Lisbet Christoffersen

Lisbet is a postdoc researcher at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), in the Landscape Management and Governance theme group at the Department of Landscape Architecture Planning and Management. Here she conducts the project 'Wilder Nature? The human factor in biodiversity-promoting measures'.
For almost 20 years she ran her own landscaping business as a Forest and Landscape Engineer (from 1997). In parallel she occationally worked as a consultant to environmental and development NGOs, primarily in Latin America. In 2011 she decided to turn to acadiemia.
Within the broad field of political ecology, her PhD project (University of Copenhagen, Dept. of Food and Resource Economics, Global Development group) explored how indigenous peoples in the Bolivian Amazon imagine and negotiate development that differs from that of the national government. Theoretically, the thesis draws upon critical debates within development research, including that of post-development. Empirically, it builds on repeated field studies in indigenous territories, investigating strategies of self-determination, participation and nature perceptions. The project was an extension of the master thesis revolving around 'territorial' indigenous peoples' involvement in political decision-making.
As an 'industrial PhD fellow', Lisbet was employed at the NGO Forests of the World (Denmark), with which she is still affiliated, currently as a member of the board.
Lisbet is also a member of the Danish Forestry Council, an advisory committee of the Danish Minister of Environment.
From 2023 at SLU: Course responsible and teaching at the bachelor course 'Forest and Landscape Governance'.
Since 2021 at Roskilde University: Affiliation as external lecturer
2019, School for Field Studies in Peru: Responsible for the course 'Political Ecology of Developing Landscapes, including development of curriculum, teaching and exams. Specific focus on political economy; indigenous peoples, power relations and nature perceptions. Numerous field visits,
2018, University of Copenhagen. Teaching at the master course 'Global Environmental Governance, Dept. of Food and Resource Economics
Postdoc project 2022-2025: 'Wilder Nature - The human factor in biodiversity-promoting measures'
PhD project 2015-2018: 'Amazonean Alternatives. Imagining and Negotiating Development in Lowland Bolivia'
At Roskilde University (RUC), Lisbet supervises students writing their master theses, as well as groups working on and writing projects at both master and bachelor level. She also supervises master students doing internships. In 2019, she supervised American students doing a field semester in Peru on their 'directed research' projects (School for Field Studies, SFS). Lisbet is affliated with the University of Copenhagen as a censor.
Selected publications
Peer reviewed publications:
Christoffersen, L. 2020. Contextualising Consent. Spaces for Repression, Resistance and Accomodation in Bolivia's TIPNIS Consultation. Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies, LACES. DOI: 10.1080/17442222.2020.1726023
Christoffersen, L. 2018. Amazonian Erasures: Landscape and Myth-making in Lowland Bolivia. Rural Landscapes: Society, Environment, History 5(1): 3, 1-19.
Technical reports (recent):
Christoffersen, L. 2021. Editor: Non Carbon Benefits in Practice; Proces and system for their Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV). Expertise France, EU, Forests of the World. English and Spanish version.
Forest Stewardship Council, 2021: FSC Guidelines for the Implementation of the Right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) FSC-GUI-30-003 V2.0-EN
Christoffersen, L. 2020. Defining Non Carbon Benefits. Working Paper Vol.1, Forests of the World, Århus & Copenhagen.
2020. Policy Brief on non carbon benefits. Forests of the World/Euroclima+