Helena Hansson

Helena Hansson is professor of agricultural and food economics since 2018. She is also vice-dean at the faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences, with a focus on multi- and interdisciplinary research and programme director of Mistra Food Futures.
Helena's research background is in agricultural and food economics. She has so far focused on farmer uptake of sustainable agricultural practices, farm management, farmer decision-making and the economics of certain strategic choices, and production economic analyses related to the efficiency of farm production. Recently, her work has also been oriented towards the overall sustainability of the food system, including how food system sustainability can be assessed. She has worked extensively with interdisciplinary approaches where behavioural models have been used to explain decision-making, or to explain economic behaviour and economic performance, and where knowledge from the natural sciences is instrumental in the analyses. The empirical applications have mainly been done to livestock production (especially dairy production and pig production) with research questions related to farm economic performance, farm diversification, management of animal health and welfare and management of risk, but more recently also to crop production. In terms of research methods, she works with econometric and multivariate approaches but also with mathematical programming and in some publications with qualitative methods. Helena has extensive experience in analyses based on the Farm Economic Survey (FES) in Sweden, which constitutes Sweden’s contribution to the Farm Accounting Data Network at EU-level. She also has extensive experience in designing and collecting data from questionnaires (which in her research often have been supplemented to the FES-data). Most of Helena's research is funded by external sources of funding, including Mistra, the Swedish Research Council Formas, the Swedish Farmers’ Foundation for Agricultural Research and the EU H2020 programme.
Helena currently teaches in the course Topics in agricultural economics for sustainable development. She also act as supervisor for student theses at all levels.
Selected publications
* Publication where I am the first/lead author
** Publication where I am the main supervisor or mentor of the first/lead author. This refers to publications by post-doctoral researchers I have mentored, PhD students I have supervised or by master students I have supervised.
***Publication where ** does not apply but I am the senior author.
102. Johansson, E., Nilsson, P., Hansson, H. (2025). Transition dynamics of hybrid farmers: a survival analysis of exits and entries into full-time farming. European Review of Agricultural Economics. Accepted for publication.
101.**Miaris, G., Manevska-Tasevska, G., Hansson H. (2025). Farm diversification strategies and their relations to farm financial performance: Evidence from Swedish agriculture. Agricultural Finance Review. Accepted for publication.
100. Lind, N., Hansson, H., Emanuelson, U., Lagerkvist, C.J. (2024). Healthy Cows, Happy Farmers? Exploring the Dynamics of Mastitis and Farmer Well-Being. Journal of Dairy Science. Accepted for publication.
99. Huang, W., Manevska-Tasevska, G., Hansson, H. (2024). Does ecologization matter for technical efficiency in crop production? A case study of Swedish agriculture. Land Use Policy, 138, 107068. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2024.107068
98.***Manevska-Tasevska, G., Huang, V.W., Chen, Z., Jäck, O., Adam, N., Ha, T.T.M., Weih, M., Hansson, H. (2024). Economic outcomes from adopting cereal-legume intercropping practices in Sweden. Agricultural Systems, 222, 104064. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agsy.2024.104064
97. Herzon, I., Mazac, R., Erkkola, M., Garnett, T., Hansson, H., Jonell, M., Kaljonen, M., Kortetmäki, T., Lamminen, M., Lonkila, A., Niva, M., Pajari, A-M., Tribaldos, T., Toivonen, M., Tuomisto, H.L., Koppelmäki, K., Röös, E. (2024). Both downsizing and improvements to livestock systems are needed to stay within planetary boundaries. Nature Food, 5, 642-645. https://doi.org/10.1038/s43016-024-01030-w
96*. Hansson, H., Säll, S., Abouhatab, A., Ahlgren, S., Berggren, Å., Hallström, E., Lundqvist, P., Persson, U.M., Rydhmer, L., Röös, E., Tidåker, P., Winkvist, A., Zhu, L-H. (2024). An indicator framework to guide food system sustainability transition – The case of Sweden. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators., 22, 100403, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indic.2024.100403
95.** Leduc, G., Hansson, H. (2024). Behavioural factors for farmers’ adoption of agroforestry practices in Sweden. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 47, 178-189. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.spc.2024.03.023
94. Wallenbeck, A., Wichman, A., Höglind, L., Agenäs, S., Hansson, H., Ferguson, S. (2024). Brief research report: the evolution of animal welfare legislation for pigs in 13 EU member states, 1991 – 2020. Frontiers in Animal Science, 5, 2024. https://doi.org/10.3389/fanim.2024.1371006
93.** Ha, T.T, Manevska-Tasevska, G., Weih, M., Hansson, H. (2024). Heterogeneity in farmers’ stage of behavioural change in intercropping adoption: an application of the Transtheoretical Model. Agricultural and Food Economics. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40100-024-00306-w
92.** Gottlieb, U., Hansson, H. (2024). Farmers’ Financial Literacy – Scale Development and Linkages to Accounting Practices and Financial Outcomes. Agribusiness. https://doi.org/10.1002/agr.21986
91.** Ha, T. M., Voe, P., Boulom, S., Le, T.T.L., Dao, C.D., Yang, F., Dang, X., Hoang, T.T.H., Abu Hatab, A., Hansson, H. (2024). Factors associated with smallholders’ uptake of intercropping in Southeast Asia: A cross-country analysis of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. Climate Risk Management, 45, 100646. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crm.2024.100646
90.** Oyinbo, O., Hansson, H. (2024). Understanding dairy farmers’ trade-offs between environmental, social and economic sustainability attributes in feeding systems: The role of farmers’ identities. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 75:869–888. https://doi.org/10.1111/1477-9552.12588
89***. Thompson, B., Leduc, G., Manevska-Tasevska, G., Toma, L., Hansson, H. (2024). Farmers’ adoption of ecological practices: A systematic literature map. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 75, 84-107. https://doi.org/10.1111/1477-9552.12545
88.**Oyinbo, O., Hansson, H. (2024). Information provision and preferences for more sustainable dairy farming: choice experimental evidence from Sweden. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 53, 119-143. oi:10.1017/age.2023.33
87. Martinsson, E., Hansson, H., Mittenzwei, K., Storm, H. (2024). Evaluating environmental effects of adopting automatic milking systems on Norwegian dairy farms. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 51, 128-156. 156, https://doi.org/10.1093/erae/jbad041
86.**. Ha, T., M., Manevska-Tasevska, G., Jäck, O., Weih, M., Hansson, H. (2023). Farmers’ intention towards intercropping adoption: the role of socioeconomic and behavioural drivers. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 21, 2270222
85. Lind, N., Hansson, H., Emanuelson, U., Lagerkvist, C-J. (2023). Explaining farmers’ adoption of mastitis control practices using psychological constructs from the theory of planned behaviour. Livestock Science, 277, 105341
84. Herzon, I., Mazac, R., Erkkola, M., Garnett, T., Hansson, H., Kaljonen, M., Kortemäki, T., Lonkila, A., Jonell, M., Niva, M., Pajari, A-M., Tribaldos, T., Toivonen, M., Tuomisto, H., L., Koppelmäki, K., Röös, E. (2023). A rebalanced discussion of the roles of livestock in society. Nature Food., https://doi.org/10.1038/s43016-023-00866-y
83**. af Sandeberg, A., Båge, R., Nyman, A-K., Agenäs, S., Hansson, H. (2023). Linking animal health measures in dairy cows to farm level economic outcomes: A systematic literature mapping. Animal, 17, 100971
82***. Tirkaso, W.T., Hansson, H. (2023). Assessing Farm Efficiency Through Quantities or Revenues and Costs: Does It Matter? Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 55, 551-565.
81***. Adamie, BA., Owusu-Sekyere, E., Lindberg, M., Agenäs, S., Nyman, AK, Hansson, H. (2023). Dairy cow longevity and farm economic performance: Evidence from Swedish dairy farms. Journal of Dairy Science. 106, 8926–8941. https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2023-23436
80**. Owusu-Sekyere, E., Hansson, H., Telezhenko, E., Nyman, AK., Ahmed, H. (2023). Economic impact of investment in animal welfare-enhancing flooring solutions – Implications for promoting sustainable dairy production in Sweden. British Food Journal, 12, 4415-4444. 10.1108/BFJ-06-2022-0523.
79**. Robling, H., Abou Hatab, A., Säll, S., Hansson, H. (2023). Measuring sustainability at farm level – A critical view on data and indicators. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, 18, 100258.
78**. Leduc, G., Billaudet, L., Engström, E., Hansson, H., Ryan, M. (2023). Farmers’ perceived values in conventional and organic farming: A comparison between French, Irish and Swedish farmers using the Means-end chain approach. Ecological Economics, 207, 107767
77**. Ginbo, T., Hansson, H. (2023). Intra-household risk perceptions and climate change adaptation in sub-Saharan Africa. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 50, 1039-1063.
76. Brannan, T., Bickler, C, Hansson, H., Karley, A, Weih, M., Manevska-Tasevska, G. (2023). Overcoming barriers to crop diversification uptake in Europe: A mini review. Frontiers in sustainable food systems, 7, 1107700.
75***. Ahmed, H., Emanuelson, U., Alvåsen, K., Berg, C., Hultgren, J., Röcklingsberg, H., Hansson, H. (2023). Animal welfare efforts and farm economic outcomes: Evidence from Swedish beef production. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 1-22.
74***. Owusu-Sekyere, E., Nyman, A-K., Lindberg, M., Adamie, B., Agenäs, S., Hansson, H. (2023). Dairy cow longevity: impact of animal health and farmers’ investment decisions. Journal of Dairy Sciences, 106, 3509-3524.
73. Schaak, H., Bommarco, R., Hansson, H., Kuns, B., Nilsson, P. (2023). Long-term trends in functional crop diversity across Swedish farms. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 343, 108269.
72.** Opdenbosch, H., Hansson, H. (2023). Farmers’ willingness to adopt silvopastoral systems: investigating cattle producers’ compensation claims and attitudes using a contingent valuation approach. Agroforestry Systems, 97, 133-149
71.*** Röös, E., Wood, A., Säll, S., Abu Hatab, A., Ahlgren, S., Hallström, E., Tidåker, P., Hansson, H. (2023). Diagnostic, regenerative or fossil-free – exploring stakeholder perceptions of Swedish food system sustainability. Ecological Economics, 203 (107623).
70. Barnes, A., Hansson, H., Billaudet, L., Leduc, G., Manevska-Tasveska, G., Ryan, M., Thompson, B., Toma, L., Duvaliex-Tréguer, S., Tzouramani, I. (2022). European farmer perspectives and their adoption of ecological practices. EuroChoices, 21, 5-12.
69.** Miaris, G., Löfgren, S., Hansson, H. (2022). Values underlying farmers’ business development decisions: evidence from Swedish agriculture using Zaltman metaphor elicitation technique. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 1-22.
68.*** Degnet, M.B., Hansson, H., Hoogstra-Klein, M.A., Roos A. (2022). The role of personal values and personality traits in environmental concern of non-industrial private forest owners in Sweden. Forest Policy and Economics, 131, (102767).
67. Nilsson, P., Bommarco, R., Hansson, H., Kuns, B., Schaak, H. (2022). Farm performance and input self-sufficiency increases with functional crop diversity on Swedish farms. Ecological Economics, 198 (107465).
66.** Ha, T.M., Hansson, H., Abu Hatab, A., Darr, D., Shakur, S. (2022). A risk-benefit approach to the purchase and consumption of conventional vegetables in wet markets. Appetite, 176 (106142).
65. ** Adamie, B.A., Uehleke, R., Hansson, H., Musshoff, O., Hüettel, S. (2022). Dairy cow welfare measures: Can production economic data help? Sustainable Production and Consumption, 32, 296-305.
64***. Jerlström, J., Berg, C., Karlsson AH, Wallenbeck, A., Hansson, H. (2022). A formal model for assessing the economic impact of animal welfare improvements at bovine and procine slaughter. Animal Welfare, 31, 361-371.
63.**Gottlieb, U., Johed, G., Hansson (H). Accounting and accountability for farm animals: Conceptual limits and the possibilities of caring. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 102409
62.**Höglind, L., Hansson, H., Manevska-Tasevska, G. (2021). Questioning the dichotomy: A latent profile analysis of ecological management practices in Swedish agriculture. Journal of Environmental Management, 300, 113770.
61*. Hansson, H., Simon, K., Kristensen, I. (2021). Land Acquisition Regulation through the lens of expert stakeholders’ mental models - what are the implications for business development among Swedish farmers and non-industry forestry owners? Agricultural and Food Science. Forthcoming.
60. Spiegel, A., Slijper, T., de Mey, Y., Meuwissen, M.P.M., Poortvliet, P.M., Rommel, J., Hansson, H., Vigani, M., Soriano, B., Wauters, E., Appel, F., Antonioli, F., Gavrilescu, C., Gradziuk, P., Finger, R., Feindt, P.H. (2021). Resilience capacities as perceived by European farmers. Agricultural Systems. 193, 103224.
59**. Leduc, G., Manevska-Tasevska, G., Hansson, H., Arndt, M, Bakucs, Z., Böhm, M., Chitea, M., Florian, V., Luca, L., Martikainen, A., Vu Pham, H., Rusu, M. (2021). How are ecological approaches justified in European Rural Development Policy? Evidence from a content analysis of CAP and Rural Development discourses. Journal of Rural Studies, 86, 611-622.
58**. Owusu-Sekyere, E., Hansson, H., Telezhenko, E. (2021). Dairy farmers’ heterogeneous preferences for animal welfare-enhancing flooring properties: A mixed logit approach applied in Sweden. Livestock Science, 250, 104591.
57. Meuwissen, M.P.M, Feindt, P.H., Slijper, T., Spiegel, A., Finger, R., de Mey, Y., Paas, W., Termeer, K.J.A.M., Poortvliet, P.M., Peneva, M., Urguhart, J., Vigani, M., Black, J.E., Nicholas-Davies, P., Maye, D., Appel, F., Heinrich, F., Balmann, A., Bijttebier, J., Coopmans, I., Wauters, E., Mathijs, E., Hansson, H., Lagerkvist, C.J., Rommel, J., Manevska-Tasevska, G., Accatino, F., Pineau, C., Soriano, B., Bardaji, I., Severini, S., Senni, S., Zinnanti, C., Gavrilescu, C., Bruma, I.S., Dobay, K.M., Matei, D., Tanasa, L., Voicilas, D.M., Zawali´nska, K., Gradziuk, P., Krupin, V., Martikainen, A., Herrera, H., Reidsma, P. (2021). Impact of Covid-19 on farming systems in Europe through the lens of resilience thinking. Agricultural Systems, 191, 103152
56**. Gottlieb, U., Hansson, H, Johed, G. (2021). Institutionalised management accounting and control in farm businesses. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 37 (2), 101153.
55**. Martinsson, E., Hansson, H. (2021). Adjusting eco-efficiency to greenhouse gas emissions targets at farm level – The case of Swedish dairy farms. Journal of Environmental Management, 287, 112313.
54**. Humble, M., Palmér, M., Hansson, H. (2021). Internalisation of farm animal welfare in consumers’ purchasing decisions – a study of pork fillet at point of purchase using the Means-End Chain and laddering approach. Animal Welfare, 30, 355-363.
53. Arvidsson Segerkvist, K., Hansson, H., Sonesson, U., Gunnarsson, S. (2021). A Systematic Mapping of Current Literature on Sustainability at Farm-Level in Beef and Lamb Meat Production. Sustainability, 13, 2488.
52. Ahmed, H., Alvåsen, K., Berg, C., Hansson, H., Hultgren, J., Röcklinsberg, H., Emanuelson, U. (2021). Assessing Animal Welfare and Farm Profitability in Cow-Calf Operations with Stochastic Partial Budgeting. Animals, 11, 382.
51**. Owusu-Sekyere, E., Hansson, H., Telezhenko, E. (2021). Use and non-use values to explain farmers’ motivation of the provision of animal welfare. European Review of Agricultural Economics. Forthcoming.
50**. Adamie, A.B., Hansson, H. (2021). Rationalising inefficiency in dairy production: evidence from an over-time approach. European Review of Agricultural Economics. Forthcoming.
49*. Hansson, H., Sok, J. (2021). Perceived obstacles for business development. Construct development and the impact of farmers’ personal values and personality profile in the Swedish agricultural context. Journal of Rural Studies, 81: 17-26.
48. Gunnarsson, S., Arvidsson Segerkvist, K., Wallgren, T., Hjelmstedt, P., Sonesson, U., Hansson, H. (2020). Systematic Mapping of Research on Farm-Level Sustainability in Finfish Aquaculture. Sustainability, 12, 9985.
47. Manevska-Tasevska, G., Hansson, H., Asmild, M., Surry, Y. (2021). Exploring the regional efficiency of the Swedish agricultural sector during the CAP reforms ‒ multi-directional efficiency analysis approach. Land Use Policy, 100, 104897
46. Arvidsson Segerkvist, K., Hansson, H., Sonesson, U., Gunnarsson, S. (2020). Research on Environmental, Economic, and Social Sustainability in Dairy Farming: A Systematic Mapping of Current Literature. Sustainability, 12, 5502.
45. Gunnarsson, S., Arvidsson Segerkvist, K., Wallgren, T., Hansson, H., Sonesson, U. (2020). A Systematic Mapping of Research on Sustainability Dimensions at Farm-level in Pig Production. Sustainability, 12, 4352.
44. Gunnarsson, S., Arvidsson Segerkvist, K., Göransson, L., Hansson, H., Sonesson, U. (2020). Systematic Mapping of Research on Farm-Level Sustainability in Egg and Chicken Meat Production. Sustainability, 12, 3033.
43. Ahmed, H., Alvåsen, A., Berg, C., Hansson, H., Hultgren, J., Röcklinsberg, H., Emanuelson, U. (2020). Assessing economic consequences of improved animal welfare in Swedish
cattle fattening operations using a stochastic partial budgeting approach. Livestock Science. In print.
42*. Hansson, H., Manevska-Tasevska, G. & Asmild, M. (2020). Rationalising inefficiency in agricultural production - the case of Swedish dairy agriculture. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 47, 1-24.
41**. Lind, L., Hansson, H., Emaunelson, U. & Lagerkvist, C-J. (2020). A combination of differentiation and consolidation theory and risk-benefit analysis to examine decisions on mastitis prevention. Journal of Risk Research, 23, 194–209
40**. Telldahl, C., Hansson, H., Emanuelson, U. (2019). Modelling animal health as a production factor in dairy production- a case of low somatic cell counts in Swedish dairy agriculture. Livestock Science. 230, 103840.
39. Meuwissen, M.P.M, Feindt, P.H., Spiegel, A., Termeer, C.J.A.M., Mathijs, E., de Mey, Y., Finger, R., Balmann, A., Wauters, E., Urguhart, J., Vigani, M., Zawalinska, K., Herrera, H., Nicholas-Davies, P., Hansson, H., Paas, W., Slijper, T., Coopmans, I., Vroege, W., Cjechomska, A., Accation, F., Kopainsky, B., Poortyliet, P.M., Candel, J.J.L., Maye, D., Severini Senni, S., Soriano, B., Lagerkvist, S-J., Peneva, M., Gavrilescu, C., Reidsma, P. (2019). A framework to assess the resilience of farming systems. Agricultural Systems. 176, 102656
38**. Lind, L., Hansson, H. & Lagerkvist, C-J. (2019). Development and validation of a measurement scale for self-efficacy for farmers’ mastitis prevention in dairy cows. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 167: 53-60.
37*. Hansson, H. & Kokko, S. (2018). Farmers' mental models of change and implications for farm renewal – A case of restoration of a wetland in Sweden. Journal of Rural Studies, 60: 141-151.
36*. Hansson, H., Lagerkvist, CJ. & Vesala, KM. (2018). Impact of personal values and personality on motivational factors for farmers to work with farm animal welfare: a case of Swedish dairy farmers. Animal Welfare, 27: 133-145.
35**. Hansson, H., Lagerkvist, CJ. & Azar, G. (2018). Use and non-use values as motivational construct dimensions for farm animal welfare: impacts on the economic outcome for the farm. Animal, 12, 2147-2155.
34. Alvåsen, K., Hansson, H., Emanuelson, U. & Westin, R. (2017). Animal Welfare and Economic Aspects of Using Nurse Sows in Swedish Pig Production. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 4, article no 204.
33. Gocsik, E., Silvera, A., Hansson, H., Saatkamp, H. & Blokhuis, H. (2017). Exploring the economic potential of reducing broiler lameness. British Poultry Science, 58: 337-347
32. Manevska-Tasevska, G., Hansson, H. & Labajova, K. (2017). Impact of Management Practices on Persistent and Residual Technical Efficiency – a Study of Swedish pig Farming. Managerial and Decision Economics, 38: 890–905.
31. Nilsson, L., Hansson, H., & Lagerkvist, C.J. (2017). Motivational factors for remaining in or exiting a cooperative. Agribusiness – An international journal, 33: 209–225.
30. Hakelius, K. & Hansson, H. (2016), Members’ attitudes towards cooperatives and their perception of agency problems. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. 19, 23-36.
29. Labajova, K., Hansson, H., Asmild, M., Göransson, L., Lagerkvist, CJ &, Neil, M. (2016). Multidirectional analysis of technical efficiency for pig production systems: The case of Sweden. Livestock Science, 187, 168-180.
28. Hakelius, K. & Hansson, H. (2016). Measuring Changes in Farmers’ Attitudes to Agricultural Cooperatives: Evidence from Swedish Agriculture 1993 – 2013. Agribusiness, 32, 531-546.
27*. Hansson, H. & Lagerkvist CJ. (2016). Dairy farmers’ use and non-use values in animal welfare: Determining the empirical content and structure with anchored best-worst scaling. Journal of Dairy Science, 99: 579-592.
26. Barnes, A.P., Hansson, H., Manevska-Tasevska, G., Shrestha, S.S. & Thomson, S.G. (2015). The influence of diversification on long-term and short-term viability in the agricultural sector. Land Use Policy, 49: 404-412.
25*. Hansson, H. & Lagerkvist C J. (2015). Identifying use and non-use values of animal welfare: Evidence from Swedish dairy agriculture. Food Policy, 50: 34-42.
24. Ferguson, R. & Hansson, H. (2015) Measuring Embeddedness and its Effect on New Venture Creation - A Study of Farm Diversification. Managerial and Decision Economics, 36: 314-325.
23. Manevska Tasevska G., Hansson, H. & Rabinoviwcz, E. (2014). Input saving possibilities and practices contributing to more efficient beef production in Sweden. Agricultural and Food Science, 23: 118 – 134.
22*. Hansson, H. & Lagerkvist, CJ. (2013) Decision making for animal health and welfare: Integrating risk-benefit analysis with prospect theory. Risk Analysis, 34: 1149-1159.
21*. Hansson, H. & Lagerkvist, CJ. (2013) Defining and measuring farmers’ attitudes to farm animal welfare. Animal Welfare, 23: 47-56.
20*. Hansson, H., Ferguson, R, Olofsson C. & Rantamäki-Lahtinen, L. (2013). Farmers’ motives for diversifying their farm business – the influence of family. Journal of Rural Studies. 32, 240-250.
19. Ferguson, R. & Hansson, H. (2013). Expand or exit? Strategic decisions in milk production. Livestock Science. 155, 415-423.
18. Lagerkvist, CJ., Hess, S., Okello, J., Hansson, H. & Karanja, N. (2013). Food health risk perceptions among consumers, farmers, and traders of leafy vegetables in Nairobi. Food Policy. 38, 92-104.
17. Lagerkvist, CJ. & Hansson, H. (2012). Machinery-sharing in the presence of strategic uncertainty: evidence from Sweden. Agricultural Economics. 43, 113-123.
16*. Hansson, H. Ferguson, R. & Olofsson, C. (2012). Psychological constructs underlying farmers’ decision to diversify or specialise their businesses – an application of Theory of Planned Behaviour. Journal of Agricultural Economics. 63, 465 – 482.
15*. Hansson, H. & Lagerkvist C.J. (2012). Measuring farmers’ preferences for risk: a domain-specific risk preference scale. Journal of Risk Research. 15, 737-753.
14*. Hansson, H. & Lagerkvist C.J. (2012). Measuring farmers’ attitudes to animal welfare and health. British Food Journal. 114, 840 – 852.
13. Manevska-Tasevska G., Hansson, H. & Latruffe L. (2011). Evaluating the potential effectiveness of Rural Development Programme targets on farms in FYR Macedonia – An efficiency study of grape-growing family farms. Food Economics. 8, 161-172.
12. Lagerkvist, C.J., Hansson, H., Hess, S. & Hoffman, R. (2011). Provision of Farm Animal Welfare: Integrating Productivity and Non-Use Values. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. 33, 737-753.
11*. Hansson, H. & Ferguson, R. (2011). Factors influencing the strategic decision to further develop dairy production – A study of farmers in central Sweden. Livestock Science,135, 110-123..
10*. Hansson, H. Szczesna-Rundberg, M. & Nielsen, C. (2011) Which preventive measures against mastitis can increase technical efficiency of dairy farms? Animal: An International Journal of Animal Bioscience. 5: 632-640.
9. Manevska-Tasevska, G. & Hansson, H. (2011). Does Managerial Behavior Determine Farm Technical Efficiency? A Case of Grape Production in an Economy in Transition. Managerial and Decision Economics. 32, 399–412.
8*. Hansson, H., Oskarsson, M. & Öhlmér, B. (2010). Successful implementation of new strategies in the farm business– Facilitators and inhibits found at Swedish sugar beet farms. Journal of International Farm Management, 5(2) april.
7*. Hansson, H. Ferguson, R. & Olofsson, C. (2010). Understanding the diversification and specialization of farm businesses. Agricultural and Food Science, 19, 269-283.
6. Lindberg, G. & Hansson, H. (2009). Economic impacts of agriculture in Sweden: a disaggregated input-output approach. Food Economics – Acta Agricult Scand C, 6, 119 - 133.
5*. Hansson, H. & Öhlmér B. (2008). The effect of operational managerial practices on economic, technical and allocative efficiency at Swedish dairy farms. Livestock Science. 118: 34-43.
4*. Hansson, H. (2008). How can farmer managerial capacity contribute to improved farm performance? A study of dairy farms in Sweden. Food Economics – Acta Agricult Scand C. 5: 44-61 (Submitted manuscript version was included in my Ph.D. thesis)
3*. Hansson, H. (2008). Are larger farms more efficient? A study of the relationships between farm level efficiency and size in Swedish dairy farms. Agricultural and Food Science. 17: 325-337 (Submitted manuscript version was included in my PhD. thesis)
2*. Hansson, H. (2007). The links between management's critical success factors and farm level economic performance on dairy farms in Sweden. Food Economics - Acta Agricult Scand C. 4: 77-88. (Included in my PhD. thesis)
1*. Hansson, H. (2007). Strategy factors as drivers and restraints on dairy farm performance: Evidence from Sweden. Agricultural Systems. 94: 726-737. (Included in my PhD. thesis)