Jan Bengtsson
I took my Ph D in Animal Ecology at Uppsala University in the 1980ies, doing studies on the dynamics and species interactions in Daphnia metapopulations in rockpools. After moving to SLU in 1989, I have thanks to my eminent students and collaborators also studied diversity and ecosystem services (mainly biological control, pollinators and soil processes) in production landscapes (forests, agriculture and grasslands), spatial variation in soil communities, how fires affect soil organisms, and springtail diversity and ecosystem processes in the hyperdiverse Fynbos biome, South Africa. We have examined the importance of biodiversity for ecosystem functioning, management of production landscapes for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services supply, trade-offs between ecosystem services, and scenarios for future agriculture. I am also interested in the long term dynamics of communities.
I was a member of the steering group for the SLU program on ”Future agriculture” between 2009 and 2017, and have contributed to the Mapping and Assessing Ecosystem Services (MAES) in Europe. I have been an advisor for The Swedish Road Authority (regional), the Swedish Board of Agriculture, and several research councils and universities internationally. I was a visting scientist at the Centre for Population Biology at Silwood Park (UK) in the 1990s, at the Beijer institute of Ecological Economics (Stockholm, SE), at the Centre for Invasion Biology in Stellenbosch, and at Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Studies (STIAS; South Africa).
I am also interested in making music (or as someone called it, sound sculptures). You can hear some of it here (or you can send me a mail if the links don’t work):
Elephants watching the night train from Port Elizabeth (2014)
How the world bank failed Africa (2007) (with Jonas Palm)
Commando SLU: Kunskap & nytta (2009)
I have been teaching on courses in the Masters-program in Sustainable development (joint program at SLU and Uppsala University) - Society & Environment and Our Natural Resources; on the course Sustainability Ecology, and on the introduction course for Biologists/Environmental sciences and Soil-plant-agronomists. Earlier on I also taught Conservation Biology and Landscape Ecology at SLU. I have now partly retired and don't teach on a regular basis anymore.
I took my undergraduate and Ph D at Uppsala University, Department of Zoology (in ecology), and then I moved to SLU in 1989. It seems I will retire here.
Selected publications
Selected publications (If you don´t find them, mail me to get a pdf)
Recent and interesting publications
Bengtsson, J. & R. Bommarco. 2023. Biodiversity friendly landscapes – A question with many solutions. In: Defining Agroecology – A Festschrift for Teja Tscharntke. Eds.: Dormann, C.F., Batáry, P., Grass, I., Klein, A.-M., Loos, J., Scherber, C., Steffan-Dewenter, I. & Wanger, T.C. Tredition, Hamburg, pp. 83-112 (download: https://pub.epsilon.slu.se/33044/1/bengtsson-j-et-al-20240228.pdf)
Netherway, T., J. Bengtsson, F. Buegger, J. Fritscher, J. Oja, K. Pritsch, F. Hildebrand, E. Krab & M. Bahram. 2023. Pervasive associations of dark septate endophytic fungi with tree root and soil microbiomes across Europe. Nature Communications NCOMMS-22-24604C
Pérez-Izquierdo, L., J. Bengtsson, K.E. Clemmensen, G. Granath, M.J. Gundale, T.S. Ibáñez, B.D. Lindahl, J. Strengbom, A. Taylor, M. Viketoft, D.A. Wardle & M-C. Nilsson. 2023. Fire behavior as a key determinant of aboveground and belowground biological community recovery in managed even-aged boreal forests. Ecology and Evolution 13:e10086
Ortman, T., E. Sandström, J. Bengtsson, C. Watson & G. Bergqvist. 2023. Farmers’ motivations for landrace cereal cultivation in Sweden. Biological Agriculture & Horticulture 39: 247-268.
Snäll, T., M. Triviño, L. Mair, J. Bengtsson & J. Moen. 2021. High rates of short-term dynamics of forest ecosystem services. Nature Sustainability 4: 951-957
Janion-Scheepers, C., J. Bengtsson, G.A. Duffy, L. Deharveng, H.P. Leinaas & S.L. Chown. 2020. High spatial turnover in springtails of the Cape Floristic Region. Journal of Biogeography 47: 1007-1018 (download: https://doi.org/10.1111/jbi.13801)
Nkurunziza, L., C.A. Watson, I. Öborn, H. Smith, G. Bergkvist & J. Bengtsson. 2020. Socio-ecological factors determine crop performance in agricultural systems. Scientific Reports 10: 4232 (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-60927-1)
In Swedish
(For whose of you who want to read some more popular things. Or would like to test google translate ...):
Two chapters from a book on biodiversity:
Bengtsson J. 2021. Scenarier för biologisk mångfald i en oförutsägbar framtid. Sid. 303-317 i Tunon H. & Sandell K. (red) Biologisk mångfald, naturnyttor och ekosystemtjänster. CBMs skriftserie 121. SLU, Centrum för Biologisk Mångfald, Uppsala. (https://www.slu.se/globalassets/ew/org/centrb/cbm/dokument/publikationer-cbm/antologi-bm/44-scenarier-for-biologisk-mangfald.pdf)
Bengtsson J. & T. Hilding.-Rydevik. 2021. Att bejaka och respektera vårt ömsesidiga beroende. Sid. 349-363 i Tunon H. & Sandell K. (red) Biologisk mångfald, naturnyttor och ekosystemtjänster. CBMs skriftserie 121. SLU, Centrum för Biologisk Mångfald, Uppsala. (https://www.slu.se/globalassets/ew/org/centrb/cbm/dokument/publikationer-cbm/antologi-bm/51-at-t-bejaka-och-respektera-vart-omsesidiga-beroende.pdf or mail me if you want a pdf)
Bengtsson, J. & Cederberg, C. 2017. Framtidens lantbruksprogram och de stora utmaningarna. Sid. 171-178 i Så här ligger landet. Tankar om landsbygdsprogrammet och landsbygdsutveckling. Jordbruksverket 2017. (Mail me if you want a pdf)
Bengtsson, J. 2016. Åkermarken en del av landskapet – att värna om ekosystemtjänster. I: Jorden vi ärvde – vad gör vi med den? Mark – vatten – mat – miljö, sid 7-24. Red. B. Johansson, L. Jonsell, L. Prage & G. Öbrink. Uppsala Senioruniversitet. (Mail me if you want a pdf)
Articles in English
Ecosystem services and biodiversity in production landscapes
Bengtsson, J. & R. Bommarco. 2023. Biodiversity friendly landscapes – A question with many solutions. In: Defining Agroecology – A Festschrift for Teja Tscharntke. Eds.: Dormann, C.F., Batáry, P., Grass, I., Klein, A.-M., Loos, J., Scherber, C., Steffan-Dewenter, I. & Wanger, T.C. Tredition, Hamburg, pp. 83-112.
Lindborg, R., L.J. Gordon, R. Malinga, J. Bengtsson, G. Peterson, R. Bommarco, L. Deutsch, A. Gren, M. Rundlöf & H. G. Smith. 2017. How spatial scale shapes the generation and management of multiple ecosystem services. Ecosphere 8(4):e01741. 10.1002/ecs2.1741
Rist, L., A. Felton, M. Nyström, M. Troell, R. Sponseller, J. Bengtsson, H. Österblom, R. Lindborg, P. Tidåker, D.G. Angeler, R. Milestad & J. Moen. 2014. Applying resilience thinking to production ecosystems. Ecosphere 5(6): 73 (Open access)
Bengtsson, J., Angelstam, P., Elmqvist, T., Emanuelsson, U., Folke, C., Ihse, M., Moberg, F. & Nyström, M. 2003. Reserves, resilience and dynamic landscapes. Ambio 32: 389-396.
Elmqvist, T., Folke, C., Nyström, M., Peterson, G., Norberg, J., Bengtsson, J. & Walker, B. 2003. Response diversity and ecosystem resilience. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 1: 488-494.
Loreau, M., Naeem, S., Inchausti, P., Bengtsson, J., Grime, J.P., Hector, A., Hooper, D.U., Huston, M.A., Raffaelli, D., Schmid, B., Tilman, D. & Wardle, D.A. 2001. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning: Current Knowledge and Future Challenges. Science 294: 804-808
Bengtsson, J. 1998. Which species? What kind of diversity? Which ecosystem function? Some problems in studies of relations between biodiversity and ecosystem function. Applied Soil Ecology 10: 191-199.
Forest landscapes
Snäll, T., M. Triviño, L. Mair, J. Bengtsson & J. Moen. 2021. High rates of short-term dynamics of forest ecosystem services. Nature Sustainability 4: 951-957
Pohjanmies, T., K. Eyvindson, M. Triviño, J. Bengtsson & M. Mönkkönen. 2021. Forest multifunctionality is not resilient to intensive forestry. European Journal of Forestry, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10342-020-01348-7
Jonsson, M., J. Bengtsson, L. Gamfeldt, J. Moen & T. Snäll. 2020. Stand age and climate influence forest ecosystem service delivery and multifunctionality. Environmental Research Letters 15: 0940a8
(with video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMSTcw3fZn4&feature=youtu.be)
Jonsson, M., J. Bengtsson, L. Gamfeldt, J. Moen & T. Snäll. 2019. Levels of forest ecosystem services depend on specific mixtures of commercial tree species. Nature Plants 5: 141-147 (doi.org/10.1038/s41477-018-0346-z)
Gamfeldt, L., T. Snäll, R. Bagchi, M. Jonsson, L. Gustafsson, P. Kjellander, M. C. Ruiz-Jaen, M. Fröberg, J. Stendahl, C. D. Philipson, G. Mikusiński, E. Andersson, B. Westerlund, H. Andrén, F. Moberg, J. Moen & J.Bengtsson. 2013. Higher levels of multiple ecosystem services are found in forests with more tree species. Nature Communications 4:1340 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2328. Open access: http://www.nature.com/ncomms/journal/v4/n1/pdf/ncomms2328.pdf
Bengtsson, J., Nilsson, S-G., Franc, A. & Menozzi, P. 2000. Biodiversity, disturbances, ecosystem processes and sustainability of European forests. Forest Ecology and Management 132: 39-50
Bengtsson, J., Persson, T. & Lundkvist, H. 1997. Long-term effects of logging residue addition and removal on macroarthropods and enchytraeids. Journal of Applied Ecology 34: 1014-102232.
Saetre, P., Sturesson Saetre, L. Brandtberg, P-O, Lundkvist H. & Bengtsson, J. 1997. Ground vegetation cover and heterogeneity in mixed stands of Norway spruce and birch, and pure Norway spruce stands. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 27: 2034-2042
Saetre, P., Bengtsson, J., Lundkvist, H. & Brandtberg, P-O. 1999. Soil organisms and carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus mineralisation in pure Norway spruce and mixed Norway spruce - birch stands. Biology and Fertility of Soils 28: 382-388
Brandtberg, P-O., Lundkvist, H. & Bengtsson, J. 2000. Changes in forest floor chemistry changes caused by a birch admixture in Norway spruce stands. Forest Ecology and Management 130: 253-264
Bengtsson, J., J.M. Bullock, B. Egoh, C. Everson, T. Everson, T. O’Connor, P.J. O’Farrell, H.G. Smith & R. Lindborg. 2019. Grasslands — more important for ecosystem services than you might think. Ecosphere 10(2):e02582. (10.1002/ecs2.2582)
Egoh, B.N., J. Bengtsson, R. Lindborg, J.M. Bullock, A.P. Dixon & M. Rouget. 2016. The importance of grasslands in providing ecosystem services: Opportunities for poverty alleviation. Ch. 34, pp. 421-441 in Potschin, M., R. Haines-Young, R. Fish & R.K. Turner (editors) Routledge Handbook of Ecosystem Services. Routledge, UK.
Sjödin, E., Bengtsson, J. & Ekbom B. 2008. The influence of grazing intensity and landscape composition on pollinator diversity. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 763-772.
Lindborg, R., J. Bengtsson, Å. Berg, S.A.O. Cousins, O. Eriksson, T. Gustafsson, K.P. Hasund, L. Lenoir, A. Pihlgren, E. Sjödin & M. Stenseke. 2008. A holistic landscape approach to conservation of Swedish semi-natural grasslands. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 125: 213-222.
Lindborg, R., M. Stenseke, S. A. O. Cousins, J. Bengtsson, Å. Berg, O. Eriksson, T. Gustafsson & N.E. Sjödin. 2009. Investigating biodiversity trajectories using scenarios--lessons from two contrasting agricultural landscapes. Journal of Environmental Management 91: 499-508
Agricultural landscapes
Tuck, S.L., C. Winqvist, F. Mota, J. Ahnström, L.A. Turnbull & J. Bengtsson. 2014. Land-use intensity and the effects of organic farming on biodiversity: a hierarchical meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Ecology 51: 746-755.
Emmerson, M., M.B. Morales, J.J. Oñate, P. Batáry, F. Berendse, J. Liira., T. Aavik, I. Guerrero, R. Bommarco, S. Eggers, T. Pärt, T. Tscharntke, W. Weisser, L. Clement & J. Bengtsson. 2016. How Agricultural Intensification Affects Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Advances in Ecological Research, 55: 43-97
Geiger F., J. Bengtsson, F. Berendse, W.W. Weisser, M. Emmerson, M.B. Morales, P. Ceryngier, J. Liira, T. Tscharntke, C. Winqvist, S. Eggers, R. Bommarco, T. Pärt, V. Bretagnolle, M. Plantegenest, L. W. Clement, C. Dennis, C. Palmer, J. J. Oñate, I. Guerrero, V. Hawro, J. Rajchard, T. Aavik, C. Thies, A. Flohre, S. Hänke, C. Fischer, P.W. Goedhart & P. Inchausti. 2010. Persistent negative effects of pesticides on biodiversity and biological control potential on European farmland. Basic and Applied Ecology 11: 97-105.
Bengtsson, J. 2015. Biological control as an ecosystem service: partitioning contributions of nature and human inputs to yield. Ecological Entomology 40 (Suppl. 1): 45–55. Open access: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/een.12247/epdf
Ortman, T., E. Sandström, J. Bengtsson, C. Watson & G. Bergqvist. 2023. Farmers’ motivations for landrace cereal cultivation in Sweden. Biological Agriculture & Horticulture 39: 247-268.
Nkurunziza, L., C.A. Watson, I. Öborn, H. Smith, G. Bergkvist & J. Bengtsson. 2020. Socio-ecological factors determine crop performance in agricultural systems. Scientific Reports 10: 4232 (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-60927-1)
Carmona, C.P., I. Guerrero, B. Peco, M. Morales, J. J. Oñate, T. Pärt, T. Tscharntke, J. Liira, T. Aavik, M. Emmerson, F. Berendse, P. Ceryngier, V. Bretagnolle, W. Weisser & J. Bengtsson. 2020. Agricultural intensification reduces plant taxonomic and functional diversity across European arable systems. Functional Ecology 34: 1448-1460
Plaas, E., F. Meyer-Wolfarth, M. Banse, J. Bengtsson, H. Bergmann, J. Faber, M. Potthoff, T. Runge, S. Schrader & A. Taylor. 2019. Towards valuation of biodiversity in agricultural soils: a case for earthworms. Ecological Economics 159: 291-300.
Birkhofer, K., G.K.S. Andersson, J. Bengtsson, R. Bommarco, J. Dänhardt, B. Ekbom, J. Ekroos, T. Hahn, K. Hedlund, A.M. Jönsson, R. Lindborg, O. Olsson, R. Rader, A. Rusch, M. Stjernman, A. Williams, H.G. Smith. 2018. Relationships between multiple biodiversity components and ecosystem services along a landscape complexity gradient. Biological Conservation 218: 247–253
Ahnström, J., Å. Berg, J. Bengtsson, L. Hallgren, J. Björklund & W.J. Boonstra. 2013. Farmers’ interest in nature and its relation to biodiversity in arable fields. International Journal of Ecology (http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/617352)
Winqvist, C., J. Bengtsson, T. Aavik, F. Berendse, L.W. Clement, S. Eggers, C. Fischer, A. Flohre, F. Geiger, S. Hänke, J. Liira, T. Pärt, C. Thies, T. Tscharntke, W.Weisser & R. Bommarco. 2011. Mixed effects of organic farming and landscape complexity on farmland biodiversity and biological control potential across Europe. Journal of Applied Ecology 48: 570–579
Jonason, D., G.K.S. Andersson, E. Öckinger, H.G. Smith, M. Rundlöf & J. Bengtsson. 2011. Assessing the effect of the time since transition to organic farming on plants and butterflies. Journal of Applied Ecology 48: 543–550
Rundlöf, M., Bengtsson, J. & Smith, H.G. 2008 Local and landscape effects of organic farming on butterfly species richness and abundance. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 813-820.
Bengtsson, J., Ahnström, J. & Weibull, A-C. 2005. The effects of organic farming on biodiversity and abundance: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Ecology 42: 261-269 (but check the update, Tuck et al. above)
Östman. Ö., Ekbom, B. & Bengtsson, J. 2003. Yield increase attributable to aphid predation by ground-living polyphagous natural enemies in spring barley in Sweden. Ecological Economics 45, 149-158.
Östman, Ö., Ekbom, B. & Bengtsson, J. 2001. Landscape heterogeneity and farming practice influence biological control. Basic and Applied Ecology 2: 365-371
Urban ecology
Ignatieva, M., F. Eriksson, T. Eriksson, T. Kätterer, P. Tidåker, J. Wissman, K. Ahrné, J. Bengtsson & Hedblom, M. 2020. Pros and cons of transdisciplinary research: A case study of Swedish lawns and their sustainable alternatives. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 56: 126799.
Ignatieva, M., K. Ahrné, J. Wissman, T. Eriksson, P. Tidåker ,M. Hedblom, T. Kätterer, H. Marstorp, P. Berg, T. Eriksson & J. Bengtsson. 2015. Lawn as a cultural and ecological phenomenon: conceptual framework for an interdisciplinary research. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 14: 383–387.
Ahrné, K., J. Bengtsson & T. Elmqvist. 2009. Bumble Bees (Bombus spp) along a gradient of increasing urbanization. PloS one 4(5): e5574.
Community ecology
Janion-Scheepers, C., J. Bengtsson, G.A. Duffy, L. Deharveng, H.P. Leinaas & S.L. Chown. 2020. High spatial turnover in springtails of the Cape Floristic Region. Journal of Biogeography 47: 1007-1018 (https://doi.org/10.1111/jbi.13801)
Astor, T., T. von Proschwitz, J. Strengbom, L. Lenoir, M.P. Berg & J. Bengtsson. 2017. Importance of environmental and spatial components for species and trait composition in terrestrial snail communities. Journal of Biogeography 44: 1362-1372.
Widenfalk L., A. Malmström, M.P. Berg & J. Bengtsson. 2016. Small-scale Collembola community composition in a pine forest soil: Overdispersion in functional traits indicates the importance of species interactions. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 103: 52-62
Astor, T., M.P. Berg, L. Lenoir, J. Strengbom & J. Bengtsson. 2014. Trait convergence and divergence in terrestrial snail communities on islands. Ecology and Evolution, doi: 10.1002/ece3.1084
Leinaas, H.P., J. Bengtsson, C. Janion & S.L. Chown. 2015. Indirect effects of habitat disturbance on invasion: nutritious litter from a grazing resistant plant favors alien over native Collembola. Ecology and Evolution; doi:10-1002/ece3.1483
Wolters, V., Bengtsson, J. & Zaitsev, A.S. 2006. Relationship among the species richness of different taxa. Ecology 87: 1886-1895
Bengtsson, J., Baillie, S.A. & Lawton, J. 1997. Community variability increases over time. Oikos 78: 249-256
Zheng, D.W., Bengtsson, J. & Ågren, G. 1997. Soil food webs and ecosystem processes: Decomposition in donor-control and Lotka-Volterra systems. American Naturalist 149: 125-148
Bengtsson, J. 1989. Interspecific competition increases local extinction rate in a metapopulation system. Nature 340: 713-715
Soil ecology
Netherway, T., J. Bengtsson, F. Buegger, J. Fritscher, J. Oja, K. Pritsch, F. Hildebrand, E. Krab & M. Bahram. 2023. Pervasive associations of dark septate endophytic fungi with tree root and soil microbiomes across Europe. Nature Communications NCOMMS-22-24604C
Pérez-Izquierdo, L., J. Bengtsson, K.E. Clemmensen, G. Granath, M.J. Gundale, T.S. Ibáñez, B.D. Lindahl, J. Strengbom, A. Taylor, M. Viketoft, D.A. Wardle & M-C. Nilsson. 2023. Fire behavior as a key determinant of aboveground and belowground biological community recovery in managed even-aged boreal forests. Ecology and Evolution 13:e10086
Netherway, T., J. Bengtsson, E.J. Krab & M. Bahram. 2021. Mycorrhizal ecosystem interactions as an extended nutrient acquisition strategy shaping forest soil communities and functions. Basic and Applied Ecology 50: 25-42.
Astor, T., T. von Proschwitz, J. Strengbom, L. Lenoir, M.P. Berg & J. Bengtsson. 2017. Importance of environmental and spatial components for species and trait composition in terrestrial snail communities. Journal of Biogeography 44: 1362-1372.
Widenfalk L., A. Malmström, M.P. Berg & J. Bengtsson. 2016. Small-scale Collembola community composition in a pine forest soil: Overdispersion in functional traits indicates the importance of species interactions. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 103: 52-62
Zaitsev, A.S., K.B. Gongalsky, A. Malmström, T. Persson & J. Bengtsson. 2016. Why are forest fires generally neglected in soil fauna research? A mini-review. Applied Soil Ecology 98: 261-271
Leinaas, H.P., J. Bengtsson, C. Janion & S.L. Chown. 2015. Indirect effects of habitat disturbance on invasion: nutritious litter from a grazing resistant plant favors alien over native Collembola. Ecology and Evolution; doi:10-1002/ece3.1483
Widenfalk, L.A., J. Bengtsson, Å. Berggren, K. Zwiggelaar, E. Spijkman, F. Huyer-Brugman & M.P. Berg. 2015. Spatially structured environmental filtering of collembolan traits in late successional salt marsh vegetation. Oecologia 179: 537–549
Astor, T., M.P. Berg, L. Lenoir, J. Strengbom & J. Bengtsson. 2014. Trait convergence and divergence in terrestrial snail communities on islands. Ecology and Evolution, doi: 10.1002/ece3.1084
Zaitsev, A.S., K.B. Gongalsky, T. Persson & J. Bengtsson. 2014. Connectivity of litter islands remaining after a fire and unburnt forest determines the recovery of soil fauna. Applied Soil Ecology 83: 101-108
Malmström, A., T. Persson, K. Ahlström, K.B. Gongalsky & J. Bengtsson. 2009. Dynamics of soil meso- and macrofauna during a 5-year period after clear-cut burning in a boreal forest. Applied Soil Ecology 43: 61-74.
Viketoft M., J. Bengtsson, B. Sohlenius, M.P. Berg, O. Petchey, C. Palmborg, and K. Huss-Danell. 2009. Long-term effects of plant diversity and composition on soil nematode communities in grasslands. Ecology 90: 90-99.
Berg M.P. & Bengtsson J. 2007. Temporal and spatial variability in soil food web structure. Oikos 116: 1789-1804
Lindberg, N. & Bengtsson, J. 2006. Recovery of forest soil fauna diversity and composition after repeated summer droughts. Oikos 114: 496-506
Bengtsson, J., Lundkvist, H., Saetre, P., Sohlenius, B. & Solbreck, B. 1998. Effects of organic matter removal on the soil food web: Forestry practices meet ecological theory. Applied Soil Ecology 9: 137-143
Zheng, D.W., Bengtsson, J. & Ågren, G. 1997. Soil food webs and ecosystem processes: Decomposition in donor-control and Lotka-Volterra systems. American Naturalist 149: 125-148
Bengtsson, J. 1994. Temporal predictability in forest soil communities. Journal of Animal Ecology 63: 653-665.
South Africa
Janion-Scheepers, C., J. Bengtsson, G.A. Duffy, L. Deharveng, H.P. Leinaas & S.L. Chown. 2020. High spatial turnover in springtails of the Cape Floristic Region. Journal of Biogeography 47: 1007-1018 (https://doi.org/10.1111/jbi.13801)
Birkhofer, K., M.F. Addison, F. Arvidsson, C. Bazelet, J. Bengtsson, D. Conlong, C. Haddad, C. Janion-Scheepers, F. R. Lindborg, S. Louw, A.P. Malan, S. Storey, W.J. Swart & P. Addison. 2019. Effects of ground cover management on biotic communities and ecosystem services and disservices in organic fruit orchards in South Africa. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 3/107.
Janion-Scheepers C., J. Bengtsson, H.P. Leinaas, L. Deharveng & S.L. Chown. 2016. The response of springtails to fire in the fynbos of the Western Cape, South Africa. Applied Soil Ecology 108: 165-175
Leinaas, H.P., J. Bengtsson, C. Janion & S.L. Chown. 2015. Indirect effects of habitat disturbance on invasion: nutritious litter from a grazing resistant plant favors alien over native Collembola. Ecology and Evolution; doi:10-1002/ece3.1483
Bengtsson, J., C. Janion , S.L. Chown & H.P. Leinaas. 2012. Litter decomposition in fynbos vegetation, South Africa. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 47: 100-105
Janion C., A. Bedos, J. Bengtsson, L. Deharveng, B. Jansen van Vuuren, H. P. Leinaas, A. Liu, A. Malmström, D. Porco & S.L. Chown. 2011. Springtail diversity in South Africa: Benefits from bilaterals. South African Journal of Science 107, #582, pp. 75-81
Bengtsson, J., C. Janion , S.L. Chown & H.P. Leinaas. 2011. Variation in decomposition rates in the fynbos biome, South Africa: the role of plant species and plant stoichiometry. Oecologia 165: 225–235
Future Agriculture and sustainability
Öborn, I., J. Bengtsson, F. Hedenus, L. Rydhmer, M. Stenström, K. Vrede, C. Westin & U. Magnusson. 2013. Scenario development as a basis for formulating a research program on future agriculture: A methodological approach. Ambio 42: 822-39
Bengtsson, J. 2013. In which ways could modern biotechnology be part of sustainable agriculture? Svensk Utsädesförenings Tidskrift 1-2013: 14-26
Magnusson, U., Andersson Djurfeldt, A., Håkansson, T., Hårsmar, M, MacDermott, J., Nyberg, G., Stenström, M., Vrede, K., Wredle E. & Bengtsson, J. 2012. A contribution to the discussion on Critical research issues for future sub-Saharan African agriculture. SLU, Uppsala
Öborn, I., U. Magnusson, J. Bengtsson, K. Vrede, E. Fahlbeck, E. Steen Jensen, C. Westin, T. Jansson, F. Hedenus, H. Lindholm Schulz, M. Stenström, B. Jansson & L. Rydhmer. 2011. Five Scenarios for 2050 – Conditions for Agriculture and Land Use. SLU, Uppsala.
Bengtsson, J., U. Magnusson, L. Rydhmer, E. Steen Jensen, K. Vrede & I. Öborn. 2010. Future Agriculture – Livestock, Crops and Land Use. A Strategic Programme for Research. SLU, Uppsala.
Jackson, L., M. van Noordwijk, J. Bengtsson, W. Foster, L. Lipper, M. Pulleman, M. Said, J. Snaddon & R. Vodouhe. 2010. Biodiversity and agricultural sustainagility: from assessment to adaptive management. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2: 80–87.
Metapopulation ecology of rockpool Daphnia
Bengtsson, J. & Ebert, D. 1998. Distributions and impacts of microparasites on Daphnia in rockpool metapopulations. Oecologia 115: 213-221
Bengtsson, J. & Milbrink, G. 1995. Predicting extinctions: Interspecific competition, predation, and population variability in experimental Daphnia populations. Oecologia 101: 397-406
Bengtsson, J. 1991. Interspecific competition in metapopulations. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 42: 219-237.
Bengtsson, J. 1989. Interspecific competition increases local extinction rate in a metapopulation system. Nature 340: 713-715
Some book chapters
Egoh, B.N., J. Bengtsson, R. Lindborg, J.M. Bullock, A.P. Dixon & M. Rouget. 2016. The importance of grasslands in providing ecosystem services: Opportunities for poverty alleviation. Ch. 34, pp. 421-441 in Potschin, M., R. Haines-Young, R. Fish & R.K. Turner (editors) Routledge Handbook of Ecosystem Services. Routledge, UK.
Bengtsson, J. 2010. Applied (meta)community ecology: diversity and ecosystem services at the intersection of local and regional processes. Chapter 9 in Verhoef, H.A. & Morin, P.J. (eds) Community Ecology. pp. 115-130. Oxford University Press.
Bengtsson, J., Engelhardt, K., Giller, P., Hobbie, S., Lawrence, D., Levine, J., Vilà, M. & Wolters, V. 2002. Slippin' and slidin' between the scales: the scaling components of biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relations. Pp. 209-220 in Loreau, M., Naeem, S. & Inchausti, P. (eds.), Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning: Synthesis and Perspectives. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
Persson, L., Bengtsson, J., Menge, B. & Power, M. 1996. Productivity and consumer regulation - concepts, patterns and mechanisms. In: G. Polis & K. Winemiller (eds), Food webs: Patterns and processes, pp. 396-434. Chapman & Hall.
Bengtsson, J. Setälä, H. & Zheng, D.W. 1996. Food webs and nutrient cycling in soils: Interactions and positive feedbacks. In: G. Polis & K. Winemiller (eds), Food webs: Patterns and processes, pp. 30-38. Chapman & Hall.
Bengtsson, J., Zheng, D.W., Ågren, G.I. & Persson, T. 1995. Food webs in soil: An interface between population and ecosystem ecology. In: C.G. Jones & J.H. Lawton (eds.), Linking species and ecosystems, pp. 159-165. Chapman & Hall.
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