CV page

Hyungwoo Lim

Hyungwoo Lim
I am a researcher in ecophysiology, investigating how forest structures and ecosystem functions interact, and how these relationships are altered by forest management practices and a changing climate.


As an ecophysiologist, I emphasize identifying connections across scales and approaches: from a leaf to a landscape; from theory and mechanisms to observations and projections.

I design and conduct experiments across multiple scales to generate new datasets and identify mechanisms, thereby advancing current process-based models for broad applications.

One of my current interests is to determine how soil nutrient status (chemical forms and dynamics) and water fluxes (soil supply and atmospheric demand) interact to influence forest carbon cycles and forest growth. A practical application of the gained knowldege is for example development of a precision forest fertilization that optimizes where, when, and how fertilization is applied to balance forest productivity, biodiversity, and other competing ecosystem services.


Silviculture: the science of stand management (Master level)

Ecophysiological concepts and applications in forests (PhD level)


Current projects

Is boreal soil carbon getting younger? – Using historical samples to advance predictions of soil carbon transit time under rising atmospheric CO2 levels Vetenskapsrådet (2025–2028; 4 400 000 SEK, starting grant) project leader: Hyungwoo Lim

Quantifying the role of transpiration in soil nitrogen acquisition: Is really transpiration “inevitable evil” for plant growth? Kempestiftelserna (2025–2026; 1 100 000 SEK) project leader: Hyungwoo Lim

Will forest fertilization benefit carbon sequestration in the future climate? Åforsk (2024–2025; 1 126 100 SEK) project leader: Hyungwoo Lim

Tree branch mortality: measurement, scaling, and simulation of an overlooked carbon flux with implications for carbon storage Kempestiftelserna (2024–2026; 1 400 000 SEK) project leader: Hyungwoo Lim, participating researcher: Dr. Kenneth Olofsson

Nutrient Optimization Fertilization: Can the enhanced forest nutrition and production be sustained? Anna och Håkanssons Stiftelse (2024–2025; 100 000 SEK) project leader: Hyungwoo Lim

Långsiktigt kvarvarande markeffekter av tidigare intensiv gödsling i ung tallskog Skogssällskapet (2024–2025; 181 383 SEK) project leader:Dr. Bengt Olsson, participating researcher: Dr. Riitta Hyvönen, Hyungwoo Lim



Linking nitrogen and water – spatiotemporally optimizing forest fertilization for balancing forest productivity and ecosystem services. Formas (2021–2024; 4 467 189 SEK, mobility grant) project leader: Hyungwoo Lim

Managing boreal soil carbon stock in a changing climate: Does increasing CO2 concentration reduce boreal soil carbon accumulation capacity? Kempestiftelserna (2022–2024; 1 100 000 SEK) project leader: Hyungwoo Lim, participating researcher: Dr. Nils Henriksson

The impact of bark beetle outbreaks on forest carbon accumulation SLU Stiftelsen Fonden (2022–2023; 120 000 SEK) project leader: Hyungwoo Lim, participating researcher: Dr. Nils Henriksson



Researcher. Feb 2021-Current, SLU Umeå

Visiting researcher, Apri 2022-Mar 2024 University of Tartu, Estonia; International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria

Postdoc in Silviculture, Jan 2018-Jan 2020 SLU Umeå 
Supervisor: Prof. Tomas Lundmark (SLU)

PhD in Biology (Ecophysiology), Dec 2017 SLU Umeå 
Supervisors: Prof. Torgny Näsholm (SLU); Prof. Ram Oren (Duke Univ.)



Main supervision:

Daun Ryu (2024-)

Gwangjung Kim (2024-)


Jasmin Danzberger (2023- , main supervisor: Nils Henriksson)


PhD Students


Ratchanon Ampornpitak (2024-, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, main: Prof. Pantana Tor-ngern)

Alexina Brännlund (2023- , SLU, main: Nils Henriksson)


Researcher at the Department of Forest Ecology and Management; Department of Forest Ecology and Management, joint staff
Telephone: +46907868614
Postal address:
Skogens ekologi och skötsel
901 83 Umeå
Visiting address: Skogsmarksgränd 17, Umeå