Magnus Huss

I am leading the postgraduate course in Fish and Fisheries Ecology and the MSc course Ecology for Fish Management and Conservation
I also teach on several other courses in e.g. Applied Conservation Biology (BSc), Sustainability Ecology (BSc) and regularly on postgraduate courses on topics such as community ecology and scientific writing.
Many of the projects I am currently working on aims to add understanding about how interacting human pressures and climate change may impact aquatic resources by linking physiological responses to community-level impacts.
Specific study topics include:
- Implications of environmental gradients for coastal food-web processes
- Fish community responses to rising temperatures and darker waters
- Aquatic food web efficiency and climate change
Benjamin Mooney 2023 - climate change and food web efficiency
Olivia Bell 2023 - (co-supervisor) bioaccumulation of radioniclides in warming waters
Jingyao Niu 2020 - (co-supervisor) warming-induced evolution in fish
Former PhD students:
Viktor Thunell 2016 - 2023 (co-supervisor) Effects of warming and fishing on fish community dynamics
Philip Jacobson 2015-2020. Predator-prey interactions, salmon population dynamics and bioaccumulation
Renee Van Dorst 2016-2020. Fish community responses to rising temperatures and darker waters
Max Lindmark 2016-2020 (co-supervisor) How trophic interactions mediate physiological responses to climate change
Ulrika Beier 2013-2016 (co-supervisor) Habitat selection and indirect interactions in fish communities
Regularly supervise MsC students, e.g. on topics such as effects of warming, browning and eutrophicaiton on fish and aquatic food webs
Selected publications
van Dorst, R. M., Gårdmark, A., Kahilainen, K., Nurminen, L., Estlander, S., Huuskonen, H., ... & Huss, M. 2023. Ecosystem heating experiment reveals sex-specific growth responses in fish. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, in press.
Garnier, A., Östman, Ö., Ask, J., Bell, O., Berggren, M., Rulli, M.P., Younes, H. and Huss, M., 2023. Coastal darkening exacerbates eutrophication symptoms through bottom‐up and top‐down control modification. Limnology and Oceanography, 68(3), pp.678-691.
Vasemägi, A., Huss, M., Gårdmark, A., & Ozerov, M. 2023. On ability of perch to colonize new waterbodies—indirect evidence and sticky facts. A Comment on:‘Multiple lines and levels of evidence for avian zoochory promoting fish colonization of artificial lakes’(2023), by Garcia et al. Biology Letters, 19(9), 20230233.
Niu, J., Huss, M., Vasemägi, A. and Gårdmark, A., 2023. Decades of warming alters maturation and reproductive investment in fish. Ecosphere, 14(1), p.e4381.
Roesti, M., Groh, J.S., Blain, S.A., Huss, M., Rassias, P., Bolnick, D.I., Stuart, Y.E., Peichel, C.L. and Schluter, D., 2023. Species divergence under competition and shared predation. Ecology Letters, 26(1), pp.111-123.
Thunell, V., Gårdmark, A., Huss, M. and Vindenes, Y., 2023. Optimal energy allocation trade‐off driven by size‐dependent physiological and demographic responses to warming. Ecology, 109:e3967.
Uszko, W., Huss, M. and Gårdmark, A., 2022. Smaller species but larger stages: Warming effects on inter‐and intraspecific community size structure. Ecology, 103(7), p.e3699.
Bell O, Garnier A, Huss M. 2022. The effects of eutrophication and browning on prey availability and body growth of the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 267:107762.
Van Dorst RM, Gårdmark A, Svanbäck R, Huss M. 2022. Zooplanktivore fish body growth responses to browning-induced light limitation vary over ontogeny, but not with fish density. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 31:17-28.
Thunell V, Lindmark M, Huss M, Gårdmark A. 2021. Effects of warming on intraguild predator communities with ontogenetic diet shifts. American Naturalist, 198:706-718.
Huss M, Van Dorst RM, Gårdmark A. 2021. Larval fish body growth responses to simultaneous browning and warming. Ecology and Evolution, 11:15132-15140.
Jacobson P, Whitlock R, Huss M, Leonardsson K, Östergren J, Gårdmark A. 2021. Growth variation of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar at sea affects their population-specific reproductive potential. MEPS, 671:165-174.
Gårdmark A, Huss M. 2020. Individual variation and interactions explain food web responses to global warming. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 375:20190449.
Van Dorst RM, Gårdmark A, Svanbäck R and Huss M. 2020. Does browning-induced light limitation reduce fish body growth through shifts in prey composition or reduced foraging rates? Freshwater Biology, 65:947-959.
Jacobson P, Gårdmark A, Huss M. 2020. Population and size-specific distribution of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar in the Baltic Sea over five decades. Journal of Fish Biology, 96:408-417.
Huss M, Lindmark M, Jacobson P, van Dorst RM, Gårdmark A. 2019. Experimental evidence of gradual size-dependent shifts in body size and growth of fish in response to warming. Global Change Biology, 25:2285-2295.
Van Dorst RM, Gårdmark A, Svanbäck R, Beier U, Weyhenmeyer GA, Huss M. 2019. Warmer and browner waters decrease fish biomass production, Global Change Bioilogy, 25:1395-1408.
Lindmark M, Ohlberger J, Huss M, Gårdmark A. 2019. Size-based ecological interactions drive food web responses to climate warming. Ecology Letters, 22:778-786.
Jacobson P, Gårdmark A, Östergren J, Casini M, Huss M. 2018. Size-dependent prey availability affects diet and performance of predatory fish at sea: a case study of Atlantic salmon. Ecosphere, 9(1):e02081.
Lindmark, M., Huss, M., Ohlberger, J. and Gårdmark, A. 2018. Temperature-dependent body size effects on determine population response to climate warming. Ecology Letters, 21(2):181-189.