CV page

Fluturë Novakazi

Young researcher fascinated by fungal plant pathogens, resistance breeding, and cereal genetics.


Solving the stinking mystery - Which species is behind the recent increase in common bunt incidence?
Common bunt is a seed-borne disease casued by two pathogen, Tilletia caries and Tilletia laevis.  Infection can severly affect yield and quality traits of wheat. In recent years an increase in common bunt occurence has been observed all over Europe, including Sweden. This project aims to identify which common bunt species is prevalent in Sweden and understand if the currently employed resistance genes are effective against the predominantly present common bunt species. This project is financed with Cross Faculty "Seed Money". 

Towards Winter Wheat and Oat Cultivars with Low Cadmium Uptake.
The goal of this project is to identify genomic regions in winter wheat and oat associated with reduced Cd uptake, develop diagnostic markers for these regions and implement the marker use into the official VCU testing. The project is financed by SLU Grogrund.

CResWheat- Pre-breeding for Nordic climate resilient spring wheat.
The main objective is to support the breeding of climate-resilient spring wheat by identifying genetic resources, genes and markers associated with disease resistance, drought tolerance and important adaptive traits for the Nordic region. A public-private partnership (PPP) funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers and in-kind from the project partners. Twitter: CResWheat


PhD at the Julius Kühn-Institute in Quedlinburg and Justus-Liebig University Giessen, Germany, 2020.
Title: Identification of QTL for resistance against two fungal pathogens, Pyrenophora teres f. teres and Bipolaris sorokiniana, in a barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) diversity set.

MSc in Crop Protection at the Georg August-University, Göttingen, Germany, 2013.
Title: Phenotyping host specificity of Verticillium longisporum and Verticillium dahliae lineages.

BSc in Agricultural Sciences at the Georg August-University, Göttingen, Germany, 2011.
Title: Resistance of Brazilian wheat genotypes towards Fusarium graminearum and Magnaporthe grisea after ear infection.


2021 Co-Supervisor, MSc project

Student: Hafiz Umar, "Genome-Wide Association Studies for Identification of Markers and Candidate Genes Associated with Leaf Rust and Powdery Mildew Resistance in Nordic Spring Barley". Hafiz Umar Farooq, Department of Seed Science and Technology, Izmir, August, 2021.  Erasmus Mundus Master program in Plant Breeding (emPLANT)

2021  Co-Supervisor, Double BSc project

Student: Linnéa Gustavsson, "Genetic resistance against the green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris)". 

Selected publications

Hautsalo J, Novakazi F, Jalli M, Göransson M, Manninen O, Isolahti M, Reitan L, Bergersen S, Krusell L, Charlotte Damsgård Robertsen C, Orabi J, Due Jensen J, Jahoor A, Bengtsson T, & the PPP Barley Consortium, 2021. Pyramiding of scald resistance genes in four spring barley MAGIC populations. Theoretical and Applied Genetics.

Novakazi F, Göransson M, Stefánsson TS, Jalli M, Hallsson JH, 2021. Virulence of Rhynchosporium commune isolates collected in Iceland. Journal of Plant Pathology, 103:935–942, 

Novakazi F, Krusell L, Due Jensen J, Orabi J, Jahoor A, Bengtsson T, & the PPP Barley Consortium. You Had Me at “MAGIC”!: Four Barley MAGIC Populations Reveal Novel Resistance QTL for Powdery Mildew. Genes, 2020, 11(12), 1512.

Novakazi F, Afanasenko O, Lashina N, Platz GJ, Snowdon R, Loskutov I, Ordon F, 2020. Genome-wide association studies in a barley (Hordeum vulgare) diversity set reveal a limited number of loci for resistance to spot blotch (Bipolaris sorokiniana). Plant Breeding, 00:1-15,

Novakazi F, Afanasenko O, Anisimova A, Platz GJ, Snowdon R, Kovaleva O, Zubkovich A, Ordon F, 2019. Genetic analysis of a worldwide barley collection for resistance to net blotch disease (Pyrenophora teres f. teres). Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 132(9):2633-2650,

Serfling A, Kopahnke D, Habekuß A, Novakazi F, Ordon F, 2017. Wheat diseases: an overview. In: Langridge, P. (ed.): Achieving sustainable cultivation of wheat. Volume 1: Breeding, quality traits, pests and diseases (Burleigh Dodds Series in Agricultural Science 1), 1-32.

Novakazi F, Inderbitzin P, Sandoya G, von Tiedemann A, Subbarao KV, 2015. The three lineages of the diploid hybrid Verticillium longisporum differ in virulence and pathogenicity. Phytopathology, 105(5):662-73.
