Georg Carlsson

My overall research interests lie within cropping systems ecology and are directed to 1) the diversification and multifunctionality of arable crops and cropping systems and 2) the increased use of legumes for sustainable food systems. In order to meet these objectives I strive to use agroecological approaches based on participation with farmers and other stakeholders, systems thinking, ecological principles and multidisciplinary research. More specifically, my research includes studies of ecosystem services provided by diversified cropping systems, incentives and obstacles related to the cultivation and use of legumes as human food sources, factors that influence symbiotic nitrogen fixation, nitrogen dynamics in the rhizosphere and at the cropping system level, and sustainable management of sown species-rich grasslands for biodiversity and bio-energy.
I am engaged in the department's teaching in the Agroecology, Horticultural Science, Horticultural management, and Agricultural and Rural Management programs, via course management and lectures lectures about crop production, symbiotic nitrogen fixation, nutrient cycling in cropping systems and roles of legumes for sustainable production systems.
Ongoing research projects
- Diversification through Rotation, Intercropping, Multiple Cropping, Promoted with Actors and value-Chains towards Sustainability (DiverIMPACTS)
- Generic bio-inventory of functional soil microbial diversity in permanent grassland ecosystems across management and climate (BIOINVENT)
- New Legume Foods - Innovative legume-based foods and drinks for enhanced resource use efficiency in food systems
- Nutritional quality and pre-crop value of organically grown lentils
- SolACE - Solutions for improving Agroecosystem and Crop Efficiency for water and nutrient use
- Sustainability Assessment of Diversified Cropping Systems
- Swedish organic lentils
Finished research projects
- Biogeography of N-cycling microorganisms in legume rhizospheres (Stiftelsen Oscar och Lili Lamms mine).
- Climate Change Adaptability of cropping and Farming systems for Europe Climate-CAFE (ERA-Net)
- Enhancing biomass production from marginal lands with perennial grasses – GrassMargins (EU Commission).
- Exploring rhizosphere processes in diversified plant cultures – implications on nutrient use efficiency and stress tolerance in legume-based cropping systems (Formas).
- Focus on Intercropping in Organic Legumes FIOL (Formas)
- Legume diversity and yield stability in contrasting environments (STINT).
- Legumes for the Agriculture of Tomorrow LEGATO (the Eurpean Union, FP7)
- Management of unused grasslands for biodiversity and bio-energy – network and field experiments (Region Skånes Miljövårdsfond/Partnerskap Alnarp).
- Multifunctional legumes for organic cropping systems (Ekhagastiftelsen).
- Rhizosphere N dynamics and symbiotic activities as influenced by application of biofertilizers (Plant Link).
- Strategic nutrient management in stockless organic cropping systems integrated with biogas production
- Yield stability in varietal mixtures of faba bean (SLU EkoForsk).
I interact frequently with the Swedish agricultural sector (farmers, advisors, food companies, the Swedish Board of Agriculture, the Nordic Genetic Resource Center, Regional County Boards) in questions about cultivation and use of legumes and enahnced sustainability of crop production. I also have a large scientific network, and I collavorate woth researchers at several departments at SLU as well as at other Swedish and international universities and research institutes.
Member of a working group to investigate possibilities for a new MSc program in food systems at SLU (2016-2017). Member of the election committee for the LTV faculty (2012-2014). Member of scientific reference group for the planning of a new Biotron at the LTV faculty (2013-2014).
MSc in Biology, Umeå University. 2000
PhD in Crop Science, SLU. 2005
I supervise and examine students' theses at the MSc and BSc levels, I am the main supervisor of one ongoing PhD student and have been assistant supervisor of two completed PhD student projects.
Publications list: