CV page

Lara Tickle

Lara Tickle
Lara Tickle is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Division of Landscape Architecture, Department of Rural and Urban Development. Her research explores multifunctional landscapes, focusing on urban biodiversity, sustainable planning, and governance frameworks. She examines how different actors negotiate access to and management of urban greenspaces. Her work integrates qualitative and practice-based methodologies to analyze the intersections of biodiversity conservation, land use, and social dimensions of environmental governance.


Her previous research has centered on human-wildlife relations, with a particular focus on hunting as a platform for human-wildlife interactions. She has studied how modern processes influence hunting practices, access, ethics and perceptions of wildlife in hunting culture. She is experienced in government policy through her previous work at several national agencies and position on the wildlife-management delegation in Uppsala. 


Lecturer at the LK0392 landscape architecture course: "Gestaltning genom förvaltning" (2023 - )

Lecturer for the LU0091 master course: “The process of research: Qualitative methods, data analysis and academic writing” 2019-2021.

Teaching training courses

Teaching in Higher Education, basic course (SLU, January - March, 2021)

Course in Grading and Assessment (SLU, September 2020)

Academic work and contributing positions:

LAG higher seminars organiser (2023 - )

PhD and Division Representative at SOL Department Research Board (2020-2022) and contributed to the critera for the PhD thesis process. 

Creator and in charge of Environmental Communication's ResearchGate page (2019 - 2021)

Participated in UIC (Uppsala Innovation Center) Startup and awarded Vinnova verifying grant from SLU holding 2022.

Representative and board member at the Uppsala County Wildlife Delegation from 2017 - 2019. 


The BOAR project, Uppsala Innovation Centre (UIC), Swedish Hunting Association, National Hunters' Association, The European Federation of Associations for Hunting & Conservation, International Environmental Communication Association (IECA), MISTRA.


PhD in Environmental Communication from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (2018 - 23 March 2023)

MSc in Environmental Communication and Management from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (2012 - 2014)

BA in Geography from King's College London (2007 - 2010)



2025: Currently supervising two master students in both Landscape Architecture and in Animal Agronomy.

2024: Supervisor bachelor thesis : 
- Agnes Diurhuus-Gundersen och Lina Magnusson: Grönytefaktor som styrmedel för biologisk mångfald. En fallstudie i Rosendal, Uppsala
- Linn Wara och Tove Bossuyt: Bevara eller exploatera? En studie om biologisk mångfalds plats i en växande stad
- Elis Kummel Welter: Offentliga aktörers arbete med invasiva arter i Dalarna. Hur påverkas hanteringen av parkslide och
blomsterlupin om de tas upp på en nationell förteckning?
- Olle Löv: Skelettjordar – fallgropar vid anläggning En undersökning över vilka faktorer som påverkar resultatet ur ett etablerings perspektiv

2023: Co-supervisor, master thesis: Tavaziva, Varwi Jacob. Sustainable management of the African elephant – stakeholder solutions to a human-wildlife conflict. Avancerad nivå, A2E. Uppsala: SLU, Institutionen för anatomi, fysiologi och biokemi

2020: Main supervisor, master thesis: Fouache, Adélaïde: "Killing with Kindness: is whale watching in the Salish Sea killing the Southern Resident Killer Whales?"


Selected publications

Peer-reviewed articles: 

Vajas, P., E., von Essen, L., Tickle, and M., Gamelon. ‘Meeting the Challenges of Wild Boar Hunting in a Modern Society: The Case of France’. Ambio 52, no. 8 (1 August 2023): 1359–72.

Tickle, L., E. von Essen, and A. Fischer. ‘Expanding Arenas for Learning Hunting Ethics, Their Grammars and Dilemmas: An Examination of Young Hunters’ Enculturation into Modern Hunting’. Sociologia Ruralis 62, no. 3 (2022): 632–50.

Essen, Erica von, Michael Allen, and Lara Tickle. ‘Game of Drones: On the Moral Significance of Deception in Modern Sport Hunting’. The Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence 4, no. 2 (29 September 2020): 137–57.

Tickle, L., and E. von Essen (2020). “The Seven Sins of Hunting Tourism.” Annals of Tourism Research 84: 102996.

von Essen, E. and L. Tickle (2019). "Leisure or Labour: An Identity Crisis for Modern Hunting?" Sociol. Rural. 0. Tickle, L.N., 2019. The Practice of

Tickle, L. (2019). "Hunting as a Way to Transcend Alienation from Nature." J. Transdiscipl. Environ. Stud. 17, 22–34.

Book Chapters: 

Kline, Carol, Erica von Essen, Johan Lindsjö, Adélaïde Fouache, Lara Tickle, Kate Dashper, Erika Cederholm, et al. ‘14 Working Animal Research: An Agenda for the Future’, 243–52, 2021.

Doctoral thesis:

Tickle, Lara. ‘Past Echoes and Modern Pressures : On the Changing Ethics of Modern Hunting in Sweden’. Doctoral thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 2023. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae.

Popular media: 

Svensk Jakt: "Fler kvinnor jagar – hur påverkas jaktlagen och kvinnorna själva?". 29 May 2024.

Landpaths blogg: "Doing Multifucntionality in urban woodlands". 29 April 2024

Dagens Nyheter: "Kvinnor var inte bara samlare - de jagade som männen". 30 June 2023.

Radio France Internationale (RFI): "Accents d'Europe - Chasser l'élan en Suède". 2 December 2022.

Svensk Jakt: "Jaktturismens sju dödsynder" (Print only). October 2022.

Jaktjournalen: "Stor klädaktör nobbade jägare". 1 December 2021.

Sveriges Vildnad: "Den Svenska Jägarens Jaktetik". 2nd December 2020.

Jakt & Jägare: "Frutimmer i Skogen, Jägarinna på Instagram" (Print only). January 2020.

Sveriges Radio: "Sju synder inom viltturism". 30th August 2019.

Jaktjournalen: "Du ska våldtas och dödas!" - Jägartjejer vittnar om grova kräkningar. 29 Mars 2019.

Conferences and Symposiums:

Pathways Europe 2022: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference. Organised and led session on "The ethical dimensions of sharing landscapes" together with Dr. Nicolaj Bichel. Presented "Fresh meat: female hunters and the motivation to hunt for ethical meat" at the same panel. October 2022.

Nordic Wildlife Conference, Uppsala. Presented “Fresh meat: female hunters and the motivation to hunt for ethical meat.” September 2022. 

Naturvårdsverket: Viltkonferensen 2022. Online. Presented "Åt vilket håll utvecklas jakt(etik)en?" (in Swedish). January 2021.

Naturvårdsverket Viltsamverkan. Online. Presented about hunting ethics for employees at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (in Swedish). October 2022.

Nordic Environmental Ethics Winter Symposium 2021, Turku. Presented "Is there a Nordic hunting ethic? Examining the evolution of a common hunting ethos in Sweden." March 2021. 

COCE (Conference on Communication and Environment Online). The IECA (The International Environmental Communication Association): Re-Mediating the Wild. Online. Presented "Framing the Real by the Virtual: an ethical exploration of virtual reality training for hunters." June 2021.

Sveriges Vildnad 2020, Stockholm. ”Den svenska jägarens jaktetik – möjligheter och framtida utmaningar.” (in Swedish). November 2020.

International Symposium for Society and Resource Management (ISSRM) Virtual Conference 2020. Online. Presented “The Virtual Mentor” moral education in Hunting and Digital sources of knowledge. June 2020.

ESRS Conference: XXVIII European Society for Rural Sociology Congress "Rural futures in a complex world", Trondheim. Presented “Leisure and Labour in hunting.” June 2019.

Instagranimal: A symposium on the animal ethics and welfare challenges in animal-based tourism, SLU, Uppsala. Helped organise and presented "the seven sins of wildlife tourism." August 2019.




Postdoctor at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Landscape management
Telephone: +18672245, +46761346387