Karolin Andersson

I started as a PhD-student in rural development at SLU in December 2018. Together with Katarina Pettersson, Johanna Bergman Lodin and Johan Gaddefors I work on the project titled Entrepreneurship as empowerment? Gendered opportunities and challenges in entrepreneurial urban and peri-urban agriculture in Rwanda, funded by Formas.
I am a food agronomist graduated at SLU, and I also hold a MSc degree in Agricultural Development from the University of Copenhagen. My MSc thesis included a qualitative value chain analysis of the cassava leaves value chain in Mkuranga District, Tanzania, from a gender perspective (see Andersson et al. 2016).
My research interests include rural development as well as gender and equality aspects in the agricultural sector, particularly in low income regions.
Selected publications
Andersson K, Pettersson K and Bergman Lodin J (2022). ‘Window dressing inequalities and constructing women farmers as problematic—gender in Rwanda’s agriculture policy’, Agriculture and Human Values, 39(2), pp. 1245–1261. DOI: 10.1007/s10460-022-10314-5
Andersson K, Bergman Lodin J and Chiwona-Karltun L (2016). ‘Gender Dynamics in Cassava Leaves Value Chains: The Case of Tanzania’, Journal of Gender, Agriculture and Food Security, 1(2), pp. 84-109. DOI: 10.19268/JGAFS.122016.5
Sundin A, Andersson K and Watt R (2018) ‘Rethinking Communication – Integrating Storytelling for Increased Stakeholder Engagement’, Journal of Environmental Evidence, 7(6). DOI: 10.1186/s13750-018-0116-4