CV page

Khrystyna Kurta

Khrystyna Kurta


I am a Postdoc at the Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Swedish University of Agricultural sciences (SLU)



My current research interest is applying next-generation sequencing in Arctic charr and rainbow trout selective breeding with the primary goal to increase the selection accuracy and preserve genetic diversity.

My previous scientific work focused on microsatellite DNA polymorphism study of farmed paddlefish stocks, meiotic gynogenesis in sterlet, and the monitoring of the population's genetic structure of sturgeon species, including selective based on microsatellite DNA profile.

Research projects

- I am a postdoctoral researcher in the ARCTAQUA project, funded by EU.


Ukrainian Aquaculture Assosiation -  I am a co-founder of the Assosiation which  gather aquaculture specialists, workers and amateurs who are interested in sustainable, energy saving and innovative fish farming


2015-2019 PhD student in Genetics, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Animal Breeding and Genetics nd. a. M.V.Zubets of National Academy of Agrarian Science of Ukraine

2013-2014 MSc in Aquatic Bioresources, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

2009-2013 BSc in Aquatic Bioresources and Aquaculture, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

Selected publications

1. K. M. Kurta, О. O. Malysheva, I. Ya. Skrypkina Genetic variation and phylogenetic relationships among domesticated and wild paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) populations. Biopolymers and Cell 2020, 36 (4): 294–304.

2. Ruban S.,. Getya A, Gryshchenko, Kurta K., Vedmid S., Gryshchenko N., Scripnic E., Caisin L., Khomenko M. S. Genetic analysis. In M. Klopcic & T. Ischenko (Eds.), Improving skills in laboratory practice for agrо-food specialists in Eastern Europe (Ag-Lab). Laboratory practices Manual (pp. 195-240). Program Erasmus +, projectKA2 n 586383-EPP-1-2017-1-SI-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP (2017-2978/001-001), 2020.

3. Кurta K. M., Malysheva O.O., Spyrydonov, V.G. Comparative analysis of the genetic structure of paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) populations by microsatellite DNA-markers. Cytology and Genetics 2020, 54(1):42-49. doi: 10.3103/S0095452720010107

4. Кurta K. M., Malysheva O.O., M. Yu. Yevtushenko, V. G. Spyrydonov Allelic Polymorphism of Ukrainian Stocks of Paddlefish (Polyodon spathula). Hydrobiological Journal 2019, 55(3):14-19. doi: 10.1615/HydrobJ.v55.i3.20


Researcher at the Department of Animal Biosciences (HBIO); HBIO, Quantitative Genetics and Breeding
Telephone: +46736417972
Postal address:
Institutionen för husdjurens biovetenskaper (HBIO)
Box 7023
750 07 UPPSALA
Visiting address: Ulls väg 26, Uppsala