Emma Ternman
Research interests
Behaviour and management in dairy cows with focus on light programmes and sleep and rest in automatic milking systems.
Research goals
Efficient milk production with a high welfare standard.
Research skills
Design, sampling and analysis of behaviour and production data. Sleep scoring in dairy cows.
Assistant course leader Basic and applied ethology
Supervisor Master and bachelor projects
Supervisor Course project work, bachelor and master level
Lectures on sleep and management
Sleep in dairy cows
Light programmes on Swedish dairy farms
Milking efficiency and cow traffic in automatic milking systems
Selected publications
Ternman E, 2014. Sleep in dairy cows. Sveriges lantbruksuniv., Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, 1652-6880 ; 2014:105. Uppsala, Sweden.
Ternman E, Hänninen L, Pastell M, Agenäs S, Nielsen P P, 2012. Sleep in dairy cows recorded with a non-invasive EEG technique. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 140, 25-32.
Hjalmarsson F, Olsson I, Ferneborg S, Agenäs S, Ternman E, 2014. Effect of low light intensity at night on cow traffic in automatic milking systems. Animal Production Science. 54(10): 1784-1786.
Ternman E, Pastell M, Agenäs S, Strasser C, Winckler C, Nielsen P P, Hänninen L, 2014. Agreement between different sleep states and behaviour indicators in dairy cows. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 160: 12-18.
Tiusanen J, Hautala M, Ternman E, Pastell M, 2015. Geometrical method for interpolating S-peaks from cow ECG using a microcontroller. Biosystems and engineering. 129: 324-328