Marcos Lana

My work is focused on the use of crop models to assess the impact of climate change and agronomic management on crop performance, so as to propose suitable adaptation strategies concerning crop production systems and other ecosystem services. I´m also involved with the development and adoption of agroecology as a tool to support sustainable farming systems. Currently I´m active in different regions of Europe, Africa and Latin America. At the SLU I teach topics related to cropping systems, helding also lectures at the Humboldt Universität–Berlin. In both Universities I help to advise and co-advise students at different levels.
since 2018: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala. Advanced course in Agricultural Cropping Systems (7.5 ECTS).
2016 – 2017: Humboldt Universität-Berlin, Germany. Methods in Agricultural Research (summer semesters, 3 ECTS).
2015, 2016: lecturer-Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany. Topic: Methods of participatory impact assessment and decision support for climate change adaptation and food security improvement.
since 2016: Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany. Topics: Agroecology, Tropical farming systems, Agroforestry, agroecological soil management. Master´s Program in Integrated Natural Resources Management.
2009 – 2010 (invited): Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany. Topic: Tropical farming systems. Master´s Program in Integrated Natural Resources Management.
2007-2008: Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil. Course: Mechanization for aquaculture engineering (4 ECTS, 4 semesters).
2007-2008 (invited): Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil. Soil Management and Conservation (1 ECTS/semester).
2006-2008 (Volunteer lecturer): Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil. Graduation course: Introduction to Agronomy (2 ECTS, 6 semesters).
Crop Models;
Impact assessment of climate change on the agricultural sector;
Adaptation Strategies;
Sustainable farming systems;
crop management.
Leibniz Centre of Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Müncheberg, Germany;
Federal University of Santa Catarina State, Brazil;
Universidade de Sao Paulo; Brazil;
Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania.
I´m an agronomist with a Masters in Agroecosystems from the Federal University of Santa Catarina State, Brazil and a Doctoral degree (Dr. sc. agr.) in Crop Production from the Christian-Albrecht Universität-Kiel, Germany.
Third-level cycle:
Miguel Antonio Romero Sanchez, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (2020-present). Role: Thesis co-advisor.
Tatiana Rodriguez, Humboldt Universität – Berlin, PhD in Agricultural sciences (2019-present). Role: Thesis co-advisor.
Steffen Dahlke, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (2019-present). Role: Thesis co-advisor.
Elsa Lagerquist, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (2017-present). Role: Thesis co-advisor.
Richard Festo, Humboldt Universität – Berlin, PhD in Agricultural sciences (2016-2019). Role: Thesis co-advisor.
Alejandra Mendizabal Cortes, Sao Carlos University – Brazil, PhD Program in Geography (2015-2017). Role: Thesis co-advisor and evaluator.
Clerio Hickmann, Lavras University – Brazil, PhD in Soil Science (2013-2017). Role: Thesis co-advisor and evaluator.
Second-level cycle:
Charles Ndimbwa, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (2017-2018). Role: Thesis co-advisor (shared with J. B. Lodin).
Therese Strimell Flodqvist, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (2017-present). Role: Thesis co-advisor (shared with J. B. Lodin).
Sonja Hölzl, Humboldt Universität – Berlin, Masters in Integrated Natural Resource Management (2016-2018). Role: Thesis co-advisor.
Katrin Reincke, Humboldt University – Berlin, Master in Integrated Resources Management (2014-2015). Role: Thesis advisor.
First-level cycle:
Johanna Volk, Freie Universität – Berlin, Bachelor in Geography (2016-2017). Role: Thesis co-advisor.
Cristina Eberhardt Francisco, Federal University of Santa Catarina State – Brazil, Bachelor in Agronomy (2008). Role: Thesis advisor.
Selected publications
Eufemia, L., Bonatti, M., Lana, M. (2018) Colombia’s rural development must honour peace agreement. Nature. doi: 10.1038/d41586-018-05847-x
Reincke, K., Vilvert, E., Lana, M. (2018) Key factors influencing food security of smallholder farmers in Tanzania and the role of cassava as strategic crop. Food Security. doi:
Couto, R. R., Comin, J. J., Souza, M., Ricachenevsky, F. K., Lana, M., Gatiboni, L. C., Ceretta, C. A., Brunetto, G. (2018) Should Heavy Metals Be Monitored in Foods Derived From Soils Fertilized With Animal Waste? Front. Plant Sci. 9:732. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00732
Lana, M. A., Vasconcelos, A. C., Gornott, C. et al (2018) Is dry soil planting an adaptation strategy for maize cultivation in semi-arid Tanzania? Food security. doi 10.1007/s12571-017-0742-7
Vilvert, E., Lana, M. A., Zander, P., Sieber, S. (2018) Multi-model approach for assessing the sunflower food value chain in Tanzania. Agricultural Systems 159, 103-110. doi
Gonçalves, A. P. R., Pope, K., Bonatti, M., Lana, M., Sieber, S. (2018) Payment for Environmental Services to Promote Agroecology: The Case of the Complex Context of Rural Brazilian. Sustainable Agriculture Research v7 (2). doi:10.5539/sar.v7n2p56
Graef, F., Mutabazi, K. D, Sieber, S. Lana, M., et al. (2018) Multi-Disciplinary North-South Collaboration in Participatory Action Research on Food Value Chains: a German-Tanzanian Case Study on Perceptions, Experiences and Challenges. Syst Pract Action Res.
Silungwe, F. S., Graef, F., Bellingrath-Kimura, S. D., Tumbo, S. D., Kahimba, F. C., Lana, M. (2018) Crop upgrading strategies and modelling for rainfed cereals in a semi-arid climate - a review. Water, 10(4), 356; doi:10.3390/w10040356
Bonatti, M., Schlindwein, I., Lana, M., Bundala, N., Sieber, S., Rybak, C. (2018) Innovative educational tools development for food security: Engaging community voices in Tanzania. Futures 96.
Margarita, R. R, Ferrise, R., Rodriguez, A., Lorite, I., Lana, M. A. et al (2018) Adaptation response surfaces for managing wheat under perturbed climate and CO2 in a Mediterranean environment. Agricultural Systems. doi 10.1016/j.agsy.2017.01.009
Lana. M. A., Eulenstein, F., Schlindwein, S. L., Graef, F., Sieber, S., Bittencourt, H. v. H. (2017) Yield stability and lower susceptibility to abiotic stresses of improved open-pollinated and hybrid maize cultivars. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 37:30. doi 10.1007/s13593-017-0442-x
Sieber, S., Graef, F., Amjath-Babu, T., Lana, M. et al. Food Sec. (2017) Introduction to a Special Issue: Regional Food and Nutritional Security in Tanzania–Methods, Tools and Applications. Food Security 9.
Bonatti, M., Homem, L. H. I. R., Graef, F., Mbwana, H. A., Rybak, C., Lana, M., Sieber, S. (2017) Social organization, constraints and opportunities for kitchen garden implementation: ScalA and ScalA-FS assessment tools in Morogoro and Dodoma, Tanzania. Food Security (Online First). doi 10.1007/s12571-017-0726-7
Bittencourt, H.V.H., Bonome, L.T.S, Trezzi, M.M., Vidal, R.A., Lana, M.A. (2017) Seed germination ecology of Eragrostis plana, an invasive weed of South American pasture lands. South African Journal of Botany 109, 246–252.
Yin, X., Kersebaum, C. K., Lana et al. (2017) Multi-model uncertainty analysis in predicting grain N for crop rotations in Europe. European Journal of Agronomy 84, 152-165.
Lana, M. A., Eulenstein, F., Schlindwein, S. et al. (2016) Regionalization of climate scenario impacts on maize production and the role of cultivar and planting date as adaptation strategy. Regional Environmental Change 16, 5, 1319-1331. doi:10.1007/s10113-015-0860-8
Bonatti, M., Sieber, S., Schlindwein, S., Lana, M. A. et al. (2016) Climate vulnerability and contrasting climate perceptions as an element for the development of community adaptation strategies: Case studies in Southern Brazil. Land Use Policy 58, 114-122,
Altieri, M., Nicholls, C., Henao, A., Lana, M. A. (2015) Agroecology and the design of climate change-resilient farming systems. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 35, 3, 869-890. doi 10.1007/s13593-015-0285-2