Konstantinos Karantininis

Teaching PhD Courses
2015 NOVA PHD (With Azzeddine Azzam). The Empirics of Economic Organizations and Transaction Cost. SLU
2014 PHD Course. Empirical Applications of Economic Organization and Institutions in Agri-Food Value Chains., Kopper, Slovenia, 22-26 August
2013 PHD Course. Empirical Applications of Economic Organization and Institutions. Perugia, Italy. December
2012 NOVA PHD (With SCott Masten). The Empirics of Economic Organizations and Transaction Costs. SLU
2010 PHD. Economics and Institutions University of Bilbao, Spain
2009 NOVA PHD (With Thrainn Eggertsson). Network and Institutions, Knowledge and Information. LIFE, University of Copenhagen (KU)
2009-10 PHD: New Institutional Economics. University of Perugia, Italy
2004-10 PHD. The Economic Institutions of Agriculture Food & Rural Areas. Mansholt Graduate School, Wageningen University. The Netherlands
2007 PHD. Institutions, Organization and Contracts. Nanjing University, China
2002, 2006 PHD. Food Economics . Department of Economics & Natural Resources, KVL
1997-98 PHD. Microeconomic Theory. Danish Institute of Agricultural & Fisheries Economics
1997 PHD. Organisation and Finance in Agriculture and Agribusiness:. AIO/PhD Course. With Peter Barry (University of Illinois). Wageningen Agricultural University
Teaching MSC & MBA Courses
2019- Environmental Economics & Management, SLU Sweden
2018- Sustainable Value Chains and Bioeconomy, SLU Sweden
2012-18 Supply chains and networks, SLU, Sweden
2013- Research Methods, SLU, Sweden
2012- Cooperatives and Other Agri-Food Systems, SLU, Sweden
2010 Maximum entropy econometrics (MSC), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
2008-10 Agribusiness Economics (MSC). FØI, LIFE, University of Copenhagen (KU)
1999-11 Microeconomic Theory (MSC). Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (MAICH)
2006-08 Economics of the food industry (MSC). Inst. of Food & Resource Econ. (FØI), KVL
1999-05 AgriBusiness and Economic Organization of the AgriFood Chain (MSC) KVL
1997-99 Agricultural Marketing (MSC). Department of Economics & Natural Resources, KVL
2007-10 Industrial Organization (MSC). University of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
2000 Economics of Cooperatives (MSC). with Peter Bogetoft, KVL
1998 Economics of Cooperatives (MSC). With Murray Fulton. KVL
1992-93 International Business (MBA). European University
1992-93 Managerial Economics (MBA). European University
Teaching BA Courses
2006-10 Food industry: Structure & Economics. FØI, LIFE, University of Copenhagen (KU)
1992-93 Farm Management. Technological Education Institute of Thessaloniki (TEITH)
1991-92 European Integration. ICBS, Thessaloniki Business School
1991-92 (ΜΒΑ) International Economics and Trade. ICBS, Thessaloniki Business School
1990 Political Economy. Department of Mathematics, University of the Aegean, Greece
1988-89 Agricultural Marketing and Prices. University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Τeaching e-Learning
2005 Economics of the food industry (MSC). e-Learning course, Using Absalon. KVL
1995 Outstanding Article Award. By the Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society (CAEFMS), for the Article: A Graphical Examination of an Importer/Exporter Oligopoly Trade Model. Canadian J of Agricultural Economics
1999 Nominated: Teacher of the Year, KVL
PhD Student Supervision
2012-16 Kalapouti, K. (Co-Supervisor). Analysis of Regional Innovation Activity. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
2016- Morphi, Chrysoula, SLU. (Supervisor). Organization and governance of the Swedish seed industry (Lisensiate).
2011-15 Norman Kwikiriza, Makerere University, Uganda (Co-Supervisor). “Analyzing the governance of the global value chain exporting organic pineapple in Uganda”
2011-15 Leah Murimi, University of Nairobi, Kenya. (Co-Supervisor). “Analyzing the Governance of organic supplies to the domestic supermarket chains ‘Nakumatt’ and ‘Uchumi’ in Kenya”
2013-16 Shadrack Mbapila, SUA, Tanzania. (Co-Supervisor) “The network organization of the tourist industry and its potential organic food market”
2007-14 Emelij Tuna, SLU, Uppsala. (Co-Supervisor) The dairy industry in the FYROM. SLU
2008-12 Proscovia Kamugisha, SUA, Tanzania. (Co-Supervisor). Dynamics of beef markets in a restructured agri food sector for poverty reduction in Tanzania
2009-13 Maliwaza F. Mbwana, SUA, Tanzania. (Co-Supervisor) Transforming smallholder livestock farm into profitable enterprise: Value chain approach of poultry
2009-12 Eliona Hajderllari, U. of Copenhagen. (Supervisor). Standards and labelling of GM Potatoes
2007-12 Luljeta Hajderllari, U. of Copenhagen. (Supervisor). The Network form of global farms
2004-08 Zena Benda, SUA, Tanzania. (Co-Supervisor). Organization of the Tanzanian Nile Perch Industry in Lake Victoria
2003-08 Maria Skovager Østergaard, (Co-Supervisor). Agricultural Policy Formation and Agricultural Policy Reforms - nationally, regionally and internationally
2001-06 Paul Clendal, KVL. (Supervisor). A Study of the European Organic Food Industry
2001-06 Jesper Tranbjerg Graversen, KVL. (Supervisor). A Study of the Danish Agri-Food Chain
1993-95 Guo X. Co–Supervisor, U. of Saskatchewan. (Co-Supervisor). Impacts of Institutional Reforms on Chinese Agriculture
Externally Funded Research
2016-20 SIDA Supervisor “Building Research and Training capacities to develop innovations in sustainable intensification of maize–based cropping systems for improving productivity, food security and resilience to climate change in Uganda”. Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA)
2014-16 ERANET. Team Leader. COSUS: Consumers in a sustainable food supply chain: understanding barriers and facilitators for acceptance of visually suboptimal foods SUSFOOD
2015 H2020-Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. Project Leader/Supervisor Governance species: Classification of governance structures in the agri-food industry
2012-15 MISTRA. Team Leader. MISTRA Biotech: Biotechnology for Sustainable and Competitive Agriculture and Food. The Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research. Sweden.
2010-2014 DANIDA Team Leader. Productivity and Growth in Organic Value-chains. Danish Inernational Development Agency (DANIDA)
2010-2011 SCA Team Leader. Competition in Swedish Agri-Food Sector.
2009-2012 DANIDA Team Leader/Supervisor: Income Generation through Market Access and Improved Feed Utilization: Production of Quality Beef and Goat Meat (IGMAFU-Meat). Danish Inernational Development Agency (DANIDA), ENRECA
2009-2012 DANIDA Team Leader/Supervisor: Opportunities and challenges in peri-urban livestock farming in Tanzania. Danish Inernational Development Agency (DANIDA), ENRECA
2008-2012 DANIDA Team Leader/Supervisor. Improving health and productivity of smallholder livestock in East Africa. Danish Inernational Development Agency (DANIDA), ENRECA
2007-2010 EU-6FP Team Leader. EU Food Industry Dynamics and Methodological Advances (FOODIMA). EU, Sixth Framework Programme.
2004-2008 Team Leader/Supervisor. Standards and Agro-food Exports (SAFE): Identifying Challenges and Outcomes for Developing Countries. Danish Inernational Development Agency (DANIDA), ENRECA.
1998-2000 EU-FAIR Team Leader. Quality Strategies and Producers’ Organisation in the European Agri–Food Sector: Consumer Information and Competition. EU FAIR.
2014 TASK FORCE GREECE. Assistance to new opportunities for agriculture in Greece
2013 DANIDA, ILRI, TERRA NUOVA. Reducing Vulnerability of Somali Communities by Raising the Capacity of Indigenous Systems and Enhancing Market Access and Consumer Welfare
2010 EU. Support to the Policy Dialogue and Advice Programme in Kazakhstan (PDAP)
2003 FAO. Maximum Entropy Methods for Data Handling
1995 SADF. Vertical Coordination and Integration in the Hog Industry: The Mechanism for Growth. Saskatchewan Agricultural Development Fund (SADF), and SPI Marketing Inc.
1987 SWP. Handling and Transporting Grain in Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan Wheat Pool, Canada.
1986 SWP. Grain Transportation in Canada. Saskatchewan Wheat Pool, Canada.
1985 MWT. The Canadian Grain Handling and Transportation System. Ministry of Highways and Transport, Government of Saskatchewan, Canada.
1985 Expert Witness in Regina and Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada Crow Rate Transportation Hearings
1985-89 CWB. Agricultural Marketing and International Trade. Canadian Ministry of Transport, the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture and the Canadian Wheat Board
Editorial Positions
2010 American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Associate Editor
2010 Review of Economics & Institutions. Member of the Editorial Board
2004-10 European Review of Agricultural Economics. Member of the Editorial Board
2003-10 Journal of Agri-Food Industrial Organisation and Policy. Associate Editor
2002 European Review of Agricultural Economics. Guest Editor
Special Issue 2002: The Economics of Contracts in Agriculture.
Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization; American Journal of Agricultural Economics; Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics; Agribusiness; Acta Skandinavia Economica; European Review of Agricultural Economics; Economics and Society; J. of Industrial Ecology; Journal of Agri-Food Industrial Organisation and Policy.
Placement Committees
2005 Research Professor of Industrial Organization and Food Market MTT Finland
2009 Professor of Food Markets Research MTT Finland
2002- Chaired and staffed several committees on professorships, and/or Associate professorships at LIFE, KU
PhD Evaluation Committees
2015 Member of Evaluation Committee: Ingrid Nordmark. Assessment of Local Food Distribution: Challenges and Possibilities for Logistics Development. Department of Energy and Technology, SLU
2011 Member of Evaluation Committee: Lena Lind. Consumer adaptation of the Swedish pork sector. Department of Economics, SLU
2010 Member of Evaluation Committee: N. Kalogeras, University of Maastricht. Essays on Individual Decision Making
2010 Member of Evaluation Committee: Feng Li, Erasmus University Rotterdam. Motivation, Coordination and Cognition in Cooperatives
2008 Chairman of Evaluation Committee: M.C. Mikkers, University of Copenhagen. Essays in regulatory design – Theory and practice
2007 Member of Evaluation Committee: Moti Jaleta Debello, Wageningen University. Econometric analyses of horticultural production and marketing in Central and Eastern Ethiopia
2007 Member of Evaluation Committee: Aimee Milagrosa, Wageningen U. Institutional analysis of vegetable production & marketing in N. Philippines: Social Capital, Institutions & Governance
2004 Chairman of Evaluation Committee: Alaa Joma, KVL: The First Agricultural-Specific Input-Output Table for Palestine: A study of the Interdependence of Agriculture and Other Sectors
2002 Chairman of Evaluation Committee: Henrik B. Olesen, KVL. Organization of Agricultural Production – A Contract Theorerical Approach
2002 Chairman of Evaluation Committee: Jarka Chloukpová, KVL. CEEC Integration in the EU: Agricultural Structure, Social Capital and Credit Market
2001 Member of Evaluation Committee: Arnold Boon, Copenhagen Business School
Vertical Coordination of Interdependent Innovations in the Agri-Food Industry
PostDoc Supervision
2014-15 Ranjan Ghosh, (SLU) Institutions and value chains in bioeconomy
2014-16 Jun Zhou, (SLU) Industrial organization and Agri-food value chains
2011-13 Feng Li, (SLU) Agribusiness Economics – with a focus on industrial organization
1985-89 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Saskatchewan, Canada. Dissertation: An Oligopoly Model of a Vertical Market System with Application to the World Corn Trade
1982-85 Master of Science (MSC). Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Saskatchewan, Canada. Thesis: Economic Impact of Variable Freight Rates on Western Canadian Grain Handling and Transportation System: An Area Study
1976-82 Bachelor of Arts (BA) . School of Law and Economics. Department of Economics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
1971-76 Diploma. High School of Alexandria, Imathia, Greece
Employment History
2013- Professor of Business Administration
Department of Economics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
2002-13 Professor. Institute of Food and Natural Resources. University of Copenhagen
1997-02 Associate Professor. Department of Economics and Natural Resources, Unit of Economics. The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University of Copenhagen (KVL)
1997-98 Assistant Professor. Dept. of Urban and Rural Development. Panteion U. of Athens.
1995-97 Post Doctoral Researcher. Dept of Agric. Economics, Wageningen University
1993-95 Professional Research Associate. Dept of Agr. Economics, University of Saskatchewan
1992-93 Visiting Assistant Professor. Technological Education Institute of Thessaloniki (TEI)
1991-93 Professor. I.C.B.S. Thessaloniki Business School, Thessaloniki, Greece
1992-93 Professor. European University
1990-91 Hellenic Army Forces (Compulsory Service)
1983-87 Hadley Van Vliet Memorial Scholarship. Canada
1986 L.H. Handelman Postgraduate Scholarship Canada
Academic Visits
2010- Visiting Professor Department of Economics, Swedish U of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
2005-06 Visiting Researcher. Walter Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley
1987-88 Visiting Scholar. Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Berkeley
2023-25 Filiz M. Kinikli “Organization, Governance and Power of Conflicts of Farmer Cooperatives in Sweden”
2014-15 Ranjan Ghosh, (SLU) “Institutions and value chains in bioeconomy”
2014-16 Jun Zhou, (SLU) “Industrial organization and Agri-food value chains”
2011-13 Feng Li, (SLU) “Agribusiness Economics – with a focus on industrial organization”
2016- Simon Peter Okinor. (Supervisor). Economic evaluation of sustainable intensification of maize-based cropping systems in Uganda
2016- Morphi, Chrysoula, SLU. (Supervisor). Organization and governance of the Swedish seed industry.
2012-16 Kalapouti, K. (Co-Supervisor). Analysis of Regional Innovation Activity. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
2011-15 Norman Kwikiriza, Makerere University, Uganda: “Analyzing the governance of the global value chain exporting organic pineapple in Uganda”
2011-15 Leah Murimi, University of Nairobi, Kenya: “Analyzing the Governance of organic supplies to the domestic supermarket chains ‘Nakumatt’ and ‘Uchumi’ in Kenya”
2013-16 Shadrack Mbapila, SUA, Tanzania: “The network organization of the tourist industry and its potential organic food market”
2008-12 Proscovia Kamugisha, SUA, Tanzania. Dynamics of beef markets in a restructured agri food sector for poverty reduction in Tanzania
2009-13 Maliwaza F. Mbwana, SUA, Tanzania. Transforming smallholder livestock farm into profitable enterprise: Value chain approach of poultry
2009-12 Eliona Hajderllari, U. of Copenhagen. Standards and labelling of GM Potatoes
2007-12 Luljeta Hajderllari, U. of Copenhagen. The Network form of global farms
2007-12 Ema Tuna, SLU, Uppsala. The dairy industry in the FYROM
2004-08 Zena Benda, SUA, Tanzania. Organization of the Tanzanian Nile Perch Industry in Lake Victoria
2003-08 Maria Skovager Østergaard, Agricultural Policy Formation and Agricultural Policy Reforms - nationally, regionally and internationally
2001-06 Paul Clendal, KVL. A Study of the European Organic Food Industry
2001-06 Jesper Tranbjerg Graversen, KVL. A Study of the Danish Agri-Food Chain
1993-95 Co–Supervisor .X. Guo, U. of Saskatchewan. Impacts of Institutional Reforms on Chinese Agriculture
Selected publications
Publications in refereed journals & books (38)
2022 Bhuyan, S.; Karantininis, K. "Measuring cooperative performance using organizational effectiveness and member participation". in Elliott, M.E.; Boland, S.E. (Ed), "Handbook of Research on Cooperatives and Mutuals". EE Elgar
2022 Chatzopoulou, S.; Karantininis, K. "Resilience and adaptability capacity in the Danish agriculture and food system: Continuity and Change". In Triantafillou, P.; A. Hagedorn Krogh; and A. Agger (Editors) "Look North? Danish Governance Responses to the Global Challenges of the 21st Century". Emerald Publishing
2021 Karantininis, K. "Overview of policies and institutional frameworks on GHG emissions in EU, China, Africa, with special reference to the role of agriculture", in Zylbersztajn, D.; Giordano, S. R.; De Vita, C. L. R. Cadernos da Universidade do Café. 11.
2021 Tuna, Emelj; Kostas Karantininis. “Agricultural cooperatives as social capital hubs – A case in a post-socialist country”. Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management. 9/1) June. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcom.2021.100134
2020 Chrysoula Morfi; Jerker Nilsson; Karin Hakelius; Kostas Karantininis. “Social networks and member participation in cooperative governance”. Agribusiness. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1002/agr.21660
2020 Krina, A.; Xystrakis, F.; Karantininis, K.; Koutsias, N. “Monitoring and Projecting Land Use/Land Cover Changes of Eleven Large Deltaic Areas in Greece from 1945 Onwards”. Remote Sensing 2020, 12, 1241.
2019 Mbapila, Shadrack J.; Kostas Karantininis; Evelyne A. Lazaro. “Institutions, production and transaction costs in the value chain of organic tomatoes and sweet peppers in tourist hotels, Unguja and Arusha”. Cogent Food & Agriculture.
2018 N. Kwikiriza, J. Mugisha, K. Karantininis, P. Rye Kledal. “Influence of transaction costs and Governance in the marketing of organic pineapples from Uganda”. Journal of Sustainable Development
2017 Dries, L.; Karantininis, K.; Martino, G. Codron, J-M.; Pascucci, S. (Eds). It’s a jungle out there! The strange animals of economic organization in agri-food value chains. Wageningen Academic Publishers
2017 Karantininis, K. A New Paradigm for Greek Agriculture. Palgrave–McMillan.
2017 Murimi, M.L.; Karantininis. K.; Wahome, R.G. “Choice of Marketing Channels in the Kenyan Domestic Organic Market”. American Journal of Rural Development 5(6): 151-157.
2017 Rohm, H., M. Oostindjer, J. Aschemann-Witzel, C. Symmank, V. L Almli, I. E. de Hooge, A. Normann, K. Karantininis. "Consumers in a Sustainable Food Supply Chain (COSUS): Understanding Consumer Behavior to Encourage Food Waste Reduction." Foods 6(12): 104.
2017 Gichure, J. N., R. G. Wahome, P. M. K. Njage, E. G. Karuri, J. M. Nzuma, K. Karantininis. "Factors influencing extent of traceability along organic fresh produce value chains: case of kale in Nairobi, Kenya." Organic Agriculture 7(3): 293-302.
2016 Vlachvei, A.; Notta, O.; Karantininis, K.; Tsounis, N (Eds). Firm Competitiveness-Theory, Measurement, and Empirical Research. IGI Global.
2016 Kwikiriza, N.; Mugisha, J.; Kledal, P. Rye; Karantininis, K.; Namuwooza, C. Tracing Uganda’s Global Primary Organic Pineapple Value Chain. African Crop Science Journal, 24(1). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/acsj.v24i1.2
2016 Yuksel, H.; Karantininis, K.; Hess, S. Reconsidering Media Discourses on Food Crisis from a Quantitative Perspective, Journal of Food Products Marketing. DOI: 10.1080/10454446.2014.1000449
2015 Pascucci, S.; Dries, L.; Karantininis, K. Martino, G. (Eds). Regulation and Organizational Change in the Governance of Agri-food Value Chains British Food Journal, Vol. 117 (10)
2015 Ben Arfa N., Daniel K., and Karantininis K. Agricultural policies and structural change in French dairy farms: application of a non-stationary Markov model. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 63: 19-42
2014 Galata, L., Karantininis K, Hess, S. Cross-Atlantic Differences in Biotechnology and GMOs: A Media Content Analysis. in Zopounidis, C., Kalogeras N., Mattas K., van Dijk, G. Baourakis, G. (Editors), Agricultural Cooperative Management and Policy - New Robust, Reliable and Coherent Modelling Tools. Springer.
2014 Morfi, C., Ollila, P., Nilsson, J., Feng, L., Karantininis, K. Motivation behind Members’s Loayalty to Agricultural Cooperatives. in Windsperger, J., Cliquet, G., Ehrmann, T., Hendrikse, G. (Editors) Interfirm networks: Franchising, cooperatives and strategic alliances. Springer
2013 Hajderllari, L.; Karantininis, K. (2013). The structural dynamics of the food industry in European Union, in Briz, J., and Felipe, I. (Editors), Methodology and performance of the food value chain: A multidisciplinary and international vision. Madrid: Editorial Agrícola Española S.A. pp: 261-282
2012 Furtan, W.H.; Karantininis, K. Reverse franchising: Reversng the road to mega farms, Farm Policy Journal 9[2], 39-50
2012 Hakelius K, Karantininis K., Li Feng. The resilience of the Cooperative Form: Cooperative Beehiving by Swedish Cooperatives. in Ehrman, T., G. Cliquet, G.W.J. Hendrikse, and J. Windsperger, (Editors), Governance of Alliances, Cooperatives and Franchise Chains, Springer
2011 Galanopoulos, K.; K. Karantininis, K. Mattas., C. Karelakis. (2011) Exploring the Relations, Bargaining Forms and Dynamics of the EU Food Supply Chain under the Perspective of the Key Actors: Evidence from Greece and Denmark. International Journal of Food System Dynamics 2(3): 274-80
2010 Karantininis, K.,Sauer, J., and Furtan, W.H. Innovation and integration in the agri-food industry, Food Policy 35[2], 112-120
2008 Karantininis, K. and Graversen, J. T. Relational contracts and adaptation: application to a pork producer contract. Agribusiness 24[3], 342-354.
2007 Furtan, W. H., Guzel, A., and Karantininis, K. The Doha talks and the bargaining surplus in agriculture. Estey Centre Journal of International Law and Trade Policy 8[2], 138-154.
2007 Karantininis, K. and Zylbersztajn, D. The global farmer: Typology, institutions and organisation. Journal of Chain and Network Science 7(1):71-83.
2007 Karantininis, K. The Network form of the cooperative organization. In Karantininis, K., Nilsson, J. (Editors). (2007). Vertical markets and cooperative hierarchies: the role of cooperatives in the agri-food industry. Springer
2007 Karantininis, K., Nilsson, J. (Editors). Vertical markets and cooperative hierarchies: The role of cooperatives in the agri-food industry. Springer
2002 Karantininis, K. Information-based estimators for the non-stationary transition probability matrix: an application to the Danish pork industry. Journal of Econometrics 107(1-2):275-290.
2002 Vetter, H.; and Karantininis, K. Moral hazard, vertical integration and public monitoring in credence goods.European Review of Agricultural Economics 29(2):271-279.
2001 Karantininis, K. and Zago, A. Cooperatives and membership commitment: endogenous membership in mixed duopsonies. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 83(5):1266-1272.
1998 Oustapassidis, K., Vlachvei, A., and Karantininis, K. Growth of investor owned and cooperative firms in greek dairy industry. Annals of public and Cooperative Economics 69(3):399-417.
1997 Gillespie, J. M., Karantininis, K., and Storey, G. G. The expansion and evolution of vertical coordination in Quebec hog industry. Review of Agricultural Economics 19(2):350-370.
1997 Karantininis, K. A., McNinch, T., and Brown, W. J. Risk and (re-) organization in agriculture: The economics of back grounding cattle in Saskatchewan. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 45(3):301-316.
1995 Karantininis, K., Lambert, R., and Louis, R. Quebec hog/pork industry: Making new moves or simply marking time? American Journal of Agricultural Economics 77:1207-1212.
1994 Fulton, M. and Karantininis, K. A Graphical examination of an importer exporter oligopoly trade model. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 42(1):29-49.
1989 Karantininis K, and G.G. Storey. A Simulation Model of the Grain Handling and Transportation System, Modelling and Simulation, Vol. 20(1), pp. 419-428.