Hans Sjögren
I have been working in research projects in forest management both in Sweden and abroad. The latest project I have been working with is a forest landscape restoration / afforestation project in Northeastern China in Liaoning province. The purpose of the project is to slow down wind borne sand from the Gobi desert, soil erosion control, increase biodiversity, improve water quality and capture CO2 to address global warming.
The teaching I have done has been mainly in silviculture and agroforestry. For many years I have been a course leader in a course in “International Silviculture”
My focus today is doing work on forest landscape restoration and work on an Ecosystem Management Decision Support System that could be used for decision making in forest restoration.
Selected publications
Goran Hallsby; Kristina Ahnlund Ulvcrona; Anders Karlsson; Bjorn Elfving; Hans Sjogren; Thomas Ulvcrona; Urban Bergsten (2015). Effects of intensity of forest regeneration measures on stand development in a nationwide Swedish field experiment. Forestry Volume 88, Issue 4. Pp. 441-453.
Hans Sjögren, Keith D Shepherd, Anders Karlsson 2010 Effects of improved fallow with Sesbania sesban on maize productivity and Striga hermonthica infestation in Western Kenya. Journal of Forestry Research (2010) 21(3): 379−386.
Swinkels, R.A., Shepherd, K.D., Franzel, S., Ndufa, J.K., Ohlsson E.,and Sjogren H. 2002 Assessing the Adoption Potential of hedgerow Intercropping for improving Soil Fertility in Western Kenya.
A Book. Trees on the farm. CABI Publishing in association with the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry. Page 89-110.
Sjögren H. Vilka söker Skogsvetarprogrammet i Umeå? 2000. En enkätstudie gjord bland de antagna till Skogsvetarprogrammet i Umeå hösten 1999. Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet. Uppsats.
Shepherd, K.D. Ndufa, J.K. , Ohlsson, E. , Sjögren, H. , Swinkels, R. 1997 Adoption potential of hedgerow intercropping in maize-based cropping systems in the highlands of western Kenya. 1. Background and agronomic evaluation. Experimental Agriculture Vol 33, pp. 197-209.
Sjögren. H. 1997. Bookreview. "Agroecology: the science of sustainable agriculture, by Miguel A Altieri. 1995" Agroforestry today Vol.9 No.1. Page 25.
Sjögren, H. 1996. Sorting out Striga with Sesbania. SPORE No. 63 Page 6.
Sjögren, H. , Näslund, B-Å. 1996. Försök med olika skogsskötselintensitet. -dokumentation av försöksanläggning 1984-1988. SLU, Inst. för skogsskötsel, Arbetsrapport Nr 117. (in Swedish)
International Centre for Research in Agroforestry, Annual Report 1995. Page 16.
Sjögren, H. 1995. Sesbania for Striga weed control. Miti ni Maendeleo No. 1. Page 6.
Sjögren, H. 1995. Sesbania fallows for Striga weed control. ICRAF updates. No 3.
Sjögren, H. 1995. Sesbania fallows for Striga weed control. Agroforestry Today. Vol. 8. No.1.