CV page

Emma Lannergård

Emma Lannergård
Soil and water management, including water quality and quantity, to improve the state of the environment is my overarching professional goal. Process understanding, optimized environmental monitoring and research leading to applied management improvements are common themes in my work. Recently, I have focused on eutrophication and phosphorus transport on catchment scale which is my current area of expertise.


I work as a PostDoc at the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment at SLU, with an interdisciplinary background in environmental science but specialised in soil and water management. I find it important that the research we are doing is relevant and possible to use in society! I therefore value the contact with municipalities, county boards, companies and farmers. I also like interaction with other researchers and students, and like to participate in conferences, workshops and learning environments.  

Environmental analysis

Department work: Potential of sensor technology in the Swedish National Surface water Monitoring Programme - deployment/installation, maintenance and data handling.


Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science,  Linköping University (2008-2011). An interdiciplinary education, combining natural science and social science. My focus was environmental chemistry (analytical), environmental monitoring and the Environmental Code of Sweden. I did my internship at the Swedish Water Authority (Västerås). Bachelor thesis: Drained land and nutrient transport in the river Svärtaå catchment (2011)

Environmental consultant, worked with with permit applications and environmental impact assessments (2011-2014).

Master of Science in Environmental Science, Soil and Water Management at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala (2014 - 2016). The education focused on processes in soil and water seen from a landscape perspective. I did my internship at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, section of contaminated sites.
