Lutz Ahrens

My current research is focusing on
- Sources, fate and transport of emerging organic pollutants in the environment such as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), personal care products and pharmaceuticals
- Passive sampling of organic pollutants in water and air
- Development of suspect and non-target screening methods using high resolution mass-spectrometry
- Development of advanced treatment techniques for soil and water
- Partitioning of organic pollutants in various compartments of the environment
- Professor Karin Wiberg, Devision leader
- Assoc. Prof. Foon Yin Lai, senior lecturer
- Dr. Anna-Karin Dahlberg, researcher
- Assoc. Prof. Oksana Golovko, researcher
- Dr. Georgios Niarchos, post-doc
- Dr. Javad Mottaghipisheh, post-doc
- Dr. Chen Xing, post-doc
- Dr. Uzair Akbar Khan, post-doc
- Dr. Alberto Celma Tirado, post-doc
- Dr. Pablo Gago Ferrero, IDAEA, CSIC, Spain, August T Larsson Guest Researcher
PhD students
- Svante Rehnstam
- Valentina Ugolini
- Oscar Skirfors
- Sofia Lindblad
- Patrick Wong
- Harold Flores Quintana
- Björn Bonnet
- Stephanie Casey
- Paul Löffler
- Maximilian Tyka
Guest PhD students
- Malhun Fakioglu (Istanbul Technical University)
- Tabea Mumberg, (main supervisor P Wanner, University of Gothenburg)
- Nicola Messinger (main supervisor F Fagerlund, Uppsala University)
- Njelama Sanga (main supervisor A Rennie, Uppsala University)
Previous members
- Dr. Aleksandra Skrobonja, chemist
- Daniel Malnes
- Dr. Sanne Smith
- Dr. Winnie Nassazi
- Dr. Dauren Mussabek (Ronny Berndtsson, Lunds University)
- Dr. Anastasia Ivanova
- Dr. Frank Menger
- Dr. Wiebke Dürig
- Dr. Meritxell Gross, ICRA, Girona, Spain
- Dr. Sarah Josefsson, Swedish Geological Survey (SGU), Uppsala, Sweden
- Dr. Pablo Gago Ferrero, ICRA, Girona, Spain
- Dr. Jana Weiss, Stockholm University
- Dr. Minh Anh Ngyuen
- Dr. Jakob Gustavsson
- Dr. Rikard Tröger, CKB, SLU, Sweden
- Dr. Mattias Söregård
Dr. Vera Franke
Current EU project grants
- PARC: Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (EU Horizon-HLTH-2021-ENVHLTH-03-01) (co-applicant, Task Leader on Early Warning Systems)
- ITN PERFORCE3: Per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances towards the future of research and its communication in Europe (Coordinator IT Cousins, ACES, Stockholm University, WP3 leader L Ahrens)
- LIFE SOuRCE: Demonstration and evaluation of Sustainable On-site Remediation technologies for PFAS-ContaminatEd groundwater (co-applicant, WP leader)
- LIFE CAPTURE: Combining novel analytical protocols for PFAS contamination with technologies for sustainable remediation (co-applicant, WP co-leader)
Current national project grants
- SIDWater: Sustainable innovative drinking water treatment solutions for large-scale water supply and reuse, Formas (main applicant)
- Artificial groundwater recharge – A shortcut for harmful poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) into groundwater systems and drinking water supplies – Can we avoid this? (PFASMAR), Formas (main applicant Philipp Wanner, GU)
- Impact of antimicrobials’ transformation products on the emergence of antibiotic resistance in aquatic bodies – mechanisms, influencing factors and associations, VR (main applicant FY Lai)
- STOP-ARG: Stopping spreads of antibiotic resistance genes and antibiotics from on-site sewage facilities to the groundwater, Formas (main applicant FY Lai)
- DANTE: Effect-directed analysis as a tool towards a non-toxic environment - identification of mixture effects and toxicity drivers in water (DANTE). (Main applicant Johan Lundqvist, SLU).
- MECROPLAN: Mapping of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) including microplastic in landfill leachate, their current ecological impact and sustainable technologies for their removal, Formas (main applicant O Golovko)
- On-farm biochar filters for removal of organic micropollutants from reclaimed water for agricultural irrigation, Stiftelsen Lantbruksforskning (main applicant O Golovko)
- FoodsecURe: Food security through better sanitation: The case of urine recycling, Norwegian Forskningsrådet (main applicant DGP Rodriguez, NIBO)
- Novel methods and strategies to ensure safe drinking water, Formas (main applicant Johan Lundqvist, SLU)
- bioPFAS: Microbial degradation of PFAS for remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater, Tuffo (main applicant F Fagerlund, Uppsala University)
- A novel approach for the removal of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in drinking water by engineering metal-organic and covalent organic frameworks, Formas (L Öhrström, Chalmers)
- DRICKS: Competence centre for drinking water - Projects about Sources, prevalence, and treatment of hazardous chemicals in drinking water, Svenskt Vatten and others
Previous project grants
- Early detection of organic micropollutants in aquatic ecosystems (main applicants L Ahrens, F Y Lai, O Golovko)
- POPscreen: Screening for emerging organic pollutants in archived biota, Swedish EPA (main applicant L Ahrens, K Wiberg)
- PhytoRem: Phytoremediation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl Substance (PFAS)-contaminated soil and groundwater (main applicant L Ahrens)
- LakePOPs: Lake Mälaren – a lake for millions – but threatened as a natural resource for drinking water, Formas (main applicant K Wiberg)
- Sorption of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in soils – mechanisms and modelling, VR (main applicant J P Gustafsson)
- StopPFAS: In-situ remediation of PFASs based on sorption methods, TUFFO (main applicant F Fagerlund, Uppsala University)
- Food waste to new food in an urban context – production, risk assessment and consumer acceptance (Main applicant Malin Hultberg, SLU).
- PFASs-FREE: Innovative treatment techniques for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in drinking water, Formas (main applicant L Ahrens)
- Blackwater treatment and reuse as agricultural fertilizer: fate and behavior of pharmaceuticals, antibiotic resistance genes and evaluation of environmental risks, Formas
- PFASs-PURE: Innovative treatment techniques for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in soil and groundwater, Vinnova (main applicant L Ahrens)
- Forest-POPs I: Legacy and emerging POPs in the Swedish forest, Formas (main applicant K Wiberg)
- Forest-POPs II: POPs in Swedish snow and boreal catchment waters, Oscar and Lili Lamms Minne (main applicant K Wiberg)
- SafeDrink: Integrated chemical and toxicological methods for early detection of hazardous chemicals in drinking water, Formas (main applicant K Wiberg)
- RedMic: Novel strategies to reduce diffuse emissions of micropollutants from on-site sewage facilities, Formas (main applicant P Andersson, Umeå University)
- NonHazCity (EU Interreg flagship project): Innovative management solutions for minimizing emissions of hazardous substances from urban areas in the Baltic Sea Region (main applicant Stockholm Stad, Tonie Wickman)
Selected publications
Recently published peer-reviewed papers (2020-present)
1. Smith SJ, Lewis J, Wiberg K, Wall E, Ahrens L, 2023. Foam fractionation for removal of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances: Towards closing the mass balance. Sci. Total Environ., 871, 162050.
2. Campos-Pereira H, Kleja DB, Ahrens L, Enell A, Kikuchi J, Pettersson M, Gustafsson JP, 2023. Effect of pH, surface charge and soil properties on the solid–solution partitioning of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in a wide range of temperate soils. Chemosphere, 321, 138133.
3. McCleaf P, Stefansson W, Ahrens L, 2023. Drinking water nanofiltration with concentrate foam fractionation—A novel approach for removal of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). Water Res., 232, 119688.
4. Niarchos G, Ahrens L, Kleja DB, Leonard G, Forde J, Bergman J, Ribeli E, Schütz M, Fagerlund F, 2023. In-situ application of colloidal activated carbon for PFAS-contaminated soil and groundwater: A Swedish case study. Remediation, 1– 10.
5. Sunyer-Caldú A, Golovko O, Kaczmarek M, Asp H, Bergstrand KJ, Gil-Solsona R, Gago-Ferrero P, Diaz-Cruz MS, Ahrens L, Hultberg M, 2023. Occurrence and fate of contaminants of emerging concern and their transformation products after uptake by pak choi (Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis). Environ. Pollut., 319, 120958.
6. Mussabek D, Söderman A, Imura T, Persson KM, Nakagawa K, Ahrens L, Berndtsson R, 2023. PFAS in the Drinking Water Source: Analysis of the Contamination Levels, Origin and Emission Rates. Water, 15, 137.
7. Sörengård M, Bergström S, McCleaf P, Wiberg K, Ahrens L, 2023. Corrigendum:“Long-distance transport of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in a Swedish drinking water aquifer” [Environ. Pollut. 311(2022) 119981] (Environ. Pollut. (2022) 311, (S0269749122011952), (10.1016/j.envpol.2022.119981)). Environ. Pollut., 316, 119981.
8. Nassazzi W, Lai FY, Ahrens L, 2022. A novel method for extraction, clean-up and analysis of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in different plant matrices using LC-MS/MS. J. Chromatogr. B, 1212, 123514.
9. Menger F, Celma A, Schymanski EL, Lai FY, Bijlsma L, Wiberg K, Hernández F, Sancho JV, Ahrens L, 2022. Enhancing spectral quality in complex environmental matrices: Supporting suspect and non-target screening in zebra mussels with ion mobility. Environ. Int., 170, 107585.
10. Nguyen MA, Norström K, Wiberg K, Gustavsson J, Josefsson S, Ahrens L, 2022. Seasonal trends of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in river water affected by fire training sites and wastewater treatment plants. Chemosphere, 308, 136467.
11. Sörengård M, Travar I, Kleja DB, Ahrens L, 2022. Fly ash-based waste for ex-situ landfill stabilization of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS)-contaminated soil. Chem. Eng. J. Adv., 12, 100396.
12. Sörengård M, Bergström S, McCleaf P, Wiberg K, Ahrens L, 2022. Long-distance transport of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in a Swedish drinking water aquifer. Environ. Pollut., 311, 119981.
13. Niarchos G, Ahrens L, Kleja DB, Fagerlund F, 2022. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) retention by colloidal activated carbon (CAC) using dynamic column experiments. Environ. Pollut., 308, 119667.
14. Celma A, Gago-Ferrero P, Golovko O, Hernández F, Lai FY, Lundqvist J, Menger F, Sancho JV, Wiberg K, Ahrens L, Bijlsma L, 2022. Are preserved coastal water bodies in Spanish Mediterranean basin impacted by human activity? Water quality evaluation using chemical and biological analyses. Environ. Int., 165, 107326.
15. Joerss H, Menger F, Tang J, Ebinghaus R, Ahrens L, 2022. Beyond the Tip of the Iceberg: Suspect Screening Reveals Point Source-Specific Patterns of Emerging and Novel Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in German and Chinese Rivers. Environ. Sci. Technol., 56, 5456–5465.
16. Golovko O, Ahrens L, Schelin J, Sörengård M, Bergstrand K-J, Asp H, Hultberg M, Wiberg K. 2022. Organic micropollutants, heavy metals and pathogens in anaerobic digestate based on food waste. J Environ Manage, 313. 114997.
17. Sörengård, M, Kikuchi J, Wiberg K, Ahrens L. 2022. Spatial distribution and load of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in background soils in Sweden. Chemosphere, 295. 133944.
18. Campos-Pereira H, Makselon J, Kleja DB, Prater I, Kögel-Knabner I, Ahrens L, Gustafsson JP. 2022. Binding of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) by organic soil materials with different structural composition – Charge- and concentration-dependent sorption behavior. Chemosphere, 297. 134167.
19. Figuière R, Waara S, Ahrens L, Golovko O. 2022. Risk-based screening for prioritisation of organic micropollutants in Swedish freshwater. J Hazard Mater, 429. 128302.
20. Malnes D, Ahrens L, Köhler S, Forsberg M, Golovko O. 2022. Occurrence and mass flows of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) in Sweden's three largest lakes and associated rivers. Chemosphere, 294. 133825.
21. Dürig W, Alygizakis NA, Wiberg K, Ahrens L. 2022. Application of a novel prioritisation strategy using non-target screening for evaluation of temporal trends (1969–2017) of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) in archived lynx muscle tissue samples. Sci Total Environ, 817. 153035.
22. Law CS, Wang J, Gunenthiran S, Lim SY, Abell AD, Ahrens L, Kumeria T, Santos A, Voelcker NH. 2022. Real-time detection of per-fluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) self-assembled monolayers in nanoporous interferometers. Sens Actuators B: Chem, 355. 131340.
23. Niarchos G, Sörengård M, Fagerlund F, Ahrens L. 2022. Electrokinetic remediation for removal of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) from contaminated soil. Chemosphere, 291. 133041.
24. Smith SJ, Wiberg K, McCleaf P, Ahrens L, 2022. Pilot-Scale Continuous Foam Fractionation for the Removal of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) from Landfill Leachate. ACS. Environ. Sci. Technol. W., 2, 841-851.
25. Smith SJ, Lauria M, Ahrens L, McCleaf P, Hollman P, Bjälkefur Seroka S, Hamers T, Arp HPH and Wiberg K, 2022. Electrochemical Oxidation for Treatment of PFAS in Contaminated Water and Fractionated Foam─A Pilot-Scale Study. ACS ES&T Water, 3, 1201–1211.
26. Golovko O, Kaczmarek M, Asp H, Bergstrand KJ, Ahrens L, Hultberg M. 2022. Uptake of perfluoroalkyl substances, pharmaceuticals, and parabens by oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus) and exposure risk in human consumption. Chemosphere, 291. 132898.
27. Dürig, W., Alygizakis, N.A., Menger, F., Golovko, O., Wiberg, K., Ahrens, L. 2022. Novel prioritisation strategies for evaluation of temporal trends in archived white-tailed sea eagle muscle tissue in non-target screening. J. Hazard. Mater., 424, 127331.
28. Bollinger E, Zubrod JP, Lai FY, Ahrens L, Filker S, Lorke A, Bundschuh M. 2021. Antibiotics as a silent driver of climate change? A case study investigating methane production in freshwater sediments. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf, 228. 113025.
29. Postigo, C., Gil-Solsona, R., Herrera-Batista, M.F., Gago-Ferrero, P., Alygizakis, N., Ahrens, L., Wiberg, K. 2021. A step forward in the detection of byproducts of anthropogenic organic micropollutants in chlorinated water. Trends Environ. Anal. Chem., 32, e00148.
30. Haalck, I., Löffler, P., Baduel, C., Wiberg, K., Ahrens, L., Lai, F.Y. 2021. Mining chemical information in Swedish wastewaters for simultaneous assessment of population consumption, treatment efficiency and environmental discharge of illicit drugs. Sci. Rep., 11, 13510.
31. Lai, F.Y., Muziasari, W., Virta, M., Wiberg, K., Ahrens, L. 2021. Profiles of environmental antibiotic resistomes in the urban aquatic recipients of Sweden using high-throughput quantitative PCR analysis. Environ. Pollut., 287. 117651
32. Birgersson, L., Jouve, J., Jönsson, E., Asker, N., Andreasson, F., Golovko, O., Ahrens, L., Sturve, J. 2021. Thyroid function and immune status in perch (Perca fluviatilis) from lakes contaminated with PFASs or PCBs. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf., 222. 112495.
33. Celma, A., Ahrens, L., Gago-Ferrero, P., Hernández, F., López, F., Lundqvist, J., Pitarch, E., Sancho, J.V., Wiberg, K., Bijlsma, L. 2021. The relevant role of ion mobility separation in LC-HRMS based screening strategies for contaminants of emerging concern in the aquatic environment. Chemosphere, 280.
34. Wu, R., Lin, H., Yamazaki, E., Taniyasu, S., Sörengård, M., Ahrens, L., Lam, P.K.S., Eun, H., Yamashita, N. 2021. Simultaneous analysis of neutral and ionizable per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in air. Chemosphere, 280, 130607.
35. McCleaf, P., Kjellgren, Y., Ahrens, L. 2021. Foam fractionation removal of multiple per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances from landfill leachate. AWWA Water Sci., 3, e1238.
36. Ivanova, A., Wiberg, K., Ahrens, L., Zubcov, E., Dahlberg, A.K. 2021. Spatial distribution of legacy pesticides in river sediment from the Republic of Moldova. Chemosphere, 279, 130923.
37. Menger, F., Boström, G., Jonsson, O., Ahrens, L., Wiberg, K., Kreuger, J., Gago-Ferrero, P. 2021. Identification of Pesticide Transformation Products in Surface Water Using Suspect Screening Combined with National Monitoring Data. Environ. Sci. Technol., 55(15), 10343-10353.
38. Koch, A., Wang, T., Jonsson, M., Yeung, L.W.Y., Kärrman, A., Ahrens, L., Ekblad, A. 2021. Quantification of biodriven transfer of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances from the aquatic to the terrestrial environment via emergent insects. Environ. Sci. Technol., 55(12), 7900-7909.
39. Tröger, R., Ren, H., Yin, D., Postigo, C., Nguyen, P.D., Baduel, C., Golovko, O., Been, F., Joerss, H., Boleda, M.R., Polesello, S., Roncoroni, M., Taniyasu, S., Menger, F., Ahrens, L., Yin Lai, F., Wiberg, K. 2021. What's in the water? – Target and suspect screening of contaminants of emerging concern in raw water and drinking water from Europe and Asia. Water Res., 198, 117099.
40. Golovko, O., Örn, S., Sörengård, M., Frieberg, K., Nassazzi, W., Lai, F.Y., Ahrens, L. 2021. Occurrence and removal of chemicals of emerging concern in wastewater treatment plants and their impact on receiving water systems. Sci. Total Environ., 754, 142122.
41. Sörengård M, Gago-Ferrero P, Kleja DB, Ahrens L. 2021. Laboratory-scale and pilot-scale stabilization and solidification (S/S) remediation of soil contaminated with per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs). J Hazard Mater, 402, 123453.
42. Postigo, C., Andersson, A., Harir, M., Bastviken, D., Gonsior, M., Schmitt-Kopplin, P., Gago-Ferrero, P., Ahrens, L., Ahrens, L., Wiberg, K. 2021. Unraveling the chemodiversity of halogenated disinfection by-products formed during drinking water treatment using target and non-target screening tools. J Hazard Mater, 401, 123681.
43. Menger F, Ahrens L, Wiberg K, Gago-Ferrero P. 2021. Suspect screening based on market data of polar halogenated micropollutants in river water affected by wastewater. J Hazard Mater, 401, 123377.
44. Campos-Pereira, H., Kleja, D.B., Sjöstedt, C., Ahrens, L., Klysubun, W., Gustafsson, J.P. 2020. The Adsorption of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) onto Ferrihydrite Is Governed by Surface Charge. Environ. Sci. Technol., 54(24), 15722-15730.
45. Sörengård, M., Ahrens, L., Alygizakis, N., Jensen, P.E., Gago-Ferrero, P. 2020. Non-target and suspect screening strategies for electrodialytic soil remediation evaluation: Assessing changes in the molecular fingerprints and per- And polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs). J. Environ. Chem. Eng., 8(6), 104437.
46. Menger, F., Gago-Ferrero, P., Wiberg, K., Ahrens, L. 2020. Wide-scope screening of polar contaminants of concern in water: A critical review of liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry-based strategies. Trends Environ. Anal. Chem., 28, e00102.
47. Dulio V, Koschorreck J, van Bavel B, van den Brink P, Hollender J, Munthe J, Schlabach M, Aalizadeh R, Agerstrand M, Ahrens L, Allan I, Alygizakis N, Barcelo’ D, Bohlin-Nizzetto P, Boutroup S, Brack W, Bressy A, Christensen JH, Cirka L, Covaci A, Derksen A, Deviller G, Dingemans MML, Engwall M, Fatta-Kassinos D, Gago-Ferrero P, Hernández F, Herzke D, Hilscherová K, Hollert H, Junghans M, Kasprzyk-Hordern B, Keiter S, Kools SAE, Kruve A, Lambropoulou D, Lamoree M, Leonards P, Lopez B, López de Alda M, Lundy L, Makovinská J, Marigómez I, Martin JW, McHugh B, Miège C, O’Toole S, Perkola N, Polesello S, Posthuma L, Rodriguez-Mozaz S, Roessink I, Rostkowski P, Ruedel H, Samanipour S, Schulze T, Schymanski EL, Sengl M, Tarábek P, Ten Hulscher D, Thomaidis N, Togola A, Valsecchi S, van Leeuwen S, von der Ohe P, Vorkamp K, Vrana B, Slobodnik J. 2020. The NORMAN Association and the European Partnership for Chemicals Risk Assessment (PARC): let’s cooperate! Env Sci Eur, 32, 100.
48. Ren H, Tröger R, Ahrens L, Wiberg K, Yin D. 2020. Screening of organic micropollutants in raw and drinking water in the Yangtze River Delta, China. Env Sci Eur. 32. 67.
49. Dürig W, Kintzi A, Golovko O, Wiberg K, Ahrens L. 2020. New extraction method prior to screening of organic micropollutants in various biota matrices using liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Talanta, 219, 121294.
50. Golovko O, Rehrl AL, Köhler S, Ahrens, L. 2020. Organic micropollutants in water and sediment from Lake Mälaren, Sweden. Chemosphere, 258, 127293.
51. Pegoraro CN, Harner T, Su K, Ahrens L. 2020. Occurrence and gas–particle partitioning of organic UV-filters in urban air. Environ Sci Technol, 54, 12881–12889.
52. Hultberg M, Ahrens L, Golovko O. 2020. Use of lignocellulosic substrate colonized by oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) for removal of organic micropollutants from water. J Environ Manage, 272, 111087.
53. Koch, A., Jonsson, M., Yeung, L.W.Y., Kärrman, A., Ahrens, L., Ekblad, A., Wang, T. 2020. Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl-Contaminated Freshwater Impacts Adjacent Riparian Food Webs. Environ. Sci. Technol., 54, 11951-11960.
54. Chelcea IC, Ahrens L, Örn S, Mucs D, Andersson PL 2020. Investigating the OECD database of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances-chemical variation and applicability of current fate models. Environ Chem. 17, 498–508
55. Belkouteb N, Franke V, McCleaf P, Köhler SJ, Ahrens L. 2020. Removal of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in a full-scale drinking water treatment plant - long-term performance of granular activated carbon (GAC) and influence of flow-rate. Water Res. 182, 115913.
56. Mussabek D, Persson KM, Berndtsson R, Ahrens L, Nakagawa K, Imura T. 2020. Impact of the sediment organic vs. mineral content on distribution of the per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in lake sediment. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2020, 17, 5642.
57. Golovko O, Anton LB, Cascone C, Ahrens L., Lavonen, E., Köhler, S.J. 2020. Sorption characteristics and removal efficiency of organic micropollutants in drinking water using Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) in pilot-scale and full-scale tests. Water, 12, 2053.
58. Sörengård M, Lindh AS, Ahrens L. 2020. Thermal desorption as a high removal remediation technique for soils contaminated with per- And polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs). PLoS ONE, 15, e0234476.
59. Rehrl AL, Golovko O, Ahrens L, Köhler S. 2020. Spatial and seasonal trends of organic micropollutants in Sweden's most important drinking water reservoir. Chemosphere. 249, 126168.
60. Shigei M, Ahrens L, Hazaymeh A, Dalahmeh SS. 2020. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in water and soil in wastewater-irrigated farmland in Jordan. Sci Total Environ. 716, 137057.
61. Menger F, Pohl J, Ahrens L, Carlsson G, Örn S. 2020. Behavioural effects and bioconcentration of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. Chemosphere. 245. 125573.
62. Gros M, Ahrens L, Levén L, Koch A, Dalahmeh S, Ljung E, Lundin G, Jönsson H, Eveborn D, Wiberg K. 2020. Pharmaceuticals in source separated sanitation systems: Fecal sludge and blackwater treatment. Sci Total Environ. 703, 135530.
63. Sörengård M, Franke V, Tröger R, Ahrens L. 2020. Losses of poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances to syringe filter materials. J Chromatogr A. 1609, 460430.
64. Sörengård M, Östblom E, Köhler S, Ahrens L. 2020. Adsorption behavior of per- and polyfluoralkyl substances (PFASs) to 44 inorganic and organic sorbents and use of dyes as proxies for PFAS sorption. J Environ Chem Eng, 8, 103744.