Karolina Engdahl

My main research areas are epidemiology and orthopaedic diseases in dogs. I primarily work with knee joint disease in dogs and I have, together with my colleagues, evaluated risk factors for different types of knee joint disorders with focus on cruciate ligament disease. We have also evaluated the treatment outcome in cats and dogs affected by cruciate ligament disease. I have a great interest in improving dogs' health and quality of life, both by mapping risk factors for diseases in order to contribute to future disease prevention, and by optimizing the treatment outcome for dogs affected by disease.
I'm involved in teaching epidemiology to veterinary students.
I defended my thesis in november 2021. My PhD project was about the epidemiology of knee joint disease in dogs. The project containted two parts, and the aim of the first part was to evaluate the incidence of and risk factors for knee joint disease, with focus on cruciate ligament disease, in a population of insured dogs. Data from Agria Pet Insurance were used in these studies. We are currently planning for a study where risk factors for patellar luxation will be evaluated.
The second part of the project aimed at evaluating postoperative complications in dogs surgically treated for cruciate ligament disease, and at evaluating long-term prognosis by assessing survival after treatment in dogs with surgical or non-surgical treatment for cruciate ligament disease. The studies included dogs treated at the University Animal Hospital in Uppsala as well at the Small Animal Clinic at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. These studies were performed in collaboration with Gudrun Seeberg Boge, former PhD student at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences.
You can find more about my PhD project here.
We have also performed a study on cats with cruciate ligament disease, where the outcome after surgical and non-surgical treatment was evaluated. This study was also performed in collaboration with Gudrun Seeberg Boge.
My PhD project was financed by Agria Pet Insurance.
I participate in several projects together with other researchers, and collaborate with colleagues from for example the Swedish National Veterinary Institute, AniCura Djursjukhuset Albano and the Diagnostic Imaging Clinic at the University Animal Hospital.
Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary Medicine, SLU, 2021
Veterinary degree, SLU, 2016
Work experience
Researcher at the Department of Clinical Sciences, 2021 -
Veterinarian at the University Animal Hospital, small animal clinic, 2018 -
Veterinarian at Din Veterinär i Sala, 2017
Veterinarian at the University Animal Hospital, small animal clinic, 2015 - 2016
I have been co-supervisor for two vererinary students (master thesis):
- Tilde Bromée
Caroline Mason
Selected publications
Cranial cruciate ligament disease in cats: an epidemiological retrospective study of 50 cats (2011–2016). Boge, G.S.*, Engdahl, K.*, Moldal, E.R., Bergström, A. (2019). Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 22(4).
*shared first authorship