CV page

Hyungwoo Lim

Hyungwoo Lim
I am a researcher in the joint field of forest ecophysiology and silviculture, studying how differences in structure and function among species interact with atmospheric and soil properties to produce the diversity of carbon balances and forest production.


My research focuses on investigating complex interactions and feedbacks between forest carbon dynamics and variations of climates and management practices. Specifically, I analyze patterns and mechanisms governing dynamic carbon balances through forest ecosystems.

I design research settings to allow determining links between observed phenomena, underlying mechanisms, and projected consequences. This framework involves at least one of the following processes: elucidating the underlying mechanisms responsible for the observed phenomena; upscaling observations to predict their consequences; informing models with the characterized processes to understand their broader consequences. Throughout this process, I put a strong emphasis on identifying and constraining the scope of inference within the statistical population.


Postdoc. in Silviculture, Jan. 2018-Dec. 2020 SLU Umeå 
Supervisor: Prof. Tomas Lundmark (SLU)

PhD in Biology (Ecophysiology), Dec. 2017 SLU Umeå 
Supervisors: Prof. Torgny Näsholm (SLU); Prof. Ram Oren (Duke Univ.)

Selected publications

*G Baek, *H Lim, NJ Noh, C Kim. 2023. No impact of nitrogen fertilization on carbon sequestration in a temperate Pinus densiflora forest. Scientific Reports *Equal contribution

H Lim, S Jämtgård, R Oren et al. 2022. Organic nitrogen enhances nitrogen nutrition and early growth of Pinus sylvestris seedlings. Tree Physiol

Henriksson N, Lim H, Marshall J et al. 2021. Tree water uptake enhances nitrogen acquisition in a fertilized boreal forest – but not under nitrogen‐poor conditions. New Phytol 

H Lim, CA Alvares, MG Ryan, D Binkley. 2020. Assessing the cross-site and within-site response of potential production to atmospheric demand for water in Eucalyptus plantations. For Ecol Manag

H Lim, R Oren, T Näsholm et al. 2019. Boreal forest biomass accumulation is not increased by two decades of soil warming. Nature Climate Change


Researcher at the Department of Forest Ecology and Management; Department of Forest Ecology and Management, joint staff
Telephone: +46907868415
Postal address:
Skogens ekologi och skötsel
901 83 Umeå
Visiting address: Skogsmarksgränd 17, Umeå