Jonathan Stråle
Jonathan is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Economics and is currently involved in the project 'On the design of sustainable cities: recycling, social norms and economic policies', funded by FORMAS.
Jonathan is the course leader of the course "Econometrics and Programming", taught at the undergraduate level.
His research is focused on environmental issues in transportation economics, with focus on determinants of demand and policy evaluation, and behavioral and policy aspects in recycling and electric vehicle adoption.
Selected publications
Stråle, J. (2021). Household level heterogeneity in the income elasticities of demand for international leisure travel. Tourism Economics, 13548166211033406.
Hart, R., & Stråle, J. (2021). Konsumtionsskatters roll i långsiktig miljöpolitik: Analyser av styrmedel och konsumtion. Rapport 6962, Naturvårdsverket.