Malin Hultberg

I work in the fascinating area of horticulture and have a background as a microbiologist. My own research focus is mushroom production and skilled colleagues, which are experts in plant production, surround me. Since my dissertation, which focused on PGPR and biocontrol, in 1999 I have been working with teaching at different levels, research, popular science writing and extension.
I am responsible for the basic microbiology teaching aimed at horticulturists and horticultural engineers and also take part in several other courses as a lecturer, e.g. plant pathogenic bacteria, food microbiology and popular science writing. I supervise and examine several degree theses every year and participate in the doctoral education both as a supervisor and in examinations.
My area of expertise is applied microbiology and the cultivation of organisms such as fungi and microalgae. At the moment, my research mainly focuses on bioremediation based on white rot fungi, however, another research focus is on fungi as a food stuff and its role in increasing the circularity of food production.
The research is mainly conducted in these projects:
BioReset: Biodiversity restoration and conservation of inland water ecosystems for environmental and human well-being, BiodivERsA and Water JPI (main applicant: LAQ, REQUIMTE, Portugal)
MECROPLAN: Mapping of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) including microplastic in landfill leachate, their current ecological impact and sustainable technologies for their removal, Formas (main applicant: Oksana Golovko)
MUSA: Mushroom-based processes for increased local production of non-meat protein and enhanced agriculture sustainability, NordForsk (main applicant: Carlos Orestes Martin Medina)
Within my role as external collaboration specialist, the focus is on horticulture and food production. The horticulture industry is a very important player in the food industry. Fresh products such as berries, lettuce, tomato, cucumber and herbs are in demand by the consumer and production is important both for food security and for a healthy lifestyle. The production is often intensive and specialized and the shelf life of the product is limited. In my role as a university lecturer with a special collaborative assignment, I try to increase knowledge about horticultural production and be a link between research, production and the consumer.
Publications list: