Johanna Boberg

I am working as a pest risk analyst at the Unit for Risk Assessment of Plant Pests. I perform pest risk assessments and provide other scientific reports
to support the national risk management of new plant pests in Sweden.
Read more about the unit for risk assessment of plant pests here.
I have a background in research within the field of forest pathology and fungal ecology. In particular, I focused on understanding more about invasive pathogens and the factors that affect their distribution and impact, for example global trade and climate change. I have also been involved in developing methods for detection and monitoring of pathogens and participated in cross‐disciplinary projects on the potential of both ecosystems and society to handle and adapt to emerging plant pathogens.
Selected publications
My publication list at Google Scholar.
Popular science articles in Swedish
Skadegörarna utmanar skogen. Future Forest Syntes 2014. Boberg J, Klapwijk M, Stenlid J, Björkman C.
Svampar och insekter, Rapport från Future Forests 2009-2012, Eds: Björkman C and Stenlid J. Future Forests Report series 2013:5, följande artiklar;
- Tallbarrens svampkarta ritas om. Millberg H. Boberg J. och Stenlid J.
- Bättre koll på luftens svampar med sporfällor. Boberg J. Hopkins A. Oliva J. och Stenlid J.
- Modellering av risker för nya arter i ett förändrat klimat. Boberg J. och Stenlid J.
- Invasiva arter i en föränderlig värld. Klapwijk M. Ammunét T. Boberg J. och Oliva J.
- Ekologiska risker med nya trädslag. Björkman C. Felton A. Boberg J. och Widenfalk O