Ing-Marie Gren

Ing-Marie Gren obtained her PhD at Stockholm School of Economcs and is since 1998 chair professor in environmental and resource economics. She has, and has had, a number of different commission of trust within SLU (member in Docentnämnden and the appointment boars) and in other organizations (e.g. member of the scientific board for environmental economics at National Institute of Economic Research, of the board of the 4th pension fund, and Royal Swedish Academy of Forestry and Agricultural Sciences).
Ing-Marie has been teaching in several different field in economics and has the responsibility for two courses; Cost-benefit analysis of environmental and agricultural projects 7.5 hp (NA0153) and Management of biological resources 7.5 hp (NA0168). She has been supervising a number of students on the bachelor, master, and PhD level,
The main interest of Ing-Marie’s research has been the efficient design of environmental policies when both human and nature behaviour are uncertain. Aspects of this overall interest has been applied to a variety of different fields such as mitigation of eutrophication in marine and inland waters, environmental policies on food, land as carbon sinks in the climate policy, strategies for mitigating damages of invasive species, preservation of biodiversity in Swedish forests, calculations of costs and benefits of wild life, and calculations of values of ecosystem services.
In 2017 Ing-Marie participates in the following research projects: Economic analysis of wild boar in Sweden (Swedish Environmental Protection Agency), Effects of environmental tax on food (Swedish Environmental Protection Agency), VALUE, value of underwater habitat ecosystem services (Swedish Environmental Protection Agency), The roles of fungal diversity, forest management and their interactions - analysis and valuation effects on Ecosystem Services (Formas), DESTRESS, Disentangling the impacts of multiple stressors on stream ecosystems (Formas), EKOLIV, Ekologiska och ekonomiska strategier för optimering av vattenkraftsrelaterade miljöåtgärder (Energimyndigheten), RESIPATH, Responses of European forests and society to invasive pathogens (EU, Biodiversa), BaltCoast, A systems approach framework for coastal research and management in the Baltic (EU, Bonus) och Optimus, Optimization of mussel cultures for fish feed in the Baltic Sea (EU, Bonus).
Selected publications
The research has resulted in approximately 310 publications of which 83 in scientific journals with referee system, 35 books and book chapters, 88 working papers and reports, 51 conference contributions, and 57 popular writings.
Publications list: