Karin Wiberg

The POPs-group strives for increased knowledge about environmental pollutants and their effects in aquatic and terrestrial environments. The research also includes treatment techniques for improved water quality and sustainable use of water. We develop early warning methodology and new strategies for identification of previously unknown chemical risks with a focus on drinking and waste water through prioritization methodology and advanced mass spectrometry. Our POPs laboratory is dedicated for trace analysis of micropollutants in the environment.
The POPs-group
- Professor Lutz Ahrens
- Senior Lecturer (Docent) Foon Yin Lai, Associate Senior Lecturer
- Docent Oksana Golovko, researcher
- Dr Alberto Celma, researcher
- Dr Uzair Akbar Khan, researcher
- Dr George Niarchos, post-doc
- Dr Chen Xing, post-doc
- Dr Javad Mottaghipisheh, post-doc
- Dr Rajneesh Gautam, post-doc
- Dr Pablo Gago Ferrero, guest researcher (August T Larsson)
- Dr Christine Baduel, guest researcher (August T Larsson)
- MSc Marija Lucaric, laboratory engineer
- Björn Bonnet, PhD student
- Valentina Ugolini, PhD student
- Paul Löffler, PhD student
- Svante Rehnstam, PhD student
- Sofia Lindberg, PhD student
- Stephanie Casey, PhD student
- Oscar Skirfors, PhD student
- Maximillian Tyka, PhD student
- Tsz Yung (Patrick) Wong, PhD student
- Harold Flores, PhD student
Previous members
- Docent Anna-Karin Dahlberg, Gotland's County Administrative Board
- Dr Malhun Malhun Fakioglu, Stockholm
- Dr Winnie Nassazzi, Kemikalieinspektionen
- Dr Sanne Smith, University of Delft, Nederländerna
- Fil lic Daniel Malnes, Helcom, Helsingfors, Finland
- Dr Malin Ullberg, Piteå
- Dr Bozo Zonja
- Chao Guo, guest PhD student
- Maura Mancinelli, guest PhD student
- Dr Frank Menger, post-doc, Germany
- Dr Wiebke Durig, Eurofins Pegasus, Uppsala
- Dr Rikard Tröger, SLU, Uppsala
- Dr Vera Franke, Uppsala Vatten, Uppsala
- Dr Mattias Sörengård, SGU, Uppsala
- Dr Pablo Gago Ferrero, CSIC-IDAEA, Barcelona, Spanien
- Dr Meritxell Gross, ICRA, Girona, Spanien
- Dr Sarah Josefsson, SGU, Uppsala
- Dr Minh Anh Ngyuen, Swedish Match, Stockholm
- Dr Jakob Gustavsson, Uppsala
- Dr Jana Weiss, Stockholms universitet
- Anastasia Ivanova, Moldavien, guest PhD student
Current projects
- REASSURE: To reuse or not: is purified wastewater a non-toxic and sustainable resource for the future? (PI Foon Yin Lai)
- MycoDDT: Bioremediation of DDT-contaminated soil, industry PhD project in collaboration with SGU and Sveaskog(PI Anna-Karin Dahlberg)
- Filter media in soil treatment systems – sustainable alternatives to natural sand and gravel (PI Erik Sindhöj, RISE)
- PERFORCE3: PER and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFASs) towards the Future of Research and its Communication in Europe (PI Ian Cousins, Stockholm University)
- SAFESTORM: Are today’s stormwater systems safe chemical filters for toxic micropollutants? Formas 2021-2023
- Environmental impact of gas ebullition in fiberbank sediments – flux measurements and X-ray tomography for improved remediation strategies. Formas (PI Anna-Karin Dahlberg, SLU)
- Food waste to new food in an urban context – production, risk assessment and consumer acceptance, Formas. (PI Malin Hultberg, SLU)
- DANTE: Effect-directed analysis as a tool towards a non-toxic environment - identification of mixture effects and toxicity drivers in water (DANTE), Formas (PI Johan Lundqvist, SLU)
- DRICKS: Competence centre for drinking water - Projects about sources, prevalence, and treatment of hazardous chemicals in drinking water, Svenskt Vatten and others
- Blackwater treatment and reuse as agricultural fertilizer: fate and behavior of pharmaceuticals, antibiotic resistance genes and evaluation of environmental risks, Formas
- Risk rankning of chemcials in drinking water - The risk thermometer, Svenskt Vatten (PI Anders Glynn, SLU)
Previous projects (2013-)
- SafeDrink: Integrated chemical and toxicological methods for early detection of hazardous chemicals in drinking water, Formas. Summary of the project as pdf.
- LakePOPs: Lake Mälaren – a lake for millions – but threatened as a natural resource for drinking water, Formas. Summary of the project as pdf.
- APPLICERA: Applicable site-specific environmental risk assessment of contaminated soils, Formas. Reports: Fönsterfabriken. Summary of the project as pdf.
- NonHazCity (EU Interreg flagship project): Innovative management solutions for minimizing emissions of hazardous substances from urban areas in the Baltic Sea Region (Stockholm Stad, Tonie Wickman). Summary of the project as pdf.
- Benchmarking granulated active carbon treatment during drinking water production, Formas. (PI Stephan Köhler, SLU)
- PFASs-PURE: Innovative treatment techniques for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in soil and groundwater, Vinnova (PI Lutz Ahrens)
- TREASURE: Targeting emerging contaminated sediments along the uplifting northern Baltic coast of Sweden for remediation, Formas. Summary of the project as pdf.
- FIBREM: Remediation of Sweden’s fiberbank sediment – Planning ahead, Vinnova (PI Ian Snowball, Uppsala University)
- RedMic: Novel strategies to reduce diffuse emissions of micropollutants from on-site sewage facilities, Formas (Patrik Andersson, Umeå University). Summary of the project as pdf.
- POPscreen: Identification of emerging organic pollutants in archived biota, Swedish EPA.
- Forest-POPs I: Legacy and emerging POPs in the Swedish forest, Formas
- Forest-POPs II: POPs in Swedish snow and boreal catchment waters, Oscar and Lili Lamms Minne
- Baltic POPs: Managing the dioxin problem in the Baltic region with focus on sources to air and fish. Swedish EPA report 6656, May 2013. Report as pdf SLU's knowledge bank
- Multi-criteria analysis for identifying sustainable remediation alternatives. Formas (L Rosén, Chalmers)
- Läkemedel och organiska miljöföroreningar i kretsloppet (JTI, David Eveborn). Report as pdf
- Forwater: A state of the art modeling and decision support system for mitigating the effects of intensified forest production and climate change on water quality. Formas, strong research environment (H Laudon, SLU)
Selected publications
ORCID: 0000-0003-1427-768, Scopus author ID: 7103111728
Refereegranskade artiklar (2014-2021)
- Lai F.Y., Muziasari W., Virta M., Wiberg K., Ahrens L. Profiles of environmental antibiotic resistomes in the urban aquatic recipients of Sweden using high-throughput quantitative PCR analysis, Environmental Pollution, 117651, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2021.117651
- Ivanova A., Wiberg K., Ahrens L., Zubcov E., Dahlberg A.-K. Spatial distribution of legacy pesticides in river sediment from the Republic of Moldova, Chemosphere, 279:130923, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.130923
Celma A., Ahrens L., Gago-Ferrero P., Hernández F., López F., Lundqvist J., Pitarch E., Sancho J.V., Wiberg K., Bijlsma L. The relevant role of ion mobility separation in LC-HRMS based screening strategies for contaminants of emerging concern in the aquatic environment, Chemosphere, 280:130799, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.130799
- Menger F., Ahrens L., Wiberg K., Gago-Ferrero P. Suspect screening based on market data of polar halogenated micropollutants in river water affected by wastewater, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 401:123377, 2021 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.123377
- Tröger R., Ren H., Yin D., Postigo C., Nguyen P., Baduel C., Golovko O., Been F., Joerss H., Rosa Boleda M., Polesello S., Roncoroni M., Taniyasu S., Menger F., Ahrens L., Lai F.Y., Wiberg K. What’s in the water? – Target and suspect screening of contaminants of emerging concern in raw water and drinking water from Europe and Asia, Water Research, 198, 15:117099, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2021.117099
- Dahlberg A.-K., Apler A., Frogner-Kockum P., Göransson G., Snowball I., Wiberg K., Josefsson S. Dispersal of persistent organic pollutants from fiber-contaminated sediments - biotic and abiotic pathways. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 21:1852-1865, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11368-020-02871-1
- Ullberg M., Lavonen E., Köhler S.J., Golovko O., Wiberg K. Pilot-scale removal of organic micropollutants and natural organic matter from drinking water using ozonation followed by granular activated carbon. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 7:535, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1039/d0ew00933d
- Menger F., Gago-Ferrero P., Wiberg K., Ahrens L. Wide-scope screening of polar contaminants of concern in water: A critical review of liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry-based strategies, Trends in Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 28:e00102, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.teac.2020.e00102
- Dürig W., Kintzi A., Golovko O., Wiberg K., Ahrens L. New extraction method prior to screening of organic micropollutants in various biota matrices using liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry, Talanta, 219:121294, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2020.121294
- Dahlberg A.-K., Apler A., Vogel L., Wiberg K., Josefsson S. Persistent organic pollutants in wood fiber-contaminated sediments from the Baltic Sea. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11368-020-02610-6 Open Access: https://rdcu.be/b3ty1
- Ren H., Tröger R., Ahrens L., Wiberg K., Yin D. Screening of organic micropollutants in raw and drinking water in the Yangtze River Delta, China. Environmental Sciences Europe, 32:67, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12302-020-00342-5
- Tröger R., Köhler S.J., Franke V., Bergstedt O., Wiberg K. A case study of organic micropollutants in a major Swedish water source - Removal efficiency in seven drinking water treatment plants and influence of operational age of granulated active carbon filters. Science of the Total Environment, 706:135680, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135680
- Volchko Y. Berggren Kleja D., Back P.-E., Tiberg C. Enell A., Larsson M., Jones C.M., Taylor A., Viketoft M., Åberg A., Dahlberg A.-K., Weiss J., Wiberg K., Rosén L. Assessing costs and benefits of improved soil quality management in remediation projects: A study of an urban site contaminated with PAHs and metals. Science of the Total Environment, 703:135530, 2020.
- Gros M., Ahrens L., Levén L., Koch A., Dalahmeh S., Ljung E., Lundin G., Jönsson H., Eveborn D., Wiberg K. Pharmaceuticals in source separated sanitation systems: fecal sludge and blackwater treatment. Science of the Total Environment, 692:259-266, 2019. https://pub.epsilon.slu.se/23702/
- Gyllenhammar I., Benskin J., Sandblom O., Berger U., Ahrens L., Lignell S., Wiberg K., Glynn A. Perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in children’s serum and contribution from PFAA contaminated drinking water. Environmental Science & Technology, 53: 11447−11457, 2019.
- Gustavsson J., Wiberg K., Nguyen M.A., Josefsson S., Laudon H., Ahrens L. Seasonal trends of legacy and alternative flame retardants in river water in a boreal catchment. Science of the Total Environment, 692:1097–1105, 2019. doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.07.158
- López-Serna R., García D., Bolado S., Jiménez J.J., Lai F.Y., Golovko O., Gago-Ferrero P., Ahrens L., Wiberg K., Muñoz R. Photobioreactors based on microalgae-bacteria and purple phototrophic bacteria consortia: A promising technology to reduce the load of veterinary drugs from piggery wastewater. Science of the Total Environment 692:259-266, 2019. doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.07.126
- Zhang W., Gago-Ferrero P., Gao Q., Ahrens L., Blum K., Rostvall A., Björlenius B., Andersson P.L., Wiberg K., Haglund P., Renman G. Evaluation of five filter media in column experiment on the removal of selected organic micropollutants and phosphorus from household wastewater. Journal of Environmental Management, 246:920-928, 2019. https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1ZKgL14Z6tauc2
Gao Q., Blum K.M., Gago-Ferrero P., Wiberg K., Ahrens L., Andersson P.L. Impact of on-site wastewater infiltration systems on organic contaminants in groundwater and recipient waters. Science of the Total Environment, 651:1670–1679, 2019. https://authors.elsevier.com/c/1XtV3B8ccgfLA
- Dürig W., Tröger R., Andersson P.L., Rybacka A., Fischer S., Wiberg K., Ahrens L. Development of a suspect screening prioritization tool for organic compounds in water and biota. Chemosphere, 222:904-912, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.02.021
- Assefa A., Tysklind M., Bignert A., Josefsson S., Wiberg K. Sources of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans to Baltic Sea herring. Chemosphere, 218:493-500, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.11.051
Gobelius L., Persson C., Wiberg K., Ahrens L. Calibration and application of passive sampling for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in a drinking water treatment plant. Journal of Hazardous Material,s 362:230–237, 2019.
Zhang W., Blum K., Gros M., Ahrens L., Jernstedt H., Wiberg K., Andersson P.L., Björlenius B., Renman G. Removal of micropollutants and nutrients in household wastewater using organic and inorganic sorbents. Desalination and Water Treatment 120:88-108, 2018.
Gago-Ferrero P., Krettek A., Fischer S. Wiberg K., Ahrens L. Suspect screening and regulatory databases: A powerful combination to identify emerging micropollutants. Environmental Science & Technology, 52:6881−6894, 2018.
Gyllenhammar I., Benskin J., Sandblom O., Berger U., Ahrens L., Lignell S., Wiberg K., Glynn A. Perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in serum from 2-4-month-old infants – influence of maternal serum concentrations, gestational age, breastfeeding and contaminated drinking water. Environmental Science & Technology, 52:7101-7110, 2018.
Nguyen M., Ahrens L., Gustavsson J, Josefsson S., Laudon H., Wiberg K. The role of spring flood and landscape type in the terrestrial export of polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) to stream water. Environmental Science & Technology, 52:6217−6225, 2018.
Assefa A., Tysklind M., Klanova J., Wiberg K. Tracing sources of PCDD/Fs in Baltic Sea air by using metals as source markers. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 20(3):544-552, 2018.
Sha B., Dahlberg A-K, Wiberg K, Ahrens L. Fluorotelomer alcohols (FTOHs), brominated flame retardants (BFRs), organophosphorus flame retardants (OPFRs) and cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes (cVMSs) in indoor air from occupational and home environments. Environmental Pollution, 241:319-330, 2018.
Gobelius L., Hedlund J., Dürig W., Tröger R., Wiberg K., Lilja K., Ahrens L. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in Swedish groundwater and surface water: Implications for Environmental Quality Standards and drinking water guidelines. Environmental Science & Technology, 52(7):4340-4349, 2018.
- Blum K.M., Haglund P., Gao Q., Gros M., Ahrens L., Wiberg K., Andersson P.L. Mass fluxes per capita of organic contaminants from on-site sewage treatment facilities. Chemosphere, 201:864-873, 2018. https://authors.elsevier.com/c/1WmGWAOM9lSNN
- Gobelius L., Hedlund J., Dürig W., Tröger R., Wiberg K., Lilja K., Ahrens L. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in Swedish groundwater and surface water: Implications for Environmental Quality Standards and drinking water guidelines. Environmental Science & Technology, 52(7):4340-4349, 2018.
- Rostvall A., Zhang W., Dürig W., Renman G., Wiberg K., Ahrens L., Gago-Ferrero P. Removal of pharmaceuticals, perfluoroalkyl substances and other micropollutants from wastewater using lignite, Xylit, sand, granular activated carbon (GAC) and GAC+Polonite® in column tests - Role of physicochemical properties. Water Research, 137:97-106, 2018. https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1WinM_~nJ8EOi
- Tröger R., Klöckner P., Ahrens L, Wiberg K. Micropollutants in drinking water from source to tap - method development and application of a multiresidue screening method. Science of the Total Environment, 627:1404–1432, 2018. https://authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S004896971830319X
- Gustavsson J., Wiberg K., Ribeli E., Nguyen M.A., Josefsson S., Ahrens L. Screening of organic flame retardants in Swedish river water. Science of the Total Environment, 625:1046–1055, 2018. https://authors.elsevier.com/c/1WL9iB8cccqms
- Blum K.M., Andersson P.L., Ahrens L., Wiberg K., Haglund P. Persistence, mobility and bioavailability of emerging organic contaminants discharged from sewage treatment plants. Science of the Total Environment, 612: 1532–1542, 2018.
- Dalahmeh S., Ahrens L., Gros M., Wiberg K., Pell M. Potential of biochar filters for onsite sewage treatment: Adsorption and biological degradation of pharmaceuticals in laboratory filters with active, inactive and no biofilm. Science of the Total Environment, 612:192-201, 2018.
- Gustavsson J., Ahrens L., Nguyen M.A., Berggren Kleja D., Josefsson S., Wiberg K. Influence of natural organic matter on the extraction efficiency of flame retardants from surface waters, Journal of Chromatography A, 1524:74-86, 2017.
- Gago-Ferrero P., Gros M., Ahrens L., Wiberg K. Impact of on-site, small and large scale waste water treatment facilities on levels and fate of pharmaceuticals, personal care products, pesticides, and perfluoroalkyl substances in recipient waters. Science of the Total Environment, 601-602:1289-1297, 2017.
- Kothawala D.N., Köhler S.J., Östlund A., Wiberg K., Ahrens L. Influence of dissolved organic matter concentration and composition on the removal efficiency of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) during drinking water treatment. Water Research, 121:320-328, 2017.
- Gros M., Blum K.M., Jernstedt H., Renman G., Rodríguez-Mozaz S., Haglund P., Andersson P.L., Wiberg K., Ahrens L. Screening and prioritization of micropollutants in wastewaters from on-site sewage treatment. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 328:37-45, 2017.
- Gustavsson J., Ahrens A., Nguyen M.A., Josefsson S., Wiberg K. Development and comparison of gas chromatography–mass spectrometry techniques for analysis of flame retardants, Journal of Chromatography A, 1481:116-126, 2017.
- McCleaf P., Englund S., Östlund A., Lindegren K., Wiberg K., Ahrens L. Removal efficiency of multiple perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in drinking water using granular activated carbon (GAC) and anion exchange (AE) column tests. Water Research, 120:77-87, 2017.
- Nguyen M. A., Wiberg K., Ribeli E., Josefsson S., Futter M., Gustavsson J., Ahrens L. Spatial distribution and source tracing of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in Surface Water in Northern Europe. Environmental Pollution, 220: 1438-1446, 2017.
- Blum K.M., Andersson P.L., Renman G., Ahrens L., Gros M., Wiberg K., Haglund P. Non-target screening and prioritization of potentially persistent, bioaccumulating and toxic urban wastewater contaminants and their removal in on-site and large-scale sewage treatment plants. Science of the Total Environment, 575:265–275, 2017.
- Josefsson S., Bergknut M., Futter M.N., Jansson S., Laudon H., Lundin L., Wiberg K. Persistent organic pollutants in stream water – influence of hydrological conditions and landscape type. Environmental Science & Technology, 50(14):7416–7424, 2016.
- Holt E., Kočan A., Klánová J., Assefa A., Wiberg K. Spatiotemporal patterns and potential sources of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) contamination in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) needles from Europe. Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 23:19602–19612, 2016.
- Lalander C., Senecal J., Gros M., Ahrens L., Josephson S., Wiberg K., Vinnerås B. Fate of pharmaceuticals and pesticides in fly larvae composting, Science of the Total Environment, 565:279-286, 2016.
- Holt E., Kočan A., Klánová J., Assefa A.T., Wiberg K. Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/furans (PCDD/Fs) and metals in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) needles from Eastern and Northern Europe: spatiotemporal patterns, and potential sources. Chemosphere, 156:30–36, 2016.
- Cai M., Hong Q., Sunc J., Sundqvist K., Wiberg K., Chen K., Wang Y., Qiu C., Huang S. Concentrations, distribution and sources of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls in coastal sediments from Xiamen, China. Marine Chemistry, 185:74-81, 2016.
- Åberg A, MacLeod M., Wiberg K. Performance of the CalTOX fate and exposure model in a case study for a dioxin contaminated site. Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 22:8719–8727, 2015.
- Sobek A., Sundqvist K.L., Assefa A.T., Wiberg K. Baltic Sea sediment records: unlikely near-future declines in PCBs and HCB. Science of the Total Environment, 518-519:8-15, 2015.
- Bidleman T., Agosta K., Andersson A., Brorström-Lundén E., Haglund P., Hansson K., Laudon H., Newton S., Nygren O., Ripszam M., Tysklind M., Wiberg K. Atmospheric pathways of chlorinated pesticides and natural bromoanisoles in the northern Baltic Sea and its catchment, Ambio, 44(Suppl. 3):S472–S483, 2015.
- Newton S., Bidleman. T., Bergknut M., Racine J., Laudon H., Giesler R., Wiberg K. Atmospheric deposition of persistent organic pollutants and chemicals of emerging concern at two sites in northern Sweden, Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 16(2):298-305, 2014.
- Assefa A.T., Sobek A., Sundqvist K.L., Cato I., Jonsson P., Tysklind M., Wiberg K. Temporal trends of PCDD/Fs in Baltic Sea sediment cores covering the 20th century. Environmental Science & Technology, 48(2):947−953, 2014.
- Volchko Y., Norrman J., Rosén L., Bergknut M., Josefsson S., Söderqvist T., Norberg T., Wiberg K., Tysklind, M. Using soil function evaluation in multi criteria decision analysis for sustainability appraisal of remediation alternatives, Science of the Total Environment, 485:785-791, 2014.
- Sobek A., Wiberg K., Sundqvist K.L., Haglund P., Cornelissen G. Coastal sediments in the Gulf of Bothnia as a source of dissolved PCDD/Fs and PCBs to water and fish, Science of the Total Environment, 487: 463–470, 2014.
- Codling G., Halsall C., Ahrens L., Del Vento S., Wiberg K., Bergknut M., Laudon H., Ebinghaus R. The fate of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances within a melting snowpack of a boreal forest, Environmental Pollution, 191:190-198, 2014.
- Assefa A.T., Tysklind M., Sobek A., Sundqvist K.L., Geladi P., Wiberg K. Assessment of PCDD/F source contributions in Baltic Sea sediment core records. Environmental Science & Technology, 48(2): 9531−9539, 2014.
Reports and popular science papers (2014-2019)
- The Toxcological Council. Toxikologiska rådets årsrapport 2017-2018. Organisation och inledande arbete. Rapport 1/18, 2018.
- Assefa, A., Tysklind, M., Josefsson, S., Bignert, A., Wiberg, K. Sources of dioxins in Baltic Sea herring - A modelling study for identification of dioxin sources and quantification of their temporal and spatial impacts. Report 2018:6, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment. ISBN 978-91-576-9565-9, 2018.
- Kikuchi J., Wiberg K., Stendahl J., Ahrens L. Analysis of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in soil from Swedish background sites (Analys av PFAS i mark från bakgrundsområden). Report to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Naturvårdsverket), contract no. NV-2219-17-003, 2018.
- Ahrens L., Vogel L., Wiberg K. Analysis of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) and phenolic compounds in Swedish rivers over four different seasons. Report to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Naturvårdsverket), contract no. NV-2213-16-011, 2018.
- Franke V., McCleaf P., Wiberg K., Ahrens L. Removal of per- and polyfluoro alkyl substances (PFASs) in drinking water: review of treatment techniques and their practical application (Hur kan PFAS-ämnen avlägsnas i vattenverken? En granskning av nya och befintliga reningstekniker). Svenskt Vatten Utveckling, Report 2017-20, 2017.
- Gustavsson J., Fischer S., Ahrens L., Wiberg K. Replacement substances for the brominated flame retardants PBDE, HBCDD, and TBBPA. Report to Swedish EPA. Contract 2219-16-036, 2017.
- Glimstedt L., Ahrens L., Wiberg K. Antropogena föroreningar i svenska vattentäkter. Rapport 2016:4, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för vatten och miljö, ISBN 978-91-576-9431-7, 2016
- Fischer S., Lilja K., Ahrens L., Wiberg K. Poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances on the market and in the Swedish environment. Norman Bulletin 5:6-9, 2016.
- Ahrens L., Hedlund J., Dürig W., Tröger R., Wiberg K. Screening of PFASs in groundwater and surface water. Rapport 2016:2, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för vatten och miljö, ISBN 978-91-576-9386-0. 2016.
- Gustavsson J., Ribéli E., Wiberg K. Nguyen M.A Josefsson S., Ahrens L. Re-analysis of organic flame retardants in Swedish rivers. Report to Swedish EPA. Contract 2213-15-018. 2016.
- Levén L., Eveborn D., Ljung E., Gros Calvo M., Dalahmeh S., Jönsson H., Ahrens L., Wiberg K., Lundin G. Pharmaceuticals in blackwater and fecal sludge – treatment and risks. Report 54, Recycling & Organic Waste. JTI – Swedish Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering. Uppsala, Sweden. 2016.
- Back P.-E., Enell A., Fransson M., Hermansson S., Rosén L., Volchko Y., Wiberg K., Åberg A. Markmiljöns skyddsvärde - En härledning med utgångspunkt i miljöetik och lagstiftning, Statens geotekniska institut, SGI rapport 27, 2016.
- Wiberg K., Everyone needs clean water. New Insights, p. 20-21, 2015.
- Ahrens L., Ribéli E., Josefsson S., Gustavsson J., Nguyen M.A., Wiberg K. Screening av perfluoralkylerade ämnen och flamskyddsmedel i svenska vattendrag. Report to Swedish EPA. Contract 2213-13-026. 2014