CV page

Jonas Knape

Jonas Knape
I'm interested in the application and development of statistical methods to analyze ecological population data.


  • Methods for and analyses of long term population monitoring data
  • Time series analyses of population dynamics
  • Population dynamics and demography of northern wheatears - with Debora Arlt, Pär Forslund, Matt Low, Matthieu Paquet and Tomas Pärt.
  • Analyses of opportunstic citizen science data



  • poptrend - An R package for estimating population trends using data from count surveys.

  • nmixgof- An R package with goodness of fit checks for N-mixture models.



Selected publications

Full list: ORCID

Chevalier, M., Lindström, Å., Pärt, T. and Knape, J. In press. Changes in forest bird abundance, community structure, and composition following a hurricane in Sweden. Ecography.

Chevalier, M., Russell, J. C. and Knape, J. 2019. New measures for evaluation of environmental perturbations using Before-After-Control-Impact analyses. Ecological Applications 29:e01838.

Paquet, M., Arlt, D., Knape, J., Low, M., Forslund, P. and Pärt, T. 2019. Quantifying the links between land use and population growth rate in a declining farmland bird. Ecology and Evolution 9:868–879.

Knape, J., Arlt, D., Barraquand, F., Berg, Å., Chevalier, M., … Żmihorski, M. 2018. Sensitivity of binomial N-mixture models to overdispersion: The importance of assessing model fit. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9:2102–2114.

Solbreck, C. and Knape, J. 2017. Seed production and predation in a changing climate: new roles for resource and seed predator feedback? Ecology 98:2301-2311.

Knape, J. 2016. Decomposing trends in Swedish bird populations using generalized additive mixed models. Journal of Applied Ecology 53:1852-1861.

Lindén, A., Meller, K. and Knape, J. 2016. An empirical comparison of models for the phenology of bird migration. Journal of Avian Biology 48:255-265. (Request pdf)

Knape, J. and Korner-Nievergelt, F. 2015. Estimates from non-replicated population surveys rely on critical assumptions. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6:298–306.

de Valpine, P. and Knape, J. 2014. Estimation of general multistage models from cohort data. JABES 20:140–155.

de Valpine, P., Scranton, K., Knape, J., Ram, K. and Mills, N. J. 2014. The importance of individual developmental variation in stage-structured population models. Ecology Letters 17:1026-1038.

Knape, J., Daane, K. M. and de Valpine, P. 2014. Estimation of stage duration distributions and mortality under repeated cohort censuses. Biometrics 70:346-355. (Request pdf)

Scranton, K., Knape, J. and de Valpine, P. 2014. An approximate Bayesian computation approach to parameter estimation in a stochastic stage structured population model. Ecology 95:1418-1428.

Knape, J., Besbeas, P. T. and de Valpine, P. 2013. Using uncertainty estimates in analyses of population time series. Ecology 94:2097-2107.

Knape, J. and de Valpine, P. 2012. Fitting complex population models by combining particle filters with Markov chain Monte Carlo. Ecology 93:256-263. (pdf)

Knape, J. and de Valpine, P. 2012. Are patterns of density dependence in the Global Population Dynamics Database driven by uncertainty about population abundance? Ecology Letters 15:17-23.

Knape, J. and de Valpine, P. 2011. Effects of weather and climate on the dynamics of animal population time series. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 278:985-992.



Senior Lecturer at the Department of Ecology; NJ, Landscape Ecology Unit
Telephone: +4618673423
Postal address:
Inst för Ekologi, Box 7044
750 07 UPPSALA
Visiting address: Ulls Väg 16, Uppsala