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Guillermo Rehermann

Guillermo Rehermann Del Rio
Guillermo is a PhD student in Biology - Chemical Ecology, fascinated in understanding how chemical substances produced by organisms convey information that mediates and modulates their interactions with other living creatures.


Animals use visual, tactile and chemiosensory cues to recognize food sources and con-specifics. Insects rely to a high extent on the sense of smell to assess food quality and/or potential mates. Investigations of the insect olfactory system and other sensory signals provides a better understanding of how chemical compounds (semio-chemicals) drive insect interactions with other living organisms. Specifically, I study emission and perception of chemical cues or signals in pest insects, and their multitrophic interactions with plants and microbes.  Investigating their chemical ecology generates opportunities to develop novel and safe tools for sustainable pest management.  


I participate in the following courses: 

Project based research training (Code: LB0066) (Dept. of Biosystems and Technology - Dept. Plant Protection Biology, SLU), supervision in project.

Master course in Insect Chemical Ecology (Code: BI0914) (Dept.Plant Protection Biology, SLU), supervision in pilot project.

Master course in Horticultural Systems and Future Challenges (Dept. Plant Protection Biology, SLU) (Code: Bl1309), laboratory and field assistance, and demostratrion of electroantennography (EAG, GC-EAD).

Furthermore, I am involved as mentor for students doing their ‘Gymnasiearbete’ as well as for PROA-students at SLU.


My research concerns volatile organic compounds that mediate communication between insects, and between insects, micro-organisms and plants. My current project focuses on the spotted wing drosophila (SWD), Drosophila suzukii. Like other drosophilids, SWD is closely associated with microorganisms. The overall goal is to understand the relevance of microbial metabolites in the ecology and behavior of SWD flies with emphasis on the role of yeast and bacterial odors in sexual, food- and host-finding behavior. The main goal is that the integration of biological knowledge to develop  sustainable tools to disrupt host-interactions in pest insects.
My expertise is on Chemical Ecology, with an emphasis on sensory physiology, behavioral assays, and field experiments.


2012. Bachelor´s degree in Biological Sciences, Universidad de la República, Uruguay.

2016. Master´s Degree in Biological Sciences – Ecology and Evolution, Universidad de la República – PEDECIBA, Uruguay.

Since 2018, Doctoral studies in Biological Sciences – Chemical Ecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden



Co-supervision of Isabella Kelman´s Master´s thesis: 
'The behavioural response of Drosophila suzukii to fermentation products' MSc Biology-Horticultural Science, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp, 2018.

Co-supervison of Karolina Sahle´s Master´s thesis:
 ‘The role of fruit and yeast volatiles in mating and oviposition of the invasive fly Drosophila suzukii’, MSc Biology-Horticultural Science, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp, 2020.



Selected publications


Rehermann, Spitaler, Sahle, Cossu, Delle Donne, Bianchi,Eisenstecken, Angeli, Schmidt & Becher, ‘Behavioral manipulation of Drosophila suzukiifor pest control: high attraction to yeast enhances insecticide efficacy when applied on leaves’ Pest Management Science, (nd), Pub Date : 2021-10-29, 
Stenberg, Sundh, Becher, Björkman, Dubey, Egan, Friberg, Gil, Jensen, Jonsson, Karlsson, Khalil, Ninkovic, Rehermann, Vetukuri & Viketoft, ‘When is it biological control? A framework of definitions, mechanisms, and classifications’, Journal of Pest Science (2021),
Kwadha, Okwaro, Ndlela, Khamis, Kithusi, Mohamed, Kleman, Rehermann, Revadi, Nderitu, Kasina, George, Lattor & Becher, ‘Detection of the spotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii, in continental sub‐Saharan Africa’, Journal of Pest Science (2021), 
Mansourian, Enjin, Jirle, Ramesh, Rehermann, Becher, Pool & Stensmyr, ‘Wild African Drosophila melanogaster Are Seasonal Specialists on Marula Fruit’, Current Biology (2018),
Rehermann, Altesor, McNeil & González, ‘Conspecific females promote calling behaviour in the noctuid moth, Pseudaletia adultera’, Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata (2016),



Postdoctor at the Department of Plant Protection Biology
Postal address:
Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190
234 22 LOMMA
Visiting address: Sundsvägen 10, Alnarp