CV page

Lars Lundqvist

Lars Lundqvist
I am currently mainly retired but will continue with a low percentage of employment during 2025.


My research has had two main themes, the main one being stand dynamics of uneven-aged forests. I have also done some research incorporating biomechanics in studies of tree growth


Selected publications

In 2023 I published Blädningsbruk - en handbok (Selection system - a manual), which will hopefully be translated into English during 2025. It summarizes the current state of practical knowledge, primarily for practicing forest owners.

Recent Open Access publications:

Long-term yield and biodiversity in stands managed with the selection system and the rotation forestry system: A qualitative review

Multi-layered Scots pine forests in boreal Sweden result from mass regeneration and size stratification

Tamm Review: Selection system reduces long-term volume growth in Fennoscandic uneven-aged Norway spruce forests


Researcher at the Department of Forest Ecology and Management; Department of Forest Ecology and Management, joint staff
Telephone: +46907868407, +46702595818
Postal address:
Skogens ekologi och skötsel
901 83 Umeå
Visiting address: Skogsmarksgränd 17, Umeå