Ildikó Asztalos Morell

At the heart of my interest has been a critical engagement with issues of social justice and citizenship from the intersectional aspects of gender, ethnicity and age. I explore among others how intersectional aspects of social citizenship emerge in the context of socio-economic transitions. I studied the emergence of gender regimes under state socialism and in the postsocialist transition, the postsocialist emergence of family farms, as well as the rise and ethnification of poverty following the integration of CEE as a semi-periphery of the globalised capitalist economy. I engage in a long range of case-studies with a critical analys of the role of public private partnerships in poverty governance under authoritarian populism in rural Hungary. My later research turned to explore the aspects of denizenship, and securitisation of migration to EU by focusing on unpriviliged EU migrants as well as asylumseeking youth. Other aspects of migration research include the study of multicultural ageing. My most recent research interest is directed to indigenous Arctic food sovereignty.
Course responsibility and teaching on undergraduate level:
Introduction to rural development
Local perspectives
Independent study: Bachelor thesis course in rural development
Organisation and leadership
Teaching and course responsbility on second cycle level:
Theoretical perspectives
Gender and rurality
Politics and governance
On PhD level:
Coding in qualitative analyses
Projects after 2010:
Hälsosamt åldrande i urfolkssamhällen i Sverige och Indien med fokus på näringsrik och kulturellt passande matförsörjning (Forte och ICMR finansierad kollaborativ projekt mellan Sverige och Indien) 2023-2026
Projektet syftar till att ge kritiska insikter i hur förbättringar av kost och hälsa hos äldre urfolkspersoner kan utgöra grunden för ett aktivt åldrande. Äldreomsorgen för urfolkspersoner i Indien och Sverige är mycket olika. I Indien har kärnfamiljen ansvar för sina äldre, medan ansvaret i Sverige ligger hos myndigheter. Brist på mat är det största problemet bland äldre urfolkspersoner i Indien, medan avsaknad av kulturanpassad mat är ett problem i Sverige. I båda fallen saknas kunskap om betydelsen av traditionell mat i äldreomsorgen.
Nav för Samisk och renskötselrelaterad forskning vid SLU
Projektet samlar kompetens och forskning vid SLU genom organisering av workshop och sammanställning av en hemsida:
JUSTNORTH: Empowering Equitable and Robust Indigenous Economy through Indigenous Entrepreneurship in the Swedish & Russian Arctic (case study 18) with projectleader Elena Bogdanova from NARFU, Russia.
Concsortium leader for JUSTNORTH: Corine Woods-Conelly sum 5.999.994 Euro
The main purpose of the case study is to enhance the understanding of ethical and value systems of the actors engaged in indigenous economic activities in Russia’s Arctic region (with a focus on the Murmansk Region) and to conduct a survey with the same questions in northern Sweden among Sami reindeer herders, where national quotas on reindeer herding place pressures on its future sustainability.
FUTURE FOOD: Indigenous food systems in transition:
Comparative commodification practices and the future importance of reindeer for indigenous food supply and for the empowerment of reindeer herders within commodity chains in Sweden, Finland and Russia
Project leader: Ildikó Asztalos Morell: Sum: 450000 SEK
The project focuses on three reindeer herding indigenous groups: Sápmi in Sweden and Finland, Nenets in Russia. We aim to facilitate indigenous reindeer herders’ agency, abilities and ownership of the commodification of reindeer products, increase the awareness and knowhow about traditional food systems and their importance to Nordic food security for the wider public.
2020 March:Workshop in Umeå with SlowFood Sapmi and Swedish Reindeer herders Association
2020 September:Workshop in Archangelsk (digital) with Association of the Reindeer Herders of Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (YNAO)
Selected publications:
2020: Elena Bogdanova, A Lobanov, S Andronov, R Kochkin, I Asztalos Morell, Reproductive health of indigenous women in Western Siberia of Russia, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Visby collaboration visiting scholar Swedish Institute Elena Bogdanova from Northern Arctic Russian Federal University NARFU at Mälardalen University
Project leader and postdoctoral supervisor: Ildikó Asztalos Morell Mälardalen unviersity
Collaboration on indigenous food systems in the Russian Arctic and labour safety.
Selected publications:
31: 2020 Elena Bogdanova, Andrey Lobanov, Sergei Andronov, Andrei Popov, Ruslan Kochkin and Ildikó Asztalos Morell, Traditional nutrition of Indigenous Peoples in the Arctic zone of Western Siberia Challenges and impact on food security and health, in: Kamrul Hossain, Lena Maria Nilsson, and Thora Martina Herrmann (eds) Food Security in the High North Contemporary Challenges Across the Circumpolar Region Edited Routledge London
2018: Bogdanova, Elena N.; Andronov, Sergey V.; Lobanov, Andrei A.; Popov, Andrei I.; Kochkin, Ruslan A. and Asztalos Morell, I. Demographic trends in the dynamics of the Nenets population in Western Siberia in the context of the transformation of the traditional lifestyle // Economy and Entrepreneurship. 2018. Vol. 12. No. 11. P. 1307-1312..
Multicultural aspects of Active Aging: A comparative study of Indien and Sweden
(Forte och IMRC 3000000 SEK; 2018-)
Project leader: Ildikó Asztalos Morell; co-applicant: Lena-Karin Gustafsson Mälardalen university; main employee: Carl Johansson doctoral student:
The project aims to explore through comparative study in two municipalities in India and Sweden: the importance of older persons’ diverse identities and conditions for how they perceive: a) successful and active aging b) the kind of interventions desired c) the preferred providers of these; to which degree the kind of interventions provided by local care providers reflect the desires of older persons they provide care for. we are to develop a model for designing interventions sensitive to the desires of community based elderly care-receivers
Selected publications:
2020, Ildikó Asztalos Morell, Santa De, Pravina Mahaldalkar, Carl Johansson and Lena-Karin Gustafsson, Silence or voice? Agency freedom among elderly women living in extended families in urban India, International of Environmental Research and Public Health
Local care regimes in the context of rural transformation and welfare governance (Formas, 2025000 SEK)
Project leader: Ildikó ASztalos Morell project leader/ researcher, main employee: PhD student Cecilia Bygdell in Cultural Geography UU)
The project contributed to the understanding of the formation of local care regimes in the context of rural transformation
Selected publications: Cecilia Bygdell, 2015, Omsorgsfull landsbygd, PhD thesis 2015]
Communicating with States: Underpriviliged Migrations in Europe:
Conference and research initiation grant from Riksbanken (resulted in two EU applications 2016) for the conference held at Uppsala University 2015 October (250000 SEK)
Selected publications:
2018 Asztalos Morell, I, Greenfields, M. and Smith, D. (eds): Underpriviliged migrations within the EU. Special Issue of Local Economy 0(0)
Negotiating poverty: A comparative study of processes producing and reproducing poverty in post-socialist rural local communities in Russia and Hungary (Vetenskapsrådet, 7000000 SEK)
Project leader: Ildikó Asztalos Morell, co- applicant: Ann-Mari Sätre
Despite the general GNP growth through most of the new decade, the number of chronic poor in Russia and Hungary has not decreased, while polarization has increased. The project explored the processes that produce and reproduce poverty on a local level in selected rural communities as well as those strategies which emerge to overcome poverty. We focused on the synergies a) between immaterial and material aspects of poverty as well as b) between the agency of individuals, families, informal networks, civil society and local governance in producing as well as in fighting poverty and on how gender and race (in particularly in Hungary) intersect with poverty?
Selected publications (see in publication list):
Beyond a large number of peer-review articles we have co-edited a volume on Poverty in Russia and Ukraine and I have co-edited a volume with Yulia Gradskova on Gendering Post-socialism.
2019: Asztalos Morell, I "The Role of Public Private Partnership in the Governance of Racialised Poverty in a Marginalised Rural Municipality in Hungary" Sociologia Ruralis 59 (3) pp 494-516
1. 2015: Asztalos Morell, I, On the Roma precarious experience facing Pentecostalism, Donatella Della Porta & Sakari Hänninen & Martti Siisiäinen & Tiina Silvasti (eds) The new social division: Making and unmaking Precariousness’ Palgrave MacMillan, 139-158.
2015: Asztalos Morell, I, “Voicing Roma women: Intersecting marginalities and social entrepreneurship of Roma women’s NGOs in Hungary”. In: Yulia Gradskova and Sara Sanders (Eds) “Institutionalizing Gender Equality – a Critical Approach from a Global Perspective,” Lexington Books at Rowman and Littlefield, 149-172
DAO: Digitalisering, Arbete och Organisation
VINNOVA, Project leader Lucia Crevani, Economics, Mälardalen University.
The project unravels the challenges of Industry 4 technology for work and organisation in Swedish metal industry. During one your 6 case studies were conducted by the researchers.
Kompetens 4.0: Att sätta forsknignsbaserad kunskap i arbete för ökad digitalisering
Selected publications:
2020: Johansson, J, Asztalos Morell, I & Lindell, E, Gendering digitalised metal industry, Gender Work and Organisation 2020 May
2017: Asztalos Morell, I, Arbetsvillkor, kunskapsöverföring och innovation, Utmaningar och möjligheter för digitaliserad arbete och organisering, Studies in Social Sciences, 2017:6
2017: Asztalos Morell, I, Digitalisering och förändrade kunskapskrav, flexibilitet, kopetensförsörjning och mångfald, Utmaningar och möjligheter för digitaliserad arbete och organisering – delstudie 7, Studies in Social Sciences, 2017:7
Collaboration with authorities and municipalities in Sweden since 2010
Research circles
Have participated in the EU funded project JämBredd that was initiated by Torbjörn Messing at Mälardalen university. The aim of the project was to increase regional competence for education and competence development within gender and multicultural field. The project included 10 research circles and a processleader education. I participated in a research circle on care. Research circle is a method (Lahdenperä, 2010) that combines problem-based learning within education, development of activities and research. With focus on gender and multicultural aspects of equality issues in elderly and handicap care the circle was initiated by the collaboration between Mälardalen university and the municipality of Flen. The problems to focus on were initiated by those employed within care services. My role as a leader was partly to lift up issues of concern. These issues served partly as ground for research (see publication on the matter) partly as issues to be solved for the organization (policy measures) and partly as starting points for a learning process for the participants.
I have been participating in a collaborative project between MDH and 12 municipalities in Sörmland and Västmanland on human rights: RÄTT-UT. I led a research circle among welfare agents deciding on social support. Even this collaborative project was initiated and co-ordinated by Professor Pirjo Lahdenperä.
Collaborative project STOLT (Proud) was to improve the understanding of professional and employer related pride and well-being of those employed by the municipality. The project incorporated a research part that is to lead to a licenciate thesis for Jonas Welander (to whome I was co-supervisor). One my contributions to the project was to initiate, supervise and even myself carry out so called research circles. The circle led by me had was based on workers from elderly care. My research question was to explore how employee indentified themselves with their employers (municipalities) and how experiences with the introduction of New Public Management principles changes the working conditions they work under (autonomy in work, influence over decisions, work security…) and how these changes have impacted on their identification and feeling of pride. These issues are of central importance for the municipalities, which face increasing need to recruit new workforce in order to combat the expected generation-change in labour force in the welfare sector, as well as the increasing demand for welfare service, due to e.g. aging society.
I have initiated and participated in two ongoing collaborative projects for Newcoming Asylum migrant Youths establishment in Sweden (Nyanlända ungdomars etablering och jämstäldhetsutveckling) with Mehdrad Darvishpour as project leader fro, 2015 onwards. This collaboration is organized through the Social Contract (Samhällskontrakt) at Mälardalen university in collaboration with Västerås, Eskilstuna municipality and Västamanland and Södermanland provinces. We have interviewed 40 youth who arrived after 2015 as well as have carried out 5 research circles, 7 focus group interviews and a dozen interviews with social workers, health professionals working with the youth.
As a continutation of the NYANLÄNDA project I have lead with Eva Lindell a collaborative project MEMOS (Mälardalen mot Segregation) som var finansierad av Samhällskontraktet.
Main PHD supervisor
Cecilia Bygdell, 2014, Cultural geography, Uppsala University, Omsorgsfylld landsbygd: Rumsliga perspektiv på åldrande och omsorg på den svenska landsbygden
Carl Johansson, (2023), Social Work, Mälardalen university, Cultural sensitive elderly care with the welfare theory of health
Jonas Welander, 2017, Trust issues: Welfare workers' relationship to their organisation
Selected publications
List of publications
Peer-reviewed original articles: submitted and under revision
1. 2019: Asztalos Morell, I, Welander, J & Isaksson, K, ”NPM, social identifikation och stolthet inom kommunal omsorg” Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv (under revision)
2. 2018: Asztalos Morell, I, “Rhetoric and Agency in the era of Hungarian collectivization in the light of women’s life stories”, NTNU Series in Russian and East European studies
Peer-review articles: published
1. 2023: Asztalos Morell, Ildikó, Governing resettlement beyond safety: Multilevel governance as a model for sustainable resettlement of unaccompanied refugee children in rural Sweden? Sociologia Ruralis, 15 Febuary 2023:1-15, DOI:10.1111/soru.12431
2. 2023: Johansson, Carl; Gustafsson, Lena-Karin; Lindberg, Daniel; Asztalos Morell, Ildiko, Culturally sensitive active ageing seen through the lens of the welfare theory of health: assistant nurses' views, Frontiers in Psychology, Vol 14, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1161688
3. 2023: Asztalos Morell, Ildikó, Santa De, Carl Johansson & Lena-Karin Gustafsson (2023): Middle-class older adults living alone in urban India: Older adults’ understandings of ageing alone, Journal of Religion, Spirituality & Aging, DOI: 10.1080/15528030.2022.2164395
4. 2022: Asztalos Morell, Ildikó (2022): Gender and entrepreneurship in the formation of family farms during the postsocialist transformation in Hungary, Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, DOI: 10.1080/25739638.2022.2138005
5. 2022: Carl Johansson, Daniel Lindberg, Ildikó Asztalos Morell & Lena-Karin Gustafsson Swedish experts' understanding of active aging from a culturally sensitive perspective – a Delphi study of organizational implementation thresholds and ways of development, Front. Sociol., 22 December 2022, Sec. Migration and Society,
6. 2022: Lena-Karin Gustafsson, Ildikó Asztalos Morell, Carl Johansson, Santa De, Natural care by informal caregivers in the light of older persons’ experiences, living alone in India" International Journal of Older People Nursing, 2022,
7. 2021: Carl Johansson, Ildikó Asztalos Morell, Daniel Lindberg & Lena-Karin Gustafsson “Spotting good ageing: using welfare theory of health to frame the agency of older adults with immigrant backgrounds to attain good ageing”, Nordic Social Work Research, DOI: 10.1080/2156857X.2021.1902377
8. 2021: Asztalos Morell, I, “Food Sovereignty for Whom? Food Poverty, Innovative Public Work Projects and the Authoritarian State “ Austrian Journal of Historical Studies, 2021 (1) pp 141-169.
9. Elena Bogdanova , Sergei Andronov , Andrey Lobanov , Ruslan Kochkin , Andrei Popov , Ildiko Asztalos Morell & JonØyvind Odland (2021) Indigenous women’s reproductive health in the Arctic zone of Western Siberia: challenges and solutions, International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 80:1, 1855913, DOI: 10.1080/22423982.2020.1855913
10. 2020, Ildikó Asztalos Morell, Santa De, Pravina Mahaldalkar, Carl Johansson and Lena-Karin Gustafsson, Silence or voice? Agency freedom among elderly women living in extended families in urban India, International of Environmental Research and Public Health, DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17238779
11. 2020: Elena Bogdanova; Sergei Andronov; Ildiko Asztalos Morell; Kamrul Hossain; Dele Raheem; Praskovia Filant; Andrey Lobanov, (2020) Food Sovereignty of the Indigenous Peoples in the Arctic Zone of Western Siberia: Response to COVID-19 Pandemic, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020, 17, 7570; doi:10.3390/ijerph17207570
12. 2020: Johansson, J, Asztalos Morell, I & Lindell, E, Gendering digitalised metal industry, Gender Work and Organisation,
13. 2019: Asztalos Morell, I "The Role of Public Private Partnership in the Governance of Racialised Poverty in a Marginalised Rural Municipality in Hungary" Sociologia Ruralis 59 (3) pp 494-516.
14. 2019: Asztalos Morell, I, “Poverty and participation in Hungarian rural municipality:
a networked understanding of exclusion and methods for reducing it” Local Government Quarterly, Journal of All India Institute of Local Self-Government 2019 July – September pp 3-46.
15. 2018: Asztalos Morell, I, Greenfield, M & Smith, D, “Governing underprivileged migrations within the EU: Receiving country responses and Roma Resilience” Local Economy 0 (0) 1-10
16. 2018: Asztalos Morell, I, ´“Solidarity not alms!”: Civil rights movements contesting the evictions and denial of social rights from vulnerable EU citizens in Sweden” Local Economy, 0 (0) 1-25. DOI: 10.1117/0269094218767063
17. 2018: Asztalos Morell, I “Mérnök nök a Nök lapja hasábjain az 1950-es években: Emancipáltak vagy a párt propaganda fogjai?” [Women Engineers in the Nök lapja during the fifties: Emancipated or the prisoners of party propaganda] Társadalmi Nemek Tudománya Interdiszciplináris eFolyóirat (Gender Studies Interdisciplinary Ejournal, University of Szeged Hungary) 2018, 8 (2)
18. 2017: Asztalos Morell, I Innovative municipal public work projects in Hungary Szellem és Tudomány, (Ideas and Science, Journal of social sciences at Miskolc University) 2017/1-3, pp 40-70
19. 2017: Asztalos Morell, I Bread rather than croissant! Representations of Roma ethnicity in the perceptions of rural Hungarian professional municipal care and support givers on normal versus deviant parenting and sexuality, Szellem és Tudomány, 2017/1-2, pp 71-100.
20. 2016: Asztalos Morell, I, “Roma women’s vulnerabilities in the recognition struggles of a Hungarian Roma women’s NGO” Analize: Journal of Gender and Feminist Studies, Issue No. 7/ 2016
21. 2016: Asztalos Morell, I, “Beneficiaries and anomalies of innovative municipal public work projects in Hungary” London: Wildy, Simmonds & Hill Publishing, The Uppsala Yearbook of Eurasian Studies 2014 (I) 183-211.
22. 2015: Asztalos Morell, I, “Workfare with a human face? Innovative utilization of public work [közfoglalkoztatás] in rural municipalities in Hungary” Metszetek-Társadalomtudományi folyóirat, [Social Science Journal] 3 (4).
23. 2015: Asztalos Morell, I, “Representations of Romani women in civil society initiatives in the context of post-socialist transition in Hungary” Baltic Worlds, 8 (3-4) 34-46
24. 2015: Asztalos Morell, I, “Social farming as a means of poverty reduction in rural Hungary” Special Issue on the Social meaning of food. 2015 (2) DoI: 10.18030/
25. 2014: Asztalos Morell, I, “I do not understand how I became a farmer” The poor-peasant path to farm family enterprise in post-socialist rural Hungary” Development Studies Research, 1(1) 88-99.
26. 2014: Asztalos Morell, I, & Irina Tiurikova: “Single men, single stories: alternative paths in the transition from late Soviet to neo-liberal market economy in the light of life stories” Special Issue in: 'Debatte: Journal of contemporary Central and Eastern Europe. 22 (3) 329-351.
27. 2013: Asztalos Morell, I, “Handing down – taking over/taking care: Generation transfer in Hungarian farm families in the context of transitions” Acta Ethnographica Hungarica 58 (1) 57-86
28. 2012: Asztalos Morell, I, “Collectivization and the transfer of soft capital in two life stories from Hungary” Journal of depopulation and rural development studies (AGER) 2012 (8) 127-153
29. 2007: Asztalos Morell, I ‘Between harmony and conflicting interests: Gendered marital negotiations in Hungarian post socialist farm family enterprises’ Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 2007
30. 2007: Asztalos Morell, I & B. Brandth “Family and Gender in the Transformation of the Countryside” of the Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 2007, s.371-377
31. 1999: Asztalos Morell, I ‘Post-socialist agricultural transformation and gender construction processes’, Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development, 1999, July, Special issue on Gender, pp. 223-248
32. 1997: Asztalos Morell, I ”Thesis to the Feminist Analysis of Gender Differences Evolving during the State socialist Period (Gender differences amongst workers in the agricultural sector)” Szociológiai Szemle (Hungarian Journal of Sociology), 1997, July
Editor of peer-reviewed edited volumes
33. 2018 Asztalos Morell, I, Greenfields, M. and Smith, D. (eds): Underpriviliged migrations within the EU. Special Issue of Local Economy 0(0)
34. 2018: Gradskova, Y & Asztalos Morell, I (eds) Gendering Postsocialism, Routledge, London
35. 2014: Sätre, AM and Asztalos Morell, I: (eds): Attitudes, Poverty and Agency in Russia and Ukraine. New York: Routledge (second edition in 2016)
36. 2013: Asztalos Morell, I & Eriksson, Y, Bilden av ingenjören bilden av tekniken, Carlsson, Stockholm (2013)
37. 2008: Asztalos Morell, I & Bock, B. (eds) Gender regimes, citizen participation and rural restructuring, Elsevier, 2008
38. 2007: Asztalos Morell, I B. Brandth “Family and Gender in the Transformation of the Countryside” of the Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 2007, s.371-377
39. 2005: Asztalos Morell, I, Helene Carlbäck, Sara Rastbäck och Madeleine Hurd, (eds), Gender Transitions in Russia and Eastern Europe, Gondolin, Eslöv, 2005
Chapters in peer-reviewed edited volumes (published)
40. Asztalos Morell, I (2021) Indigenous Gender Justice with a Focus on Sámi Reindeer Herding in Sweden, in: Hossain, K (ed) Indigenous Peoples and Gender Equality with Special Reference to Sámi Reindeer Herding, pp 37-72 Juridica Lapponica 48 University of Lapland Rovaniemi,
41. Elena Bogdanova, Andrey Lobanov, Sergei Andronov, Andrei Popov, Ruslan Kochkin and Ildikó Asztalos Morell, (2020) Traditional nutrition of Indigenous Peoples in the Arctic zone of Western Siberia Challenges and impact on food security and health, in: Kamrul Hossain, Lena Maria Nilsson, and Thora Martina Herrmann (eds) Food Security in the High North Contemporary Challenges Across the Circumpolar Region Edited Routledge London
42. 2019: Darvishpour, M, Asztalos Morell, I & Niclas Månsson, Mohammadrafi, M. Ensamkommande ungdomars röster om mottagande, inkludering och jämställdhetsutveckling; in: Darvishpour, M och Månsson, N (eds) Ensamkommandes upplevelser & professionellas erfarenheter,, Liber, Stockholm
43. 2019: Darvishpour, M, Niclas Månsson, Asztalos Morell, I & Magnus Hoppe I, Samverkan och utmaningar. Mottagande av ensamkommande ungdomar in: Darvishpour, M och Månsson, N (eds) Ensamkommandes upplevelser & professionellas erfarenheter,, Liber, Stockholm, pp 168-183
44. 2018: Bogdanova, Elena N.); Andronov, Sergey V.; Lobanov, Andrei A.; Popov, Andrei I.; Kochkin, Ruslan A. and Asztalos Morell, I. Demographic trends in the dynamics of the Nenets population in Western Siberia in the context of the transformation of the traditional lifestyle // Economy and Entrepreneurship. 2018. Vol. 12. No. 11. P. 1307-1312. Богданова Е.Н., Андронов С.В., Лобанов А.А., Попов А.И., Кочкин Р.А., Морелл И.А. Демографические тенденции динамики популяции ненцев в Западной Сибири в условиях трансформации традиционного образа жизни //Экономика и предпринимательство. 2018. Вып. 12. № 11. С. 1307-1312.
45. 2018: Asztalos Morell, I. & Darvishpour, M. (2018) The securitization of Asylum Seeking in Sweden after 2015 in Light of Experiences of Asylum-Seeking Adolescent Girls with Roots in Afghanistan” in Siegel, D. & Nagy V. (eds) The migration crises? Criminalization, security and survival, The Hagua: Eleven
46. 2018: Asztalos Morell, I “Contestations of the Swedish Deportation Regime. Unaccompanied asylum-seeking children’s initiatives and voices” in: Margit Feischmidt/Ludger Pries/Celine Cantat (eds.) Refugee Protection and Civil Society in Europe, Palgrave,
47. 2018: Asztalos Morell, I, “The agency of Roma women’s NGO in marginalised rural municipalities in Hungary” in: Yulia Gradskova and Ildikó Asztalos Morell (eds) Gendering Postsocialism: Old Legacies and New Hierarchies, Routledge, London 121-138
48. 2018: Asztalos Morell, I & Gradskova, Y, ”The Gendered subject of postsocialism: State socialist legacies, global challenges and (re)building of tradition” ” in: Yulia Gradskova and Ildikó Asztalos Morell (eds) Gendering Postsocialism: Old Legacies and New Hierarchies, Routledge, London 1-18.
49. 2016: Asztalos Morell, I, (2016) Self-Sacrificing Motherhood: reconciling Traumatic Life Experiences of Hungarian Collectivisation in Melanie Ilic and Dalia Leinarte eds, The Soviet Past in the Post-Socialist Present, Methodology and Ethics in Russian, Baltic and Central European Oral History and Memory Studies, London; Routledge
50. 2016: Asztalos Morell, I & Tiurikova, I, “Single men, single stories: alternative paths in the transition from late Soviet to neo-liberal market economy in the light of life stories” Sätre, AM & Asztalos Morell, I (eds) Attitudes, Poverty and Agency in Russia and Ukraine. New York: Routledge.
51. 2015: Asztalos Morell, I, “Can renewable energy contribute to poverty reduction? A case study on Romafa, a Hungarian LEADER” in: Leo Granberg, Kjell Andersson and Imre Kovách (eds) Evaluating the LEADER Approach to Rural Development: Grass-roots Experiences' might work well?", Ashgate
52. 2015: Asztalos Morell, I, On the Roma precarious experience facing Pentecostalism, Donatella Della Porta & Sakari Hänninen & Martti Siisiäinen & Tiina Silvasti (eds) The new social division: Making and unmaking Precariousness’ Palgrave MacMillan, 139-158.
53. 2015: Asztalos Morell, I, “Voicing Roma women: Intersecting marginalities and social entrepreneurship of Roma women’s NGOs in Hungary”. In: Yulia Gradskova and Sara Sanders (Eds) “Institutionalizing Gender Equality – a Critical Approach from a Global Perspective,” Lexington Books at Rowman and Littlefield, 149-172
54. 2015: Asztalos Morell, I, “Self-sacrificing motherhood: Rhetoric and Agency in the era of collectivization in two parallel life-histories”, in: Ilic, M & Leinard, D (eds) The Soviet Past in the Post-Soviet Present, Palgrave 179-198
55. 2013: Asztalos Morell, I, Ingenjörskor: frigjorda kvinnor eller partiretorikens disciplineringsmedium i personkultens Ungern) In: Ildikó Asztalos Morell and Yvonne Eriksson (eds), Bilden av ingenjören bilden av tekniken Carlsson, Stockholm
56. 2013: Asztalos Morell, I, ”Kan teknologi för utnyttjandet av förnybara energikällor bli nyckeln till bekämpning av fattigdom? En fallstudie av Romavirka ett LEADER projekt från Ungern”, In: Ildikó Asztalos Morell and Yvonne Eriksson (eds), Bilden av ingenjören bilden av tekniken Carlsson, Stockholm
57. 2013: Asztalos Morell, I & Eriksson, Y, Bilden av ingenjören bilden av tekniken, i Ildikó Asztalos Morell and Yvonne Eriksson, (eds) Bilden av ingenjören bilden av tekniken, Carlsson, Stockholm
58. 2012: Asztalos Morell, I, “A life of labour, a life of love: Memories of collectivization and the construction of gender identities through the course of life” In: Carlbäck ed, And They All Lived Happily Ever After? Norms and Everyday Practices of Family and Parenthood in Russia and Eastern Europe, CEU press, Budapest, 65-85
59. 2009: Asztalos Morell, I The importance of cultural, economic and social capital in the genesis of farm family enterprises during the transition from state socialism to capitalism in Hungary. In: Neményi, À., ed. Trends in Land Succession. Cluj University Press, Cluj, 97-134
60. 2008: Asztalos Morell, I “Care work in Hungarian agrarian entrepreneur families during the post-socialist transition” in: I. Asztalos Morell and B. Bock (eds) Gender regimes, citizen participation and rural restructuring, Elsevier, 2008
61. 2008: Asztalos Morell, I & B. Bock, “Dynamics of change and reconstitution in hegemonic and rural gender regimes” in: I. Asztalos Morell et. al. (eds) Gender regimes, citizen participation and rural restructuring, Elsevier, 2008
62. 2008: Asztalos Morell, I & Bock, B. “Rural gender regimes: the development of rural gender research and design of a comparative approach”, in: I. Asztalos Morell (eds) Gender regimes, citizen participation and rural restructuring, Elsevier, 2008
63. 2007: Asztalos Morell, I “How to combine motherhood with wage labour. Hungarian expert perspectives during the 1960s” In R. Kay (ed) Gender, equality and difference during and after state socialism, Palgrave, 2007
64. 2005: Asztalos Morell, I & Helene Carlbäck, Sara Rastbäck och Madeleine Hurd, (eds). Introduction, Gender Transitions in Russia and Eastern Europe, Gondolin, Eslöv, 2005
65. 2005: Asztalos Morell, I ”The rise of the agrarian entrepreneurs in Hungary during the period of transition to capitalism (1989-2002) as a gendered process” In: Ildikó Asztalos Morell, Carlbäck, Helene, Sara Rastbäck och Madeleine Hurd, (eds). Gender Transitions in Russia and Eastern Europe, Gondolin, Eslöv, 2005, 233-265
66. 1999: Asztalos Morell, I ”Rural Women and Gender Division of Labour in the Post-Communist Transition”. In: Starosta, P (ed.) Rural Societies under Communism and Beyond, Hungarian and Polish Perspectives, Lódz University Press, 1999
67. 1999: Asztalos Morell, I Emancipations Dead-End Roads? Studies in the formation and development of the Hungarian Model for Agriculture and Gender (1956-1989)’ Acta Uppsaliensis 46, PhD Thesis, 1999
Other publications
Journal’s voice
68. 2008: “Sociologins roll I landsbygdsforskningen”, Sociologisk Forskning, 2008 (1)
Research and Working rapports
69. 2011: Asztalos Morell, I, ”Finns det gränser för öppenheten? En forskningscirkel inom omsorg i Flens kommun”: in: P. Lahdenperä (ed) Forskningscirkel – arena för verksamhetsutveckling i mångfald, MDH, Studies in Social Sciences, Forskningsrapport, 2011:1, pp 90-112
70. 2017: Asztalos Morell, I, Arbetsvillkor, kunskapsöverföring och innovation, Utmaningar och möjligheter för digitaliserad arbete och organisering – delstudie 6, Studies in Social Sciences, 2017:6
71. 2017: Asztalos Morell, I, Digitalisering och förändrade kunskapskrav, flexibilitet, kopetensförsörjning och mångfald, Utmaningar och möjligheter för digitaliserad arbete och organisering – delstudie 7, Studies in Social Sciences, 2017:7
72. 2023: Asztalos Morell, I, Falk-Eliasson, I & Eriksson, R, Urfolksperspektiv på livsmedelsstrategin, SLU Future Food Reports, 2023, nr 22
Net publications from conferences:
73. 2011: Asztalos Morell, I, “The fish, the net and the see: Othering and the multiple marginalisation processes of Romani in the context of post-socialist rural transition” keynote speech at the international conference for the European Rural Sociological Association:
74. 2010: Asztalos Morell, I, Collectivization and transfer of soft capital in two life stories, paper presented at the Rural history conference, Brighton,
75. 2014: Asztalos Morell, I, “Bread rather than croissant! Representations of Roma ethnicity in the perceptions of rural Hungarian professional municipal care and support givers on normal versus deviant parenting and sexuality” in: Editors: Matthias Gather, Social Issues and Health Care in Rural areas in the context of demographic change, Proceedings of the 3 rd EURUFU Scientific Conference (Sondershausen, Germany),
76. 2017: Darvishpour, M, Asztalos Morell, I, Månsson, N, Mahmoodian, M and Hoppe, M, Sammanfattning av arbetsrapport om nyanlända barns och ungdomars inkludering och jämställdhetsutveckling.!/Menu/general/column-content/attachment/Sammanfattning%20av%20arbetsrapport%2020180312.pdf