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Ingmar Messing

Ingmar Messing


Research and teaching in soil science, focusing on soil physical processes and properties of importance for sustainable land use. Areas of application: soil structure, water movements in the system soil-plant-atmosphere, soil and soil water management, land evaluation and land use planning.

Selected publications

  1. Petersson, H., I. Messing & E. Steen. 1987. Influence of root mass on saturated hydraulic conductivity in arid soils of central Tunisia. Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation 1:149-160.
  2. Messing, I. 1989. Estimation of the saturated hydraulic conductivity in clay soils from soil moisture retention data. Soil Science Society of America Journal 53:665-668.
  3. Messing, I. & N.J. Jarvis. 1990. Seasonal variation in field-saturated hydraulic conductivity in two swelling clay soils in Sweden. Journal of Soil Science 41:229-237.
  4. Jarvis, N. J., P-E. Jansson, P.E. Dik & I. Messing. 1991. Modeling water and solute transport in macroporous soil. I. Model description and sensitivity analysis. Journal of Soil Science 42:59-70.
  5. Hulebo, H., I. Messing & E. Steen. 1992. Influence de la biomasse racinaire, du diamètre des racines et de la mortalité racinaire sur la conductivité hydraulique des sols arides. Ecologia Mediterranea XVIII: 49-54.
  6. Messing, I. & N.J. Jarvis. 1993. Temporal variation in the hydraulic conductivity of a tilled clay soil as measured by tension infiltrometers. Journal of Soil Science 44: 11-24.
  7. Jarvis, N.J. & I. Messing. 1995. Near-saturated hydraulic conductivity in soils of contrasting texture measured by tension infiltrometers. Soil Science Society of America Journal 59: 27-34.
  8. Messing, I. & N.J. Jarvis. 1995. A comparison of near-saturated hydraulic properties measured in small cores and large monoliths in a clay soil. Soil Technology 7: 291-302.
  9. Messing, I., A. Alriksson and W. Johansson. 1997. Soil physical properties of afforested and arable land. Soil Use and Management 13: 209-217.
  10. Messing, I., M. Åfors, K. Rådkvist and E. Lewan. 1998. Influence of shelterbelt type on potential evaporation in an arid environment. Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation 12: 123-138.
  11. Messing, I. and N. Akrimi. 1998. Evaporative demand, water use and crop yield at sheltered and unsheltered sites in an arid environment. Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation: 12: 223-235.
  12. Messing, I. 1998. A simple practical evaporimeter- Comparison of Andersson evaporimeter with Class A pan, Piche atmometer and Penman evaporation. Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation 12: 275-290.
  13. Casanova, M., I. Messing and A. Joel. 2000. Influence of aspect and slope gradient on hydraulic conductivity measured by tension infiltrometer. Hydrological Processes 14: 155-164. 14.
  14. Joel, A. and I. Messing. 2000. Application of two methods to determine hydraulic conductivity with disc permeameter on sloping land. European Journal of Soil Science 51: 93-98.
  15. Wesström, I., I. Messing, H. Linnér, and J. Lindström. 2001. Controlled drainage- effects on drain outflow and water quality. Agricultural Water Management 47: 85-100.
  16. Joel, A. and I. Messing. 2001. Infiltration rate and hydraulic conductivity measured with rain simulator and disc permeameter on sloping arid land. Arid Land Research and Management 15: 371-384.
  17. Messing, I. and M.H. Hoang Fagerström. 2001. Using farmers´ knowledge for defining criteria for land qualities in biophysical land evaluation. Land Degradation and Development 12: 541-553.
  18. Joel, A., I. Messing, O. Seguel and M. Casanova. 2002. Measurement of surface water runoff from plots of two different sizes. Hydrological Processes 16: 1467-1478.
  19. Wesström, I., G. Ekbohm, H. Linnér and I. Messing. 2003. The effects of controlled drainage on subsurface outflow from level agricultural fields. Hydrological Processes 17: 1525-1538.
  20. Messing, I., L. Chen, and R. Hessel. 2003. Soil conditions in a small catchment on the Loess Plateau in China. Catena (Special Issue) 54: 45-58.
  21. Messing, I., M.H. Hoang Fagerström, L. Chen and B. Fu. 2003. Criteria for land suitability evaluation in a small catchment on the Loess Plateau in China. Catena (Special Issue) 54: 215-234.
  22. Hoang Fagerström, M.H., I. Messing and Z.M. Wen. 2003. A participatory approach for integrated conservation planning in a small catchment in Loess Plateau, China. Part I. Approach and Methods. Catena (Special Issue) 54: 255-269.
  23. Hoang Fagerström, M.H., I. Messing, Z.M. Wen, K.O. Trouwborst, M.X. Xu, X.P. Zhang, C. Olsson and C. Andersson. 2003. A participatory approach for integrated conservation planning in a small catchment in Loess Plateau, China. Part II. Analysis and findings. Catena (Special Issue) 54: 271-288.
  24. Hessel, R., I. Messing, L. Chen, C. Ritsema and J. Stolte. 2003. Soil erosion simulations of land use scenarios for a small Loess Plateau catchment. Catena (Special Issue) 54: 289-302.
  25. Chen, L., I. Messing, S. Zhang, B. Fu and S. Ledin. 2003. Land use evaluation and scenario analysis towards sustainable planning on the Loess Plateau in China - case study in a small catchment. Catena (Special Issue) 54: 303-316.
  26. Casanova, M., O. Seguel, A. Joel, I. Messing, W. Lucio and W. Vera E. 2003. Funciones de pedotransferencia para conductividad hidráulica en laderas de secano. Revista de la Ciencia del Suelo y Nutrición Vegetal (Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition) 3: 42-48.
  27. Mendoza-Vega, J. and I. Messing. 2005. The influence of land use and fallow period on the properties of two calcareous soils in the humid tropics of southern Mexico. Catena: 279-292.
  28. Messing, I., J. Iwald, D. Lindgren, K. Lindgren, L. Nguyen and T.S. Hai. 2005. Using pore sizes as described in soil profile descriptions to estimate infiltration rate and saturated hydraulic conductivity. Soil Use and Management 21: 276-277.
  29. Messing, I. and I. Wesström. 2006. Efficiency of old tile drain systems in soils with high clay content- differences in the trench backfill zone versus the zone midway between trenches. Irrigation and Drainage 55: 523-531.
  30. Wesström, I. and I. Messing. 2007. Effects of controlled drainage on N and P losses and N dynamics in a loamy sand under cultivation. Agricultural Water Management 87: 229-240.
  31. Yimer, F., I. Messing, S. Ledin and A. Abdelkadir. 2008. Effects of different land use types on infiltration capacity in a catchment in the highlands of Ethiopia. Soil Use and Management 24: 344–349.
  32. Casanova, M., I. Messing, A. Joel and A. Cañete. 2009. Methods to estimate lettuce evapotranspiration in greenhouse conditions in the central zone of Chile. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 69: 60-70.
  33. Joel, A., I. Wesström and I. Messing. 2009. Mapping suitability of controlled drainage using spatial information of topography, land use and soil type, and validation using detailed mapping, questionnaire and field survey. Hydrology Research 40: 406-419.
  34. Linnér, H. and I. Messing. 2012. Agricultural land needs protection, Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Soil and Plant Science 62: 706-710.
  35. Joel, A., I. Wesström, J. Strock and I. Messing. 2012. Method for in situ measurements of water, sediment and phosphorous transport in the upper soil profile. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B - Soil and Plant Science 62 (Supplement 2): 252-259.  
  36. Jarvis, N., J. Koestel, I. Messing, J. Moeys and A. Lindahl. 2013. Influence of soil, land use and climatic factors on the hydraulic conductivity of soil, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17, 5185–5195. doi:10.5194/hess-17-5185-2013.
  37. Wesström, I., A. Joel and I. Messing. 2014. Controlled drainage and subirrigation – A water management option to reduce non-point source pollution from agricultural land. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 198: 74-82. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2014.03.017.
  38. Messing, I., A. Joel, I. Wesström, J. Strock. 2015. Influence of higher rain intensities on phosphorus movements in the upper half meter of macroporous clay soil. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Soil & Plant Science 65:sup1 93-99. doi:10.1080/09064710.2014.996588
  39. Joel, A., I. Wesström and I. Messing. 2015. A tool for assessing the status of drainage ditches and the need for remedial measures. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B – Soil & Plant Science 65:sup1 100-109. doi:10.1080/09064710.2014.996589
  40. Messing, I., I. Wesström, A. Joel and J. Strock. 2015. In situ method for measuring water fluxes, sediment and phosphorus at high drip infiltrometer intensities in the upper half meter of a tilled clay soil. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 46: 2139-2151. doi: 10.1080/00103624.2015.1069304
  41. Chilundo, M., A. Joel, I. Wesström, R. Brito and I. Messing. 2016. Effects of reduced irrigation dose and slow release fertiliser on nitrogen use efficiency and crop yield in a semi-arid loamy sand. Agricultural Water Management 168: 68-77.
  42. Chilundo, M., A. Joel, I. Wesström, R. Brito and I. Messing. 2017. Response of maize root growth to irrigation and nitrogen management strategies in semi-arid loamy sandy soil. Field Crops Research 200: 143–162.
  43. Chilundo, M, A. Joel, I. Wesström, R. Brito and I. Messing. 2018. Influence of irrigation and fertilisation management on the seasonaldistribution of water and nitrogen in a semi-arid loamy sandy soil. Agricultural Water Management 199: 120–137.
  44. Gossweiler, B., I. Wesström, I. Messing, A.M. Romero and A Joel. 2019. Spatial and temporal variations in water quality and land use in a semi-arid catchment in Bolivia. Water (Special Issue) 2019 11: 2227 (24 pages). doi:10.3390/w11112227
  45. Mendoza-Vega, J., V.M. Ku-Quej, I. Messing and J.C. Pérez-Jiménez. 2020. Effects of native tree planting on soil recovery in tropical montane cloud forests. Forest Science 66(6): 700-711. doi: 10.1093/forsci/fxaa019
  46. Tuyishime, O., A. Joel , I. Messing, F. Naramabuye, M. Sankaranarayanan and I. Wesström. 2020. Effects of drainage intensity on water and nitrogen use efficiency and rice grain yield in a semi-arid marshland in Rwanda. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Soil & Plant Science 70 (7): 578-593.
  47. Mendoza-Vega, J., I. Messing, V.M. Ku-Quej, L. Pool-Novelo and J. Chi-Quej. 2021. Land evaluation and carbon flux estimation to reinforce natural protected areas: a case study in Southern Mexico. Environmental Earth Sciences 80 (3): 78.
  48. Gossweiler, B., I. Wesström, I. Messing, M. Villazón and A. Joel. 2021. Impact of land use change on non-point source pollution in a semi-arid catchment under rapid urbanisation in Bolivia. Water 13: 410.
  49. Svensson, D.N., I. Messing and J. Barron. 2022. An investigation in laser diffraction soil particle size distribution analysis to obtain compatible results with sieve and pipette method. Soil & Tillage Research 223: 105450.
  50. Tuyishime, O., M. Strömgren, A. Joel, I. Messing, F.X. Naramabuye and I. Wesström. 2022. Deep drainage lowers methane and nitrous oxide emissions from rice fields in a semi-arid environment in Rwanda. Soil Systems 6 (4): 84.
  51. Guillaume B., H.A. Boukbida, G. Bakker, A. Bieganowski, Y. Brostaux, W. Cornelis, W. Durner, C. Hartmann, B.V. Iversen, M. Javaux, J. Ingwersen, K. Lamorski, A. Lamparter, A. Makó, A.M. Mingot Soriano, I. Messing, A. Nemes, A. Pomes-Bordedebat, M. van der Ploeg, T.K.D. Weber, L. Weihermüller, J. Wellens and A. Degré. 2023. Reproducibility of the wet part of the soil water retention curve: a European interlaboratory comparison. Soil 9: 365-379.
  52. Messing, I., A.M. Mingot Soriano, D. Nimblad Svensson and J. Barron. 2024. Variability and compatibility in determining soil particle size distribution by sieving, sedimentation and laser diffraction methods. Soil & Tillage Research 238:105987.


Non employee at the Department of Soil and Environment; Agricultural water management
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Institutionen för mark och miljö
Box 7014
750 07 Uppsala
Visiting address: Lennart Hjelms väg 9, Uppsala