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Florence Damiens

Florence is a social scientist located at the Department of Ecology, SLU University. Her research interests are in bridging political sciences and biodiversity conservation to better understand how politics affect biocultural diversity and sustainability.


Her research focuses on how different political discourses and modes of governance name, govern and affect biocultural diversity. Within the EU Horizon-2020 Safeguard project, she investigates the role that discursive dynamics may play in keeping pollinator-unfriendly practices in place.

In parallel, Florence is finishing her PhD on the politics of biodiversity offsetting, comparing Australia and France.

Main research areas:

·        Conservation social sciences 

·        Political sciences

·        Political ecology


Florence has a Bachelor in Political Sciences from Paris Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po) and a Master in Economics and Public Policy from Sciences Po and École Polytechnique (France). She has worked with various stakeholders in the fields of environment and biodiversity conservation in Australia, France, the Middle-East and Sweden.

Selected publications

Damiens et al. (2022) ‘Professionalisation and the spectacle of nature: understanding changes in the visual imaginaries of private protected area organisations in Australia’, Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space (accepted, in print)

Coffey et al. (2022) ‘Assessing biodiversity policy designs in Australia, France and Sweden. Comparative lessons for transformative governance of biodiversity?’, Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, pp. 1–14. Available at:

Damiens, FLP, Backstrom, A and Gordon, A (2021) ‘Governing for “no net loss” of biodiversity over the long term: challenges and pathways forward’, One Earth, 4(1), pp. 60–74. Available at:

Damiens, FLP, Porter, L and Gordon, A (2020) ‘The politics of biodiversity offsetting across time and institutional scales’, Nature Sustainability, 4(2), pp. 170–179. Available at:

Damiens, FLP et al. (2017) ‘Why Politics and Context Matter in Conservation Policy’, Global Policy, 8(2), pp. 253–256. Available at:

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