Johannes Albertsson

I am employed as a researcher at the Department of Biosystems and Technology. I spend most of my time working in a project named SITES (Swedish Infrastructure for Ecosystem Science). SITES is a national infrastructure for ecosystem research that facilitates long-term, field based ecosystem research by offering unique infrastructures and expertise I also teach, e.g. I am the course leader of the crop production course (BI1273).
My research has mainly been focused on the interaction between weeds and willow, a perennial bioenergy crop. The main objective has been to reduce or eliminate the use of herbicides during the establishment phase of the willow crop. I have investigated how willow clones differ in their ability to compete with weeds, and how this ability is affected by the common practice of cutting back first-year shoots. I have also compared the efficiency of chemical and non-chemical weed control methods such as torsion weeders and cover crops. The research has been conducted through large-scale field trials and in close collaboration with farmers and agricultural advisors. I have also been involved in a European project named Climate-CAFÉ. My focus in this project was to obtain new knowledge from Swedish long-term experiments regarding climate change adaptability of different cropping systems.
Course leader for the crop production course (BI1273)
Environmental analysis
Member of the committee for environmental monitoring and assessment, Foman-LTV.
Station manager for SITES Lönnstorp research station
Member of the Committee for SLU Fältforsk
- MSc in Horticultural Sciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 2008
- PhD in Agriculture, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 2014
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