Emily Montgomerie

I am a PhD student, starting in September 2023 at the division of Environmental communication, within the project Between trust and distrust – Expectations and knowledge coordination in policy production and governance of climate change and biodiversity problems. I will study how trust and distrust is co-created in social interaction, both online on social media and in real-life situations, especially in collaborative processes.
Before starting as a PhD student I worked as a research assistants in the following projects (all but the first are part of the research programme Mistra Environmental Communication):
- The practice of dialogue
- Dialogues in governance for sustainability
- How facilitators perform in authority in collaborative processes
- Communication for sustainable consumption
- How communication officers and environmental strategists working with campaigns for sustainable consumption talk about their communication practices
- Are we on the same page? How hunters and their organization communicate over data
- In collaboration with Svenska jägareförbundet
2021-current (on temporary leave) Research assistant, SLU div of Environmental communication
2018-2021 Course administrator, Karolinska Institutet
MSc. (2018) Environmental communication, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
BSc. (2015) Ecology, Uppsala universitet campus Gotland
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