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Kenneth Olofsson

Associate Professor at the Department of Forest Resource Management, with main focus to develop and evaluate new image analysis and signal processing algorithms that extract forest information from remote sensing data.


I am an Associate Professor in remote sensing of forests. I have a MSc in mechanical engineering, a PhD in experimental mechanics and have a long experience in optical metrology and signal analysis for measuring different materials and natural resources. As a whole my research has covered different measurement challenges, such as extracting tree stem profiles from laser data and evaluating the quality of the fibers in pulp. The most recent years I have focused my work on remote sensing of forests. This has included research on estimating timber volume, wood quality, tree species and biomass; using digital aerial images, satellite images and data from airborne and ground based laser scanning.

Selected publications

Kenneth Olofsson and Johan Holmgren. Co-registration of single tree maps and data captured by a moving sensor using stem diameter weighted linking. Silva Fennica, vol 56, no 3, id 10712, 2022.

Liang, X., et al. International benchmarking of terrestrial laser scanning approaches for forest inventories. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, vol 144, 137–179, 2018.

Olofsson, K. and Olsson, H. Estimating tree stem density and diameter distribution in single-scan terrestrial laser measurements of field plots: a simulation study. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, vol 33, no 4, 365-377, 2018.

Olofsson, K. and Holmgren, J., Single Tree Stem Profile Detection Using Terrestrial Laser Scanner Data, Flatness Saliency Features and Curvature Properties., Forests, 7(9), 207, 2016.

Olofsson, K., Holmgren, J. and Olsson, H., Tree Stem and Height Measurements using Terrestrial Laser Scanning and the RANSAC algorithm, Remote Sensing, 6, 4323-4344, 2014.

Olofsson, K. and Holmgren, J. Forest stand delineation from lidar point-clouds using local maxima of the crown height model and region merging of the corresponding Voronoi cells. Remote Sensing Letters, 5: 268-276, 2014.

Olofsson, K., Wallerman, J., Holmgren, J., and Olsson. H. Tree species discrimination using Z/I DMC imagery and template matching of single trees. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research. Short communication, 21(Suppl 7):106-110, 2006.

Erikson, M. and Olofsson, K. Comparison of three individual tree crown detection methods. Machine Vision and Applications. 16(4), 258-265, 2005.

Dumail, J-F., Olofsson, K. and Salmén, L. An Analysis of Rolling Shear of Spruce Wood by the Iosipescu Method, Holzforschung, 54:420-426, 2000.

Olofsson, K., Molin, N.-E. and Kyösti, A. A new method to detect anisotropy and local variations in paper, Tappi Journal 74(3):195-200, 1991.


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