Jonathan Stoltz

Jonathan holds a master’s degree in cognitive science from Linköping University and a PhD in physical geography from Stockholm University. He has been involved in various inter- and multidisciplinary research projects at SLU since 2011 and researches and teaches about environmental perception in relation to human health and wellbeing, with a focus on evidence-based planning and design tools (Stoltz 2019; Stoltz & Grahn 2021). He has worked with different kinds of landscape analyses and, e.g., epidemiological data, linking environmental perceptions to various health and wellbeing outcomes. He has analysed perceived qualities in urban and semi-urban landscapes (Stoltz et al. 2012, 2013, 2023; Grahn et al. 2023) and forest environments (Stoltz et al. 2016, 2024), as well as investigated synergies with other sustainability aspects, such as, e.g., biodiversity and food production, in urban contexts (Stoltz & Schaffer 2018). Recently, a focus has been on developing indicators for health and wellbeing promoting qualities in forest environments, to be included alongside, e.g., biodiversity and wood production indicators in modelling scenarios (Stoltz et al. 2024). In addition, he has investigated evolutionary perspectives on human-environment relations in the light of basic recreational needs and, e.g., psychological restoration (Stoltz 2022; Grahn et al. 2022).
Jonathan teaches/lectures in the following courses:
Environmental Perception and Experience (MP0005)
Landscape Analysis for People and Environment Studies (MP0002)
Selected publications
Emami M, Pazhouhanfar M, Stoltz J. Evaluating Patients’ Preferences for Dental Clinic Waiting Area Design and the Impact on Perceived Stress. Buildings. 2024; 14(10):3160.
Stoltz J., Burgas D., Potterf M., Duflot R. et al. 2024. Forests for Health Promotion: Future Developments of Salutogenic Properties in Managed Boreal Forests. Forests 15, no. 6: 969.
Stoltz J., Lehto C., Hedblom M. 2023. Favourite places for outdoor recreation: Weak correlations between perceived qualities and structural landscape characteristics in Swedish PPGIS study. People & Nature 5(6). DOI:10.1002/pan3.10574
Grahn, P.; Stoltz, J.; Skärbäck, E.; Bengtsson, A. 2023. Health-Promoting Nature-Based Paradigms in Urban Planning. Encyclopedia 2023, 3(4), 1419-1438;
Stoltz, J. 2022. Layered Habitats: An Evolutionary Model for Present-day Recreational Needs. Front. Psychol.
Grahn, P., Stoltz, J., Bengtsson, A. 2022. The Alnarp Method : an interdisciplinary-based design of holistic healing gardens derived from research and development in Alnarp Rehabilitation Garden. Routledge Handbook of Urban Landscape Research, Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003109563-25 (Book chapter)
Stoltz, J., Grahn, P. 2021a. Perceived Sensory Dimensions: An Evidence-based Approach to Greenspace Aesthetics. January 2021. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 59(4):126989.
Stoltz, J. & Grahn, P. 2021b. Perceived sensory dimensions: Key aesthetic qualities for health-promoting urban green spaces. Journal of Biomed Research. 2021;2(1):22-29.
Stoltz, J. 2019. Perceived Sensory Dimensions: A Human-Centred Approach to Environmental Planning and Design. Dissertations in Physical Geography, Stockholm University, ISBN: 978-91-7797-901-2.
Stoltz, J., Schaffer, C. 2018. Salutogenic Affordances and Sustainability: Multiple Benefits with Edible Forest Gardens in Urban Green Spaces. Frontiers in Psychology 9:2344.
Stoltz, J., Lundell, Y., Skärbäck, E., van den Bosch, M.A., Grahn, P., Nordström, E.M., Dolling, A. 2016. Planning for restorative forests: Describing stress-reducing qualities of forest stands using available forest stand data. European Journal of Forest Research 2016, 135, 803-813. DOI:
Nordström E-M, Dolling A, Skärbäck E, Stoltz J, Grahn P. 2015. Forests for wood production and stress recovery: trade-offs in long-term forest management planning. European Journal of Forest Research 134(5):755–767. DOI:
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