Järvi Järveoja

Co-course leader for the 15-credit advanced level course 'Sustainable Management of Boreal Forests' (SG0245)
The main goal of my current research is to improve our understanding on how rewetting affects the biogeochemistry and greenhouse gas dynamics of drained peatland forests in the boreal region of Sweden. I achieve this by eddy covariance measurements of the ecosystem-scale CO2 and CH4 exchanges combined with detailed estimates of spatial variability from plot-scale greenhouse gas flux (incl. CO2, CH4 and N2O) measurements using chambers. An important part of this research is collaboration with various governmental agencies and forest stakeholders to support the development of sustainable and climate-responsible forest management strategies.
In addition, I am interested in understanding how the individual component fluxes of the peatland C cycle (i.e. gross and net primary production, heterotrophic and autotrophic respiration as well as plant-mediated CH4 transport) respond to their biotic and abiotic drivers. More specifically, my work explores the relationship between vegetation development and the relative contribution of these component fluxes during distinct phenological phases. For this purpose, I use manual and automated chambers for quantifying CO2 and CH4 fluxes, monitor a suit of environmental variables and collect comprehensive vegetation data.
Supervision of Postdocs
Lei Gao, Climate impact of rewetting forested peatlands in boreal Sweden, 2024-2026
Cheuk Hei Marcus Tong, Restoration effects on the greenhouse gas balance of historically drained peatland forests in boreal Sweden, 2022-2024
Supervision of PhD students
Alexander Pinkwart, Effects of alternative ditch management strategies on greenhouse gas fluxes in drained boreal forests, 2022-2026
Selected publications
Tong CHM, Noumonvi KD, Ratcliffe J, Laudon H, Järveoja J, Drott A, Nilsson MB, Peichl M (2024) A drained nutrient-poor peatland forest in boreal Sweden constitutes a net carbon sink after integrating terrestrial and aquatic fluxes. Global Change Biology 30(3): e17246
Laudon H, Mosquera V, Eklöf K, Järveoja J, et al. (2023) Consequences of rewetting and ditch cleaning on hydrology, water quality and greenhouse gas balance in a drained northern landscape. Scientific Reports 13: 20218
Rankin T, Roulet N, Humphreys E, Peichl M, Järveoja J (2023) Partitioning autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration in an ombrotrophic bog. Front. Earth Sci. 11:1263418
Noumonvi KD, Ågren A, Ratcliffe J, Öquist M, Ericson L, Tong CHM, Järveoja J, et al. (2023) The Kulbäcksliden Research Infrastructure: a unique setting for northern peatland studies. Frontiers in Earth Science 11:1194749
Laudon H, Lidberg W, Sponseller RA, Hasselquist EM, Westphal F, Östlund L, Sandström C, Järveoja J, Peichl M, Ågren AM (2022) Emerging technology can guide ecosystem restoration for future water security. Hydrological Processes 36: e14729
Lembrechts JJ, van den Hoogen J et al., Järveoja J, et al. (2022) Global maps of soil temperature. Global Change Biology 28(9): 3110-3144
Virkkala A, Natali SM, et al., Järveoja J, et al. (2022) The ABCflux database: Arctic–boreal CO2 flux observations and ancillary information aggregated to monthly time steps across terrestrial ecosystems. Earth System Science Data 14: 179–208
Virkkala A, Aalto J, Rogers BM, Tagesson T, Treat CC, Natali SM, Watts JD, et al., Järveoja J, et al. (2021) Statistical upscaling of ecosystem CO2 fluxes across the terrestrial tundra and boreal domain: regional patterns and uncertainties. Global Change Biology 27: 4040-4059
Järveoja J, Nilsson MB, Crill PM, Peichl M (2020) Bimodal diel pattern in peatland ecosystem respiration rebuts uniform temperature response. Nature Communications, 11: 4255
Bond-Lamberty B, Christianson DS, Malhotra A, Pennington SC, Sihi D, et al., Järveoja J, et al. (2020) COSORE: A community database for continuous soil respiration and other soil-atmosphere greenhouse gas flux data. Global Change Biology 26(12): 7268-7283
Koebsch F, Sonnentag O, Järveoja J, Peltoniemi M, Alekseychik P, Aurela M, et al. (2020) Refining the role of phenology in regulating gross ecosystem productivity across European peatlands. Global Change Biology 26: 876– 887
Nielsen CS, Hasselquist NJ, Nilsson MB, Öquist M, Järveoja J, Peichl M (2019) A novel approach for continuous in-situ quantification of methane oxidation in peatlands. Soil Systems 3(1), 4
Järveoja J, Nilsson MB, Gažovič M, Crill PM, Peichl M (2018) Partitioning of the net CO2 exchange using an automated chamber system reveals plant phenology as key control of production and respiration fluxes in a boreal peatland. Global Change Biology 24: 3436-3451
Pärn J, Verhoeven JTA, Butterbach-Bahl K, Dise NB, Ullah S, Aasa A, Egorov S, Espenberg M, Järveoja J, Jauhiainen J, Kasak K, Klemedtsson L, Kull A … Mander Ü (2018) Nitrogen-rich organic soils under warm well-drained conditions are global nitrous oxide emission hotspots. Nature Communications, 9: 1135
Espenberg M, Truu M, Truu J, Maddison M, Nõlvak H, Järveoja J, Mander Ü (2016) Impact of reed canary grass cultivation and mineral fertilisation on the microbial abundance and genetic potential for methane production in residual peat of an abandoned peat extraction area. PLoS ONE 11(9): e0163864
Järveoja J, Peichl M, Maddison M, Soosaar K, Vellak K, Karofeld E, Teemusk A, Mander Ü (2016) Impact of water table level on annual carbon and greenhouse gas balances of a restored peat extraction area. Biogeosciences, 13: 2637-2651
Järveoja J, Peichl M, Maddison M, Teemusk A, Mander Ü (2016) Full carbon and greenhouse gas balances of fertilized and nonfertilized reed canary grass cultivations on an abandoned peat extraction area in a dry year. Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 8: 952–968
Kasak K, Mander Ü, Truu J, Truu M, Järveoja J, Maddison M, Teemusk A (2015) Alternative filter material removes phosphorus and mitigates greenhouse gas emission in horizontal subsurface flow filters for wastewater treatment. Ecological Engineering, 77: 242–249
Leppelt T, Dechow R, Gebbert S, Freibauer A, Lohila A, Augustin J, Drösler M, Fiedler S, Glatzel S, Höper H, Järveoja J, Lærke PE, Maljanen M, Mander Ü, Mäkiranta P, Minkkinen K, Ojanen P, Regina K, Strömgren M (2014) Nitrous oxide emission budgets and land-use-driven hotspots for organic soils in Europe. Biogeosciences, 11: 6595–6612
Järveoja J, Laht J, Maddison M, Soosaar K, Ostonen I, Mander Ü (2013) Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions on an abandoned peat extraction area by growing reed canary grass: Life-cycle assessment. Regional Environmental Change, 13(4): 781–795
Mander Ü, Järveoja J, Maddison M, Soosaar K, Aavola R, Ostonen I, Salm J-O (2012) Reed canary grass cultivation mitigates greenhouse gas emissions from abandoned peat extraction areas. Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 4: 462–474