Kristin Thored
I am one of five environmental coordinators within the "Ecology centre and Naturicum environmental certificate" and an internal auditor of environmental management systems at SLU.
Administrator at Future Food, where I coordinate seminars and conferences.
I also review the statistics of some of SLU´s long-term experiments in the Nordic Field Trial System that our department is responsible of.
Secretary in the Equal opportunity commitee at the Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences.
Every now and then I write reports, such as "Winter wheat to new heights" together with Odling i balans for example.
I am responsible for the master course Agricultural cropping systems and administrate the swedish agonomy course "Lantbrukets växtproduktion".
MSc in Soil Science, SLU 2010.
Selected publications
C. Poeplau, H. Marstorp, K. Thored, and T. Kätterer (2016). Effect of grassland cutting frequency on soil carbon storage – a case study on public lawns in three Swedish cities. SOIL, 2, 175–184.
C.A. Shand, K. Rosén, K. Thored, R. Wendler, and S. Hillier (2013). Downward migration of radiocaesium on organic soils across a transect in Scotland. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 115. 124-133.
Thored, Kristin, 2010. Downward migration and transfer to plants of radiocaesium in Scottish soil profiles : a comparison with earlier studies. Second cycle, A1E. Uppsala: SLU, Dept. of Soil and Environment.