CV page

Lars Lundqvist

Lars Lundqvist
I am Associate Professor in Silviculture with Selection System and Continuous Cover Forestry as my main interest. I am currently mainly retired but will continue be employed part time for some time.


My research has had two main themes, the main one being stand dynamics of uneven-aged forests. I have also done some research incorporating biomechanics in studies of tree growth

In teaching I have been involved in almost all courses in silviculture at the department, at all levels at the Jägmästarutbildning (MSc in Forestry). 


My main responsibility in teaching has been silviculture in general and especially growth and yield. I have been teaching Silviculture at all levels in the Jägmästarprogrammet (MSC in Forestry). As part of this work I have co-authored three chapters in Skogsskötselserien på internet. I have also supervised students doing their Bachelor and Master Thesis.‘


Uneven-aged silviculture and single-tree selection

Most of the work deal with Picea abies forests. It is based on permanent field experiments, both very old and some newer plots, repeated surveys and reconstructions. Analyzes have focused on volume increment, changes in the stand structure and ingrowth.

A few years ago I also participated in a study of uneven-aged Pinus sylvestris forests.

Tree growth and biomechanics

The work was focused on the biomechanical theory of tree growth, which states that radial growth of tree stems is mainly a result of mechanical stress, caused by wind sway. The long term goal was to incorporate the theory in a new generation of growth models.

Selected publications

In 2023 I published Blädningsbruk - en handbok (Selection system - a manual), which will be translated to English during 2024. It summarizes the current state of practical knowledge, primarily for practising forest owners.

Recent Open Access publications:

Long-term yield and biodiversity in stands managed with the selection system and the rotation forestry system: A qualitative review

Multi-layered Scots pine forests in boreal Sweden result from mass regeneration and size stratification

Tamm Review: Selection system reduces long-term volume growth in Fennoscandic uneven-aged Norway spruce forests


Researcher at the Department of Forest Ecology and Management; Department of Forest Ecology and Management, joint staff
Telephone: +46907868407, +46702595818
Postal address:
Skogens ekologi och skötsel
901 83 Umeå
Visiting address: Skogsmarksgränd 17, Umeå

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