Forestry, Deputy coordinator
Working group: Equal education, Swedish Forest sector's gender equality council.
Co-Creator: Co-creating advisory services and planning for diversified management in Swedish family forestry
Tio år av jämställdhet på agedan
Towards a gender equal and sustainable wildlife management
Genom trädtaket - normer kring skogsbruk
Rikare skog: Diversifiering genom Inkludering och Specialisering
Inkluderande tillväxt i skogssektorn genom innovativ samverkan
Jämställdhet som branschgemensam strategi i skogsbrukssektorn
Selected publications
Scientific publications
Popular scientific publications
Andersson, E. & Lundqvist, P. (2013) Lantbrukets arbetsmiljö ur ett genusperspektiv
Andersson, E. (2010) Ett hästjobb för Kommunal. Svenska Kommunal-arbetareförbundet, Stockholm
Förändringsrutan - vertyg för att bedömma förändringspotentialen i jämställdhetsarbete
Popular Scientific Editor
www.slu.se/Den-Oppna-Skogen (in Swedish)