Kornelia Johansson

I am a PhD-student in environmental communication, working in the project Shadow forests – Re-thinking dominant forest cultures in times of emergency, exploring socio-cultural factors affecting the transformation of the Swedish forest industry. In particular my research focuses on the role of the journalist - how forest journalists in their profession has the opportunity to both challenge and reproduce established socio-cultural structures in the forestry industry and to influence public opinion.
I have a master's degree in rural development and natural resource management from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala. In my master's thesis Stories from the forest: an analysis of the discursive framing of forest-based bioeconomy from the perspective of Forest Owners Associations and private forest owners in Sweden, I investigated how private forest owners and forest owner associations perceive and relate to the concept of forest bioeconomy.
I have also worked as a research assistant in the project Governance, Justice and Transition - On the way to a fossil-free society, where I, among other things, studied the fund on the EU's Just Transition Fund (JTF) and how the fund influences the industrial transition taking place in Sweden.
In 2022 I conducted a survey and interview study for the SLU Forest Damage Centre focusing on privat forest owners' perception of risk, in relation to forest damage associated with climate change in Sweden.
Selected publications
Fischer, A., Joosse, S., Strandell, J., Söderberg, N., Johansson, K. (2023). How justice shapes transition governance – a discourse analysis of Swedish policy debates.Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. DOI: 10.1080/09640568.2023.2177842