CV page

Juana Catarina Cariri Chagas

Juana Chagas
I'm an animal scientist, and my passion lies in the world of resilient and sustainable livestock production, particularly sheep and cattle. My academic journey includes a master's degree focused on feeding strategies for sheep and a Ph.D. in animal nutrition dedicated to dairy calf nutrient requirements and milk replacer enrichment. My recent research is twofold: exploring alternative livestock feed and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from ruminants. Additionally, I've been engaged in sustainable aspects of livestock production in Sweden as a collaborator at SustAinimal, and I have also been using advanced modeling techniques to analyze extensive data sets and examine various aspects of animal production.


I am a researcher working with animal nutrition and management in Sweden since 2019 and below you find some more details about my professional journey so far. 

I am an animal scientist who graduated in Brazil in 2011. Following my graduation, I completed a master's program in animal production, and between 2011 and 2013, my research focused on strategies to feed sheep in tropical areas. Subsequently, in 2016, I successfully obtained a Ph.D. in animal nutrition with a thesis focused on dairy calf nutrient requirements and milk replacer enrichment. My expertise spans a wide range of domestic animal species, primarily focusing on sheep and cattle.

In recent years, my research has been concentrated on two significant areas. The first involves the investigation of alternative feed for livestock and the development of strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from ruminants. Additionally, I've been actively studying sustainability aspects related to grazing systems in Sweden as a collaborator at SustAinimal.

Beyond these specific research areas, I'm deeply committed to employing advanced modeling techniques to analyze and make sense of vast data sets, allowing for a comprehensive evaluation of various aspects of animal production. In addition, I am also interested in research on young livestock and welfare.

Throughout my career, I've maintained a dedication to advancing the field of animal science and its practical applications. My journey has been characterized by exploration and a continuous pursuit of excellence in animal science research.


University Lecturer

  • 2016-2018. Dairy cattle Systems – Undergraduate Animal Science Major. Federal University of Viçosa and Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Brazil. 
  • 2016-2017. Biometeorology  - Undergraduate Animal Science Major. Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Brazil. 
  • 2018. General topics of Animal Science - Mato Grosso State University, Brazil.
  • 2018. Welfare in ruminant production - Master and PhD courses. Animal Science Program. Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Brazil.


Main topics:

  • Alternative feed
  • Feed evaluation
  • GHG mitigation from livestock
  • Young livestock nutrition and management
  • Animal welfare
  • Modeling technique to interpret big data

Ongoing projects SLU


Ongoing collaborations out of SLU:

  • Washington State University and Holstein Association USA. Project: Calving difficulty in dairy cows
  • Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Brazil. Project - Master Thesis: N efficiency when feeding cactus cladodes to ruminants. A modeling study.
  • LUKE, Finland. Pilot study: Can black soldier fly larvae fat decrease ruminal methane? 


  • 2013-2016. Doctoral degree in Animal Nutrition. Department of Animal Science, Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Brazil. 
  • 2011-2013. Master of Science in Animal Production. Department of Animal Science, Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Brazil.
  • 2006-2011. Bachelor in Animal Science. Department of Animal Science, Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Brazil.
    • International academic exchange program (CAPES/FIPSE). Location: Texas A&M University, College Station, USA, 2009-2010.


Master thesis starting in January 2024:

  • Grazing for Beef Production in Norbotten County (in collaboration with SustAinimal) - student: Ida Suopanki.
  • Welfare Aspects of Beef Production in Sweden and Comparative Analysis with Major Beef-Producing Countries (in collaboration with Axfood) - student: Alma Hagskär.

Concluded supervisions

Doctoral Thesis

  • Co-supervision: Michelle Bernardo Siqueira. Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Brazil, 2020.
  • Co-supervision: Diego Amorin. Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Brazil, 2020.

Master Thesis

  • Co-supervision: Thamires Quirino Siqueira. Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Brazil, 2018.
  • Co-Supervision: Giuseppe Onni. University of Sassari, Italy, Animal Sciences. 2019

Bachelor (ERASMUS)

  • Main supervision: Pelagia Maria Tsousi. Thessaloniki, Greece. 2020.
  • Main supervision: Emma Angeard. ESA, Angers, Italy. 2023.

Selected publications

Selected scientific published peer-reviewed papers

1. Chagas, J.C.C., Ramin, M., Smidt, H., Exposito, R.G., Krizsan, S.J. (2021). Effect of low-methane diets on early lactating dairy cow performance and microbiome taking into account the methane-emitting phenotype. Animals, 11, e2597.

2. Chagas, J.C.C., Ferreira, M.A., Campos, M., Machado, F.S., Costa e Silva, L.F., Faciola, A.P., Marcondes, M.I. (2018). Energy and protein requirements of crossbred Holstein-Gyr calves fed commercial milk replacer and amino acid supplement. Animal Production Science, 59, 879–886.

3. Chagas, J.C.C., Ferreira, M.A., Faciola, A.P., Machado, F.S., Campos, M.M., Entjes, M.R., Donzele, J.L., Marcondes, M.I. (2018). Effects of methionine plus cysteine inclusion on performance and body composition of liquid-fed crossbred calves fed a commercial milk replacer and no starter feed. Journal of Dairy Science, 101, 6055-6065.

4. Chagas, J.C.C., Ramin, M., Krizsan, S.J. (2019). In Vitro Evaluation of different dietary methane mitigation strategies. Animals, 9, e1120.

5. Chagas, J.C.C., Ferreira, M.A., Azevedo, M., Siqueira, M., Elins, A., Barros, L. (2015). Feeding management strategy for sheep in feedlot in a hot and humid region. Bioscience Journal (Online), 31, 1164-1173.

6. Östbring, K., Lager, I., Chagas, J.C.C., Ramin, M., Ahlström, C., Hultberg, M. (2023). Use of oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus) for increased circularity and valorization of rapeseed residues. Journal of Environmental Management, 344, 118742.

7. Netto, A., da Gama, M., Guido, S., Inácio, J., Chagas, J.C.C., Ramin, M., Ferreira, M. (2023). Full-fat corn germ in diets for dairy cows as an alternative to ground corn. Journal of Dairy Research, 1-7.

8. Krizsan, S.J., Ramin, M., Chagas, J.C.C., Halmemies-Beauchetfilleau, A., Singh, A., Schnürer, A., Danielsson, R. (2023). Effects on rumen microbiome and milk quality of dairy cows supplemented with the macroalgae Asparagopsis taxiformis in a grass silage-based diet. Frontiers, e1112969.

9. Krizsan, S.J., Chagas, J.C.C., Pang, D., Cabezas-Garcia, E.H. (2021). Sustainability aspects of milk production in Sweden. Grass and Forage Science, 76, 205-214.

10. Ramin, M., Chagas, J.C.C., Smidt, H., Exposito, R.G., Krizsan, S.J. (2021). Enteric and fecal methane emissions from dairy cows fed grass or corn silage diets supplemented with rapeseed oil. Animals, 11, e1322.

11. Muñoz-Tamayo, R., Chagas, J.C.C., Ramin, M., Krizsan, S.J. (2021). Modelling the impact of the macroalgae Asparagopsis taxiformis on rumen microbial fermentation and methane production. BioRxiv preprint.

12. Paula, T.A., Véras, A.S.C., Guido, S.I., Chagas, J.C.C., Conceição, M.G., Gomes, R.N., Nascimento, H.F.A., Ferreira, M.A. (2019). Concentrate levels associated with a new genotype of cactus (Opuntia stricta [Haw]. Haw.) cladodes in the diet of lactating dairy cows in a semi-arid region. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 1, 1-8.

13. Moraes, G.S.O., Guim, A., Tabosa, J.N., Chagas, J.C.C., Almeida, M.P., Ferreira, M.A. (2019). Cactus [Opuntia stricta (Haw.) Haw] cladodes and corn silage: How do we maximize the performance of lactating dairy cows reared in semiarid regions? Livestock Science, 221, 133-138.

14. Siqueira, T.D.Q., Monnerat, J.P.I.D.S., Chagas, J.C.C., Conceição, M.G.D., Siqueira, M.C.B.D., Farias, L.R.D., Oliveira, J.P.F.D., Ferreira, M.D.A. (2022). Palatability and nycterohemeral patterns of ingestive behavior of sheep fed different roughage sources. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 54(2), 145.

Total of peer-reviewed papers: 36; Citation: 369; h-index: 11

Conference papers and abstracts

1. Marcondes, M.I., Chagas, J.C.C., Magalhães, N., Molinero, A. (2022). Milk losses due to mastitis in Holstein dairy cows: a modeling approach. Animal Science Proceedings, 13(4), 556-557.

2. Herbster, C.J.L., Marcondes, M.I., Brito Neto, A.S., Rocha, A.C., Justino, E.S., Mendes, M.S., Chagas, J.C.C., Pereira, E.S. (2022). Water intake in hair lambs raised in tropical areas. Animal Science Proceedings, 13(4), 582-583.

3. Molinero Arguello, A., Goncalves, N. M., Chagas, J.C.C., Marcondes, M.I. (2022). Impact of hoof lesions and moment of occurrence in milk production in dairy cattle. Presented at the 31st World Buiatrics Congress, Madrid, 2022.

4. Goncalves, N. M., Arguello, A. M., Chagas, J.C.C., Marcondes, M.I. (2022). Impact of mastitis degree and moment of occurrence in milk production in dairy cattle. Presented at the 31st World Buiatrics Congress, Madrid, 2022.

4. Fant, N.P., Huhtanen, P., Chagas, J.C.C., Krizsan, S., Ramin, M. (2023). Evaluation of different oat varieties and cold-pressed rapeseed cake on predicted in vivo methane production. Journal of Dairy Science, Volume 106, Supplement 1, 2556.

5. Castro, I. R. R., Leite, G. B. C., Chagas, J. C. C., Fields, G. A., Bartelheimer, A. E., Harder, A. L., Landin, D. V., Carrari, I. F., & Marcondes, M. I. (2023). Performance, sorting behavior, and nondisease probability of Holstein calves fed different physical forms of starter. Journal of Dairy Science, Volume 106, Supplement 1, 1022M.

Book chapters

1.  CHAGAS, J.C.C., AZEVEDO, M., SIQUEIRA, M.C.B., FERREIRA, M.A. Thermic comfort for dairy calves in tropical areas. In:Mac-Lean, P.B., Nascimento, S.T., Moura, D.J. (ed). Ambiência e Zootecnia de Precisão. Tupã, ANAP, 2022.

2. RAMIN, M., CHAGAS, J.C.C., KRIZSAN, S.J. Methane Production in Dairy Cows, Inhibition, Measurement, and Predicting Models. In: Ahmed M. (ed.) Systems modelling. Springer, Singapore, 2020.

Scientific popular articles

1.  BERNES, G., CHAGAS, J.C.C., MOREL, J., RAMIN, M., STARK, A-S. 2022. Bete på norrländska mjölkgårdar. Svenska Vallbrev nr 7, 1-2. 

2. BERNES, G., CHAGAS, J.C.C., MOREL, J., STARK, A-S., RAMIN, M. 2023. Mjölkkobete i praktiken – data från sju norrländska gårdar. Vallkonferens 2023. Inst. för växtproduktionsekologi, SLU, Rapport nr 34.


Researcher at the Department of Applied Animal Science and Welfare; Grovfoderutnyttjande
Telephone: +46907868723, +46702576589
Postal address:
Box 234
532 23 Skara
Visiting address: Gråbrödragatan 19, Umeå

Publications list: