Helena Aronsson

Research interests
- Nitrogen and phosphorus leaching from different types of soils and cropping systems
- Development of management practices for increased nutrient-use-efficiency on farms and decreased losses of nutrients and pesticides to aquatic systems.
More information is available on the Swedish page.
Selected publications
Aronsson H, Hansen E M, Thomsen I K, Øgaard A F, Känkänen H, Ulén B. 2015. The ability of cover crops to reduce nitrogen and phosphorus losses from arable land in southern Scandinavia and Finland – a review. Journal of Soil and water Conservation (accepted for publication in Journal of Soil and water Conservation)
Aronsson H, Ringselle B, Andersson L, Bergkvist G (2015) Combining mechanical control of couch grass (Elymus repens L.) with reduced tillage in early autumn and cover crops to decrease nitrogen and phosphorus leaching. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 102:383–396.
Ringselle B, Bergkvist G, Aronsson H, Andersson L (2015) Importance of timing and repetition of stubble cultivation for post-harvest control of Elymus repens. (accepted for publication in Weed Research)
Poeplau, C., Aronsson, H., Myrbeck, Å. and Kätterer, T. 2015. Effect of perennial ryegrass cover crop on soil organic carbon stocks in southern Sweden. Geoderma Regional 4: 126-133.
Sharpley, A.N., Bergström, B., Aronsson, H., Bechmann, M., Bolster, C.A, Börling, K., Djodjic, F., Jarvie, H.P., Schoumans O.F., Stamm, C., Tonderski K.S., Ulén, B., Uusitalo, R., Withers, P.J.A. 2015. Future agriculture with minimized phosphorus losses to waters: Research needs and direction. Ambio 44(Suppl. 2):S163–S179.
Liu J., B. Ulén, G. Bergkvist, and H. Aronsson. 2014. Phosphorus leaching from soil lysimeters with catch crops after freezing-thawing. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 99:17-30
Bergström L, Kirchmann H, Djodjic F, Kyllmar K, Ulén B, Liu J, Andersson H, Aronsson H, Börjesson G, Kynkäänniemi P, Svanbäck A, Villa A (2014).Turnover and losses of phosphorus in Swedish agricultural soils: long-term changes, leaching trends, and mitigation measures. Journal of Environmental Quality, doi:10.2134/jeq2014.04.0165
Aronsson, H., Liu, J., Ekre, E., Torstensson, G. and Salomon, E. 2014. Effects of pig and dairy slurry application on N and P leaching from crop rotations with spring cereals and forage leys. Nutrient cycling in Agroecosystems, 98: 281-293 (DOI:10.1007/s10705-014-9611-3).
Liu, J., Aronsson, H., Blombäck, K. Persson, K. and Bergström, L. 2012. Long-term measurements and model simulations of phosphorus leaching from a manured sandy soil. Journal of soil and water conservation 67(2), 101-110
Neumann, A., Torstensson, G. and Aronsson, H. 2012. Nitrogen and phosphorus leaching losses from potatoes with different harvest times and following crops. Field Crops Research 133, 130-138.
Aronsson, H., Stenberg, M. & Ulén, B. 2011. Leaching of N, P and glyphosate from two soils after herbicide treatment and incorporation of a ryegrass catch crop. Soil Use and management 27, 54-68.
Neumann , A., Torstensson, G. and Aronsson, H. 2011. Losses of nitrogen and phosphorus via the drainage system from organic crop rotations with and without livestock on a clay soil in south-west Sweden. Organic Agriculture 1, 217-229.
Ulén, B., Aronsson, H., Bechmann, M., Krogstad, T., Øygarden, L. & Stenberg, M. 2010. Soil tillage measures to control phosphorus loss and potential side-effects: a Scandinavian review. Soil Use and management 26, 94-107.