Emma Lannergård
I work as a PostDoc at the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment at SLU, with an interdisciplinary background in environmental science but specialised in soil and water management. I find it important that the research we are doing is relevant and possible to use in society! I therefore value the contact with municipalities, county boards, companies and farmers. I also like interaction with other researchers and students, and like to participate in conferences, workshops and learning environments.
Environmental analysis
Department work: Potential of sensor technology in the Swedish National Surface water Monitoring Programme - deployment/installation, maintenance and data handling.
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science, Linköping University (2008-2011). An interdiciplinary education, combining natural science and social science. My focus was environmental chemistry (analytical), environmental monitoring and the Environmental Code of Sweden. I did my internship at the Swedish Water Authority (Västerås). Bachelor thesis: Drained land and nutrient transport in the river Svärtaå catchment (2011)
Environmental consultant, worked with with permit applications and environmental impact assessments (2011-2014).
Master of Science in Environmental Science, Soil and Water Management at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala (2014 - 2016). The education focused on processes in soil and water seen from a landscape perspective. I did my internship at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, section of contaminated sites.