Lina Berglund-Snodgrass

I am a university lecturer and researcher in landscape planning with a special focus on urban planning at the Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Administration since January 2022. Since November 2023 I am also working part time as the manager of operations at SLU Think Tank Movium. Prior to this, I was a senior lecturer in spatial planning at Blekinge University of Technology, where I was engaged in research, supervision and teaching.
I was a member in the scientific committe for the IFLA 2023 congress that took place in Stockholm and Nairobi. I was also a member of the organizing committee for AESOP's annual congress in Gothenburg 2018 (which was held in collaboration with Chalmers, KTH, GU, and BTH), and was especially responsible for organizing the doctoral student workshop. I have a past as a practicing landscape architect in London, UK, where I, among other things. worked with the design, planning and strategic development of schools within the framework of the British investment program 'Building Schools for the Future' (BSF).
I am also a co-editor of the Swedish society for planning periodical magazine PLAN since 2023.
My teaching experience is quite broad where I have developed, led / and or participated in introductory courses in planning theory, studio courses on local development based on postmodern planning theories, autoethnographic methods in rural planning, the relationship building development and technical infrastructure, and on programming.
My research interests concern planning in a fairly broad sense, where I am, among other things, interested in questions about urban planning (changing) points of departure regarding, for example, its underpinning ideas and knowledge(s).
I have supervised a number of bachelor's and master's theses in spatial planning at Blekinge University of Technology, including Linnea Rosenberg's work on locating and designing so-called mobility hubs that received the Karlskrona municipality's planning scholarship in 2021.
Selected publications
2023. For full list of publications, see RSS-feed below.
Berglund-Snodgrass, L & Mukhtar-Landgren, D. (2023). Mobilitetshubbar: Från parkering till paketering. Landskapsarkitektur, trädgård, växtproduktions-vetenskap: rapportserie 2023:5, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet Alnarp
Berglund-Snodgrass, L., Fred, M. & Mukhtar-Landgren, D. (2023). In-between stability and adaptability. Making sense of innovation platforms. disP- The Planning Review, 59(2), 22-37 https://doi/full/10.1080/02513625.2023.2257486
Andersén, J., Berglund-Snodgrass, L & Högström, E. (2023). Municipal responsibilities in strategic housing provision planning: to accommodate, support and facilitate. Planning practice and research.
Awarded grants:
2024-2028, Land-use planning through digital twins? Exploring emergent forms of land-use planning in the digital transformation. PhD-student project. LTV-faculty strategic program of 10 PhD-students. Approx.. 3 M SEK (P- investigator/supervisor)
2024-2028 Connecting the dots - intermodality and resilience in future sustainable travel: Risks, trade-offs and responsibilities. Funding agency: The Swedish Energy Agency (Co-investigator)
2024-2027 NavRISK: Achieving sustainability through risk-taking? Navigating between risk and and stability in urban experiments in planning. Funding agency: Formas: The Swedish research council for sustainble development. (P-investigator)
2023-2024 SoFra. Planering för sociala infrastrukturer på stadsdelsnivå. Funding agency: SLU Think Tank Movium. (P-investigator)
2023-2024 GASO. Governance Arrangements for Social Infrastructures. Seed-funding project. Funding agency: The Swedish Institute. (P-investigator)
2023 Accomplishing healthy urban living environments for people experiencing mental illness. Seed-funding project. Funding agency: SLU Urban futures. (P-investigator)
2023-2024, Landscape architecture beyond Europe - Building capacity within the global teaching community/faculties of landscape architecture to accomplish the SDG-goals. SLU Global, Seed-funding.(Co-investigator)
2023 Can competitions generate new landscape architecture? Seminar between academia and practice about architectural competitions and accomplishing novelty within landscape architecture. Activity grant, SLU Think Tank Movium, (Co-organiser)
2019-2024 Piloter för omställning av transportsektorn genom energieffektiv bebyggelse - Meesam - Människa Energisystem Samhälle ( Funding agency: The Swedish Energy Agency. (P-investigator)
2021-2023 Från parkeringshus till mobilitetsnoder: affärsmodeller, beteendeförändringar och fysisk omdaning. Funding agency: The Swedish Energy Agency. (Co-investigator)
2019-2022 LEX: Hållbara livsmiljöer för psykiskt funktionshindrade. Att integrera bostadsplanering och välfärdsservice genom nya kollaborativa praktiker. Funding agency: Formas: The Swedish research council for sustainble development and Forte: The Swedish research council for health, working life and welfare. (Co-investigator)
2020-2022 Innovationsarbetets organisering: Att lära från pilotprojekt och testlabb. Funding agency: K2: The Swedish center for research and education on public transport. (Co-investigator)
2019-2019 Kräver hållbar mobilitet nya roller för den kommunala planeringen? Funding agency: K2: The Swedish center for research and education on public transport. (Co-investigator)
Publications list: