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Lotten Westberg

Lotten Westberg


I work as a researcher and lecturer at the department of Urban and Rural Development, division of environmental communication.


I teach in the master's program offered by the division and supervise students in their thesis work. I also give courses in communication outside academia.


Contemporary natural resource governance is guided by ideas on collaboration and dialogue while little is still known about the communication in “dialogue forums”. In the projects Communicative Capacities (EPA 2012) and The Practice of Dialogue (Formas 2016), I and colleagues explore the communication that takes place in such forums. The aims are to assess the conditions under which the communication contributes to governance in a relevant way and to provide a basis for more realistic expectations on dialogue and collaboration. In my previous research I have examined opportunities for environmental authorities to change work approaches in more democratic and inclusive direction.


MSc. (1988), Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala

Agr.Dr. (2005), Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala

Selected publications

Selected articles

Westberg, L., & Polk, M. 2016. The role of learning in transdisciplinary research: moving from a normative concept to an analytical tool through a practice based approach. Sustainability Science. DOI 10.1007/s11625-016-0358-4

Westberg. L., & Powell, S. 2015. Participate for women’s sake? - A gender analysis of Swedish deliberative NRM projects. Society and Natural Recourses.

Hallgren, L., & Westberg, L. 2014. Adaptive management? Observations of knowledge coordination in the communication practice of Swedish game management. Wildlife Biology, 21 (3) 165-174.

Hamunen, K., Appelstrand, M., Hujala, T., Kurttila, M., Sriskandarajah, N., Westberg, L., & Tikkanen, J.  2014. Defining Peer-to-peer Learning – from an Old ‘Art of Practice’ to a New Mode of Forest Owner Extension? Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 2014, 1-15.

Westberg, L., Hallgren. L., & Setterwall, A. 2010. Communicative skills development of administrators – a necessary step for implementing participatory policies in natural resource management. Environmental Communication, 4:3, 2010.

Milestad. R., Westberg, L., Geber, U., & Björklund, J. 2010. Enhancing adaptive capacity in food systems: learning at farmers’ markets in Sweden. Journal of Ecology and Society,15:3.

Selected reports

Bergeå, H., Hallgren, L., Westberg, L. & Ångman, E. 2013. Dialogprocessen om allemansrätten - underlag för utveckling av dialogmetodik och dialogkompetens. Institutionen för stad och land, Rapport: 2/2013. Uppsala.

Lönngren, M., Setterwall, A., & Westberg, L. (2012) Kommunikation och samverkan inom landskapsstrategin Människor mygg och natur vid nedre Dalälven - En utvärdering av det inledande arbetet. Rapport på uppdrag av Länsstyrelsen i Gävleborgs län.

Norrby, T., Sandström, E., & Westberg, L. 2011. Framtidens Flexibla Förvaltningsformer? En utvärdering av projektet Samverkansplaner för värdefulla kust- och havsområden. Naturvårdsverket, Rapport 6435. Stockholm


Researcher at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Division of Environmental Communication
Telephone: +4618671932, +46702163072
Postal address:
Inst för stad och land, Box 7012
Visiting address: Ulls väg 27, Uppsala