Elin Lundquist

I am a cultural researcher and have a PhD in Ethnology from Stockholm University. In my thesis I examined the knowledge community of birdwatching and how ways of relating to nature and birds are established through it. I have continued to study birdwatching in the EnviroCitizen project (https://www.envirocitizen.eu/) where the focus is on how birdwatching affects commitment to nature conservation and the environment.
In a previous postdoc project I have investigated how actors in the UNESCO World Heritage the Agricultural landscape of Southern Öland have been affected by the acute ground water shortage and drought in the area in recent years.
I am currently working on the project SHOWCASE (https://showcase-project.eu/) together with Erik Öckinger and René van der Wal. In the project we examine how farmers’ engagement with citizen science shapes their knowledge of and attitudes towards biodiversity and biodiversity-friendly farming practices.
Selected publications
Lundquist, Elin. 2018. Flyktiga möten. Fågelskådning, epistemisk gemenskap och icke-mänsklig karisma. Dissertation. Stockholm: Institutionen för etnologi, religionshistoria och genusvetenskap, Stockholms universitet.
Lundquist, Elin. 2018. Flyttfåglar i sikte. Om affektiva logiker och förhållningssätt till flyttfåglar på Malta. I: Djur. Berörande möten och kulturella smärtpunkter. Simon Ekström & Lars Kaijser (red). Göteborg: Makadam. Page 35–64.
Lundquist, Elin. 2014. Mellan fåglar, ting och människor: Hur fågelskådarnas seende formas I: Talande ting. Berättelser och materialitet. Katarina Ek-Nilsson & Birgitta Meurling (red). Uppsala: Institutet för språk och folkminnen. Page: 87–101.