Isabel Blanco Penedo

I am really interested in better knowledge and care on farm animal health and welfare under a global changing world full of challenges!! All with a huge impact on the improvement of farm sustainability.
My Research focus is: animal health and welfare, farm systems. Organic farming, farm sustainability and climatic change impact on livestock. Background on veterinary advisory to organic farms. Permanent member of the EU Expert Group on Organic Production (EGTOP).
Lecturer on International and National Master programs on Organic Farming, Farm Sustainability, Animal Welfare and Antimicrobials and Epidemiology in Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Mexico and Sweden (2014-present).
Lecturer at the Department of Animal Pathology (Clinical Examination, Physiopathology, and Sampling and Interpretation of Laboratorial analysis). (USC) 2008-2009.
Teaching assistant at the Department of Animal Pathology (Physiopathology, Clinical Examination, Clinical Pathology, and Reproductive Pathology) (USC). 2004-2007.
Ongoing projects
Rethinking Of Antimicrobial Decision-systems in the Management of Animal Production
Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus in Humans, Animals and Ticks in Kenya
FreeWalk – an innovative way to keep dairy cows (research assistant)
Development of an animal welfare assessment protocol in the context of the Argentinian meat production system
Finished projects
Welfare assessment of dairy cows in small scale farming system
Characterization and efficiency of agroecosystems for production of sustainable Iberian pigs
IMPRO – Impact matrix analysis and cost-benefit calculations to improve management practices regarding health status in organic dairy farming.
Livestock modeling on European agriculture with climate change for food security.
Data Driven Dairy Decisions 4 Farmers (involved first semester).
Study of mandatory origin labeling for pig, poultry and sheep & goat meat. Directorate General for agriculture and rural development. (2012-2013).
Regulation of soil organic matter and nutritional turnover in organic agriculture. Reference deutsche forschungsgemeinschaft reference: GRK 1397 (2007-2015).
Influence of the farm system (conventional, intensive, organic) to the accumulation of essential metals and contaminants in cattle and pigs of Galicia.
Competitive research grants, last 10 years
Crimean Congo Haemorrhagic Fever Virus in Humans, Animals and Ticks in Kenya. (2020 - 2021). Vetenskaprådet. SLU applicant. 800,000 kr
Understanding antibiotic use decision making in contrasting countries and animal species - On the road to reducing antimicrobial resistance for all. (2020 - 2023). Formas. Co-applicant. Budget 2.9 million kr.
Rethinking Of Antimicrobial Decision-systems in the Management of Animal Production. (2019 -2023). H2020-SFS-2018-2020 Sustainable Food Security. Swedish applicant. Budget € 6,034,536.25.
Desarrollo de protocolo para la evaluación del bienestar animal en la producción de carne bovina argentina. IPCVA. Scientific collaborator. (2017-2020). $420.000
Characterization and efficiency of agroecosystems for production of sustainable iberian pigs. (2014-2018). Spanish Research Council. Main applicant. €108.823,2
Preparatory work for the scientific opinion on welfare assessment of dairy cows in small scale farming systems. (2014-2015). EFSA. Main Spanish applicant. €36.040,86.
Livestock modelling on European agriculture with climate change for food security. Macsur. (2015 - 2017). facce-jpi (joint programming initiative for agriculture, climate change, and food security Spanish applicant: € 16.000.
IMPRO – Impact matrix analysis and cost-benefit calculations to improve management practices regarding health status in organic dairy farming, EC/FP7, € 438 810. Project period 2012-2016. Spanish applicant. Part of a joint European project totalling € 2 765 787.
Instituto De Investigación Tecnología de Alimentos (INTA, Argentina), Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias (Buenos Aires, Argentina); Departamento de Etología, Fauna Silvestre y Animales de Laboratorio (UNAM, México), Instituto de Ciencias Agropecuarias y Rurales ICAR (México), Producción Animal y Gestión de Empresas (UCO, Spain), Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (Aberystwyth, UK), IRTA Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (Spain), Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas de Extremadura (Spain)
Postdoc in Veterinary Epidemiology. Division of Ruminant Medicine and Veterinary Epidemiology, Clinical Sciences Department, (SLU), 2009-2011.
European mention Doctoral Degree. (University of Santiago de Compostela, USC), 2008.
Degree of Veterinary Medicine (USC), 2003.
Docent at the University of Santiago de Compostela, USC, Spain 2009.
Professional experience
Research Institutions: Scientist Researcher IRTA (2012-2016), SLU (2009-2011), Lecturer at USC, 2008-2009
Institutional: Veterinarian of Public Health Service. Xunta de Galicia, 2007, 2008
Private companies: Veterinary Advisor and Researcher, Agronovo Ecoloxía SL. 2012.
On-going PhD-students:
César García Pérez "Relationship and influence of Animal Welfare on dairy production in Holstein cows in the Northeast of Spain". Co-Supervisor
Gabriela Martínez Álvarez, "Digital Innovation to support udder health on small scale dairy farms". Co-supervisor
Past experience:
Javier García Gudiño. "Characterization and efficiency of agroecosystems for greater sustainability of Iberian pig production". Main Supervisor. 2021.
Lourdes Sanmartin Sánchez "Determination of indicators of Horse Welfare, evaluation and impact on gene expression applied to Horse Breeding of the Armed Forces". 2016.
Selected publications
Only selected publications. See Researchgate for a complete list.
Blanco-Penedo I, Velarde A, Kipling R P., Ruete, A. (2020). Modelling heat stress under organic dairy farming conditions in warm temperate climates within the Mediterranean basin. Climatic Change. (4th August accepted).
Blanco-Penedo I, W Ouweltjes, E Ofner-Schröck, K Brügemann, U Emanuelson. (2020). Animal welfare in Free Walk systems in Europe. Journal of Dairy Science 103 (6): 5773-5782.
Garcia-Gudiño J., A.N.T.R. Monteiro, S. Espagnol, I. Blanco-Penedo, F. Garcia-Launay (2020). Life Cycle Assessment of Iberian traditional pig production system in Spain. Sustainability 12:627.
L Sanmartín Sánchez, I Blanco-Penedo, J Manuel Perea Muñoz, C Quiñones Pérez, J Vicente Delgado, J L Vega-Pla. (2020). Welfare Assessment at a Spanish Army Equine Breeding Centre. Italian Journal of Animal Science 19:1, 137-146
Blanco-Penedo I., K. Sjöström, P. Jones, M. Krieger, J. Duval, F. van Soest, A. Sundrum, U. Emanuelson. (2019). Structural characteristics of organic dairy farms in Europe and their association with implementation of animal health plans. Agricultural Systems. Agricultural Systems Volume 173, 244-253.
Tamminen, L-M, U Emanuelson, I Blanco-Penedo (2018). Systematic review of phytotherapic treatments for different farm animals under European conditions. Front. Vet. Sci. Volume 5, Article 140, 1-11.
Blanco-Penedo I, C Fernández González, L-M Tamminen, A Sundrum, U Emanuelson. (2018). Priorities and future actions for an effective use of phytotherapy in livestock – outputs from an expert workshop. Front. Vet. Sci. 4 (248).
Cerqueira J. L., J. P. Araújo, J. Cantalapiedra, I. Blanco-Penedo. (2018). How is the association of teat-end severe hyperkeratosis on udder health and dairy cow behavior? Revue Méd. Vét 169, 1-3, 30-37.
Cerqueira J.O.L., J.P.P. Araújo, I. Blanco-Penedo, J. Cantalapiedra, J.T. Sorensen, J.J.R. Niza-Ribeiro. (2017). Relationships between stepping and kicking behaviour and milking management in dairy cattle herds. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research 19, 72-77.
A. Velarde, E. Fàbrega, I. Blanco-Penedo, A. Dalmau. (2015). Animal welfare towards sustainability in meat production. Meat Science 109, 13–17.
Cerqueira, J.O.L., Araújo, J.P.P., Vaz, P.S., Cantalapiedra, J., Blanco-Penedo, I., Niza-Ribeiro, J.J.R. (2013). Relationship between zoometric measurements in Holstein-Friesian cow and cubicle size in dairy farms. International Journal of Morphology 31(1): 55-63.