CV page

Marcus Hedblom

Marcus Hedblom
Professor in Landscape management.


I am leading the landscape management group at the department. My background is in urban landscape ecology and nature conservation. In my research and teaching I am interested in how we can plan, design and manage urban green areas so that both humans and other species thrive. I am especially interested in how to conserve biodiversity in urban settings and how biodiversity effects human health. Thus my approach is interdisciplinary and linked to urban ecology and landscape architecture. It includes mapping of species, how humans percieve and physically react to different urban green settings, and their managment regimes. Read more about the landscape management subject area (and me) here.


Running projects
  • SMELL- Smell from nature and reduction of human stress in urban environments (SVENSKA). In this transdisciplinary project we will investigate how smell from nature is percived by humans and their potential as stress reducers. PI- Marcus Hedblom. PhD student. Francesca Taufer. FORMAS funded 2023-2025.
  • GreenMe. HORIZON  EUROPE project 2023-2027. Advancing Greencare in Europe: an integrated multi-scalar approach for the expansion of nature-based therapies to improve Mental health Equity. Swedish chapter coordinator - Marcus Hedblom. Co-reserachers- Anna-Maria Palsdottir, Helena Nordh and PhD student Anna Åshage. In close collaboration with Petra Cau Wetterholm -grundare av Shinrin-Yoku Sweden.
  • Designed urban plant communities: do they promote pollinating insects? This project aims to provide evidence-based guidance for planning and design of urban green spaces that promote wild pollinators. PI: Associate Professor Erik Öckinger and collaborating researcher Juliana Dániel Ferreira. Read more (in Swedish here)
  • Sounds like Norway. Sounds like Norway: the aural experiences of outdoor life and biodiversity. The goal of SLN is to chart how important natural soundscapes are for outdoor life and biodiversity and develop indicators useful for national park planning. PI - Rose Kellner. Co-researacher Marcus Hedblom + additional team members. Research council of Norway 2023-2027.
  • LANDPATHS. This major research programme aims at promoting multifunctional landscapes that are both biodiversity rich and provide multiple benefits for a range of actors. Listen to the Subpoject leaders talking about the program on Youtube here. Marcus Hedblom Sub project leader together with Professor Terry Hartig and post doc Lara Tickle for the Subproject linked to Urban Environments. SEPA funded 2022-2027.
  • Framtidens miljöövervakning med sensorteknik. Foma SLU Funded. 2022-2024. Marcus Hedblom PI.
  • NORDARK. "Unconventional methods to inform sustainable design: Mediating the needs of people and nature in Nordic after-dark environments". Marcus Hedblom WP leader of Biodversity ecology mapping of animals in close collaboration with Claudia Lopez-Alfaro. NORDFORSK funded 2021-2025.
  • Green multi-sensory indoor environments for increased well-being which is a project running during 2020-2024 linked to indoor environments to reduce pain and streess (financed by SLU Future Animals, Nature and Health and MOVIUM) in cooperation with the city of Helsingborg. I am PI but work in close collaboration with Gunnar Cerwén. Gröna multisensoriska inomhusmiljöer för ökat välbefinnande. SVENSKA.
Finished projects

Marcus Hedblom is taking 3D photos in a forest in Japan. Martin Schaefer is sitting i a laboratory at Karolinska Institutet. Photos.
Images above: To the left Marcus Hedblom working in Japan taking 3D photos for future projects linked to forest perception and wellbeing using an InstaPro Camera (Photo: Gunnar Cerwén). To the right: Martin Schaefer in the laboratory at Karolinska Institutet using VR mask, listening to bird songs and measuring Skin Conductance levels (Photo: Marcus Hedblom).

Public outreach 2024 

Public outreach 2025

Public outreach 2024

  • Radio. P1- Klotet 33 min. Här är naturens ljud som stärker din hälsa.  Lyssna här
  • Film - Biologisk mångfald i städer - för vem, varför och hur? 
  • MOVIUM skriver om vetenskaplig artikel kring att "Tid spenderad i en park (kinesisk) påverkar upplevelsen av ljud". klicka på länken
  • Film on biologisk mångfald och hälsa- bara jag i längre version
  • Ny bok för gymnasielärare "Fascinerande forskning
    för skolan med fokus på biologisk mångfald". Jag skriver om Naturvård i staden för människors hälsa- och biologisk mångfald. Beställ här. (Swedish only).
  • Film om biologisk mångfald och hälsa. Är du intresserad av, eller har ansvar för, samhällsplanering, biologisk mångfald, naturvård och främjande av hälsa? Lyssna på mig enkom eller jag tillsammans med en panel som diskuterar biologisk mångfald och hälsa på Biodiversitetens dag (bara jag), hela panelen (här) eller få mer information  (här) (In Swedish only)
  • Om mig som forskare i WWF:s tidning.  WWF magazine (in Swedish).

Public outreach 2023

Public outreach 2022

Our latest article about how science-fiction movies do not include urban green is now highlighted on Wikipedia. See under Film on this page.(SVENSKA) Pressmeddelande: Färre fåglar i stadsskogar oavsett kvalitet. Orginal artikeln hittar du här: Urbanization causes biotic homogenization of woodland bird communities at multiple spatial scales. (SVENSKA) Movium Fakta #3. Lekotoper-platser där både barn och natur trivs. Går det att kombinera barns behov av naturkontakt med behovet hos olika arter i djur- och växtriket så att resultatet både blir en hållbar lekplats och en hållbar livsmiljö med hög biologisk mångfald? (SVENSKA).Popular science magazine Biodiverse. Page 18, 20, 26. (SVENSKA). Van der Wal R, Hedblom M. 2022. Gräs utan blommor (kapitel i antologi med Daniel Urey som Huvudredaktör och med titeln som vårt kapitel, Gräs utan blommor). Taberg media Group Stockholm 2022. Gräs utan blommor är en del av projektet Lyssna som 2020-2021 genomfördes av färgfabriken, Skellefteå konsthall, och Virserums Konsthall, med stöd av Svenska Postkod stiftelsen.

Public outreach 2021

Youtube- Urban forestry from a planning perspective. I am discussing urban forestry with Head of sustainability (Skogssällskapet) for 1 hour. Youtube- Dra åt skogen (Swedish). Jag och mina kollegor på SLU pratar om skog och hälsa. Diskussion kring Campus miljöer med akademiska hus. Kortare intervju med mig. Längre webbinarium med akademiska hus.  Hemsida med flera länkar.TV- about Multisensory indoor room. INTERVIEW - The Arwidsson foundation-I talk about wild animals in the city. (in Swedish) FILM -The film "Guld och Gröna skogar?" won prize in the world media festival 2021 in Hamburg. In the end of the film I mention our findings about smell and stress reduction and you can also see our lab at Karolinska institutet. (in Swedish) -Publication (scientific): Compensation for lost nature values through biodversity offsetting- Where is the evidence? Biological Conservation  -Publication (scientific): How do people percive soundscapes in forested parks? in Forests. -Publication (scientific): in Nature Ecology & Evolution (lead by Martin Dallimer and Mark Goddard) about future impacts on robotics and autonomous systems on urban ecosystems. -Publication (scientific): with Chinease collegues where we compared respondents perception on site, VR and photos in Urban Forestry & Urban greening (lead by Tian Gao).-Publication (report in Swedish). Utveckling av lekotoper för barns naturmöten. FILM: If you want to know more about SLU futures labs. RADIO P4. I am highlighting SLU- Forest and health at Radio P4 (in Swedish). Webbinar - FREE. Launching a new webinar series about Forest and health.

Public outreach 2020

National radio (Naturmorgon P1, in Swedish) about silent areas where I discuss effects of noise on animals (if you do not want to listen the whole program click here to hear me). Chapter in Routledge Handbook of Urban Ecology about "Urban nature and its potential to contribute towards human well-being". See a preview of some of the chapters HERE. About my FUTURE studies see  INTERVIEW by Arwidssonstiftelsen. Another INTERVIEW of me in my role as Urban Future coordinator and researcher.  REPORT in the EU project REGREEN about Children, education and nature-based soutions: research review report. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION an article about our experiences of working transdisciplinary in the LAWN team. A new chapter in the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency REPORT  about linking outdoor recreation experiences with long term biophysical monitoring data (in Swedish, p. 18, free downland). POPULAR SCIENCE article about Biodiversity offsets (ekologisk kompensation) in the journal Biodiverse. (in Swedish, free download).  A new YOUTUBE FILM about the need of multifunctional forests  where I talk about stress reduction in the end. Or read Skog och framtid nr 1 2020  page 19-20 (in Swedish, Youtube). INTERVIEW of the me and fellow participants of the Future lab interdisciplinary research project. POPULAR SCIENCE, the international blog Envirobites writes about our research with the title "Follow your nose".  We have a new SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION in the Journal Urban Forestry & Urban greenery about that Women and men move  differently in urban green. The american POPULAR SCIENCE magazine "Scientist" highlight our Multisensory project about smell.

This is not entirely linked to year 2020 but our BOOK about management and conservation of urban birds continues to be cited and have now more than 40.000 downloads (Murgui & Hedblom 2017) Ecology and Conservation of Birds in Urban Environments. Here I and Enrique write about the journey towards this book (or scroll down to Biography in the BOOK link).

Public outreach 2019

DEBATE. (2019.09.01). Sustainable cities - debatt artikel i Sydsvenskadagbladet. Sverige behöver investera i tystnad. TV4 (2019.08.07) Hälsa och grönt. TV4 news, me shortly talking about our results linked to health and sustainable cities. RADIO (2019.08.07). Vetenskapsradion (Nationtional radio), Lukt minskar stress. RADIO (2019.05.30). Naturmorgon P1. 1.5 hours national radio about health benefits from nature "Må bra av naturen". SVT (2019.04.02). TV. Parken och skogens positiva hälsoeffekter. YOUTUBE Hälsa och naturvård – betydelsen av gröna stadsmiljöer. 30 min talk in Swedish.


URBAN ECOLOGY STUDIO. I teach at the new internatinal mastercourse for landscape architecture students Urban Ecology Studio. I am part of the team organising the course and teach about biodiversity offsets, ecosystem services, urban managment of lawns, urban ecology theory, scientific writing etc. 

LING-LANDSCAPE ENGINEER PROGRAM. I teach scientific writing at the newly started program for landscape engineers at SLU Ultuna.

ECOLOGY FOR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS. I teach at the course Ecology for Landscape architects about "urban ecology in practice" and "urban ecosystem services". 

NATURE BASED INTERVENTIONS: I teach about biodiversity and multisensory perception.

URBAN FORESTRY: I teach about urban ecology in general


Post doc

  • Lara Tickle. 2023-2025. Working within the Landpath project. Working title: Governance and management in urban woodlands: barriers and possibilities for biodiversity at different spatial scale.

PhD students

  • Anna Åshage 2024 - (Main supervisor). SLU- Working title of thesis: anaging urban green - Nature-Based Interventions for wellbeing and human health
  • Francesca Taufer 2023- (Main-supervisor). SLU. Working title on thesis: Smell from nature and reduction of human stress in urban environments
  • Georgios Tsiakiris. 2022 - (co-supervisor). NORDARK (Lund University)
  • Ella Uppala. 2021- (Main -supervisor). Working title of thesis: Designed plant communities in the nature-based city (SLU)
  • Christina Moncorgé. 2021- (co-supervisor). Working title of thesis: Scenarios and key performance indicators for livestock production based on high nature value farming (SLU)
  • Carl Lehto. 2019-2024 (co-supervisor). Title:  "The nature of human habitats: revealing outdoor recreation preferences through landscape utilization" PhD date 2024.05.24

Master and Bachelor thesis since 2021

  •  Lisa Ersson. 2024. (Main supervisor) DOFTTRÄDGÅRDEN - En multisensorisk trädgård med fokus på doft och återhämtning i Kunskapsparken. (Master in Landscape architecture- SLU).
  • Vera Linn Karlsson. 2024. (Main supervior) Seeding Biodiversity: A Biodiversity sensitive redesign of Kirrip Park, Melbourne, for a strengthened human-nature friendship (Master in Landscape architecture- SLU).
  • Louise Stigsson Rigné & Emil Vernersson. 2024. (Main supervisor) Kvibillebäcken - analys och gestaltningsförslag me[d]andra strukturer och processer. (Master in Landscape architecture- SLU).
  • Sanaz Kalantari & Rana Toprak. 2023 (Main supervisor). Title: The Grass i always tastier on the fruitful side. Exploring the potentials, opportunities and challanges of urban food production. A case study of Uppsala (Master in Landscape architecture -SLU).
  • Giovanni Fiorillo. 2023. (Main supervisor together with Thao Do). Titel: Green Spaces in Growing Cities: Surfacing Perspectives and Challenges Around Transformations in Årike Fyris Nature Reserve (Master at Uppsala University).
  • Nathalie Åman. 2022 (Main supervisor). Titel: Biodiversiteten och fördelningen av Stockholms gatuträd – Ovanliga arters potential att bidra med ökad resiliens i den framtida staden (Master in Landscape architecture -SLU)
  • Roald Nooijens. 2022 (Main supervisor).  Title of thesis: The perception of smell in grey and green urban areas and its effect on human wellbeing (Master)
  • Molly Owens. 2022 (Main supervisor). Multifunktionalitet i
    mikroformat - Ett gestaltningskoncept för en urban mikroskog med fokus på barns lek och biologisk mångfald (Master)
  • Terese Harborn & Vendela Ejmander 2022 (Main supervisor). Title: Skapandet av en multifunktionell plantering Fokus på växter som gynnar pollinatörer och doft för ökad hälsa (Bachelor)
  • David Rönnqvist 2022 (Main supervisor) "Large trees, conservation and health". (Not finalized yet) (Bachelor)
  • Olivier Rostang 2021. (Main supervisor) "GIS modeling of green roof synergies to optimize green infrastructure multifunctionality".
  • Matilda Aspersand 2021 (co-supervisor) "Playgrounds for children and biodiversity - a study of the interplay between children's informal play environments and habitats for animals and plants.
  • Master Thesis. 2021. Klara Stenfeldt (Main supervisor). Ecological compensation, to balance city and nature (Master).

Selected publications

Scientific publications 2017-2025

2025. González-García, Rega-Brodsky, García-Arroyo, Bolaños Sittler, Escobar-Ibáñez, García-Chávez, Hedblom M, Heleno, Iankov, Malmiga, artínez Fernández, McIntyre, Pavón-Jordán, Ruvalcaba-Ortega, MacGregor-Fors. Chirping across continents: Variation in House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) vocalizations across North America and Europe. Biological Invasions.

2025. Mårtensson F, Wiström B, Hedblom M, Litsmark M, Gabriel A, Herngren L, Ågren J, Ode-Sang Å. Creating nature‑based play settings for children through looking, listening, learning and modifying in a Swedish landscape laboratory. Socio-Ecological Practice Research

2025. Uppala E, Deak Sjöman J, Emilsson T, Hedblom M. Reviewing designed plant communities potential for optimizing the performance of urban nature-based solutions. Nature-based Solutions

2024. Lehto C, Sirén A, Hedblom M, Fredman P. A conceptual framework of indicators for the suitability of forests for outdoor recreation. AMBIO 

2024. Hedblom M, Mårtensson F, Ode-Sang Å, Wiström B, Litsmark A. Play biotopes put into practice Creating synergies between children and nature. People AND Nature

2024. Lehto C, Hedblom M, Filyushkina A, Ranius T. Seeing through their eyes: Revealing recreationists’ landscape preferences through viewshed analysis and machine learning. 248. Landscape and Urban Planning.

2024. Wiström B, Mårtensson F, Ode Sang Å, Litsmark A, Hedblom M. Creative management - a framework for designing multifunctional play biotopes- lessons from a Scandinavian landscape laboratory. Urban Ecosystems

2024. Korpilo, Nyberg, Vierikko, Ojala, Kaseva, Lehtimäki, Kopperoinen, Cerwen, Hedblom, Castellazzi, Raymond. Landscape and soundscape quality promote stress recovery in nearby urban nature-A multisensory field experiment. UFUG

2024. Fang X, Qi Y, Hedblom M, Gao T, Qiu L. Do soundscape perceptions vary over length of stay within urban parks? Vol. 45. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism

2023. Stoltz J, Lehto C, Hedblom M. Favourite places for outdoor recreation: Weak correlations between perceived qualities and structural landscape characteristics in Swedish PPGIS study. People and Nature.

2023. Sallnäs Pysander EL, Mårtensson F, Waern A, Litsmark A, Hedblom M, Raustorp A, Ghilagaber G, Zhu H. 2023. Nature and digitalisation challenging the traditional playground. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 

2023. Gunnarsson B, Hedblom M. 2023. Biophilia revisited-nature versus nurture. 3177. TREE

2023. Elbakidze M, Dawson L, van Ermel LE, Mikusinski G, Hedblom M, Krohoda N, Kruhlov I, Smaliychuk A, Kurdadze T, Ugrekhelidze K, Onegena A, Sayadyan H, Galstyan M, Grodzinska O. 2023. Understanding people’s interactions with urban greenspace: case studies in Eastern Europe. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening.

2022. Sidemo-Holm W, Ekroos J, Reina García S, Söderström B, Hedblom M. 2022. Urbanization causes biotic homogenization of woodland bird communities at multiple spatial scales. Global Change Biology.

2022. Lehto C, Hedblom M, Öckinger E, Ranius T. 2022. Landscape usage by recreationists is shaped by availability: Insights from a national PPGIS survey in Sweden. Landscape and Urban Planning

2022. Hedblom M, Prévot A-C, Grégorie A. 2022. Science fiction blockbuster movies – A problem or a path to urban greenery? Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 74. 127661.

2022. Elbakidze M, Dawson L, Milberg P, Mikusinski G, Hedblom M, Kruhlov I, Yamelynets T, Schaffer C, Johansson K-E, Grodzynskyi M. 2022. Multiple factors shape the interaction of people with urban greenspace:
Sweden as a case study. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 74, 127672.

2022. Xiang Y, Hedblom M, Wang S, Qiu L, Gao T. 2022. Indicator selection combining audio and visual perception of urban green spaces. Ecological Indicators 137 (2022) 108772

2022. Blicharska G, Hedblom M, Josefsson J, Widenfalk O, Ranius T, Öckinger E, Widenfalk L. 2022. Operationalisation of ecological compensation – Obstacles and ways forward. Journal of Environmental management. Vol 304.

2021. Shaw T, Hedes R, Sandstrom A, Ruete A, Hiron M, Hedblom M, Eggers S, Mikusinski G. 2021. Hybrid bioacoustic and ecoacoustic analyses provide new links between bird assemblages and habitat quality in a winter boreal forest. Environmental and sustainability indicators.

2021. Josefsson J, Ahlbäck Widenfalk L, Blicharska M, Hedblom M, Pärt T, Ranius T,  Öckinger E. 2021. Compensating for lost nature values through biodiversity offsetting – where is the evidence?  Biological Conservation.

2021. Fang X, Gao T, Hedblom M, Xu N, Xiang Y, Hu M, Chen Y, Qiu. L 2021. Are users’ perceptions of and preference for soundscape the same in urban recreational forest parks? Forests

2021. Goddard, M...+70 Hedblom M...Dallimer M. 2021. A global horizon scan of the future impacts of robotics and autonomous systems on urban ecosystems. Nature Ecology & Evolution.

2020. Xiang Y, Liang H, Fang X, Chen Q, Mu S, Hedblom M, Qiu L, Gao T. 2020. The comparisons of on-site and off-site applications in surveys on perception of and preference for urban green spaces: Which approach is more reliable? Urban Forestry & Urban Greening.

2020. Ignatieva M, Eriksson F, Eriksson T, Kätterer T, Tidåker P, Wissman J, Bengtsson J, Ahrné, Hedblom M. 2020. Pros and cons of transdisciplinary research: A case study of Swedish lawns and their sustainable alternatives. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 56, 126799.

2020. Ode Sang Å, Sang N, Hedblom M, Sevelin G, Knez I, B. Gunnarsson. 2020. Are path choices of people moving through urban green spaces explained by gender and age? Implications for planning and management. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening

2019. Činčera J Mikusinski G, Binka B, Calafate L, Calheiros C, Cardoso A, Hedblom M, Jones M, Koutsouris A, Vasconcelos C, Iwińska K. 2019. Managing Diversity: The Challenges of Inter-University Cooperation in Sustainability Education. Sustainability.

2019. Hedblom M, Gunnarsson B, Iravani B, Knez I, Schaefer M, Thorsson P, Lundström JN. 2019. Reduction of physiological stress by urban green space in a multisensory virtual experiment. 2019. Scientific Reports.

2019. Hedblom M, H Hedenås, M Blicharska, S Adler, I Knez, G Mikusiński, J, Svensson, S Sandström, P Sandström & D. A. Wardle. 2019. Landscape perception: linking physical monitoring data to perceived landscape properties. Landscape Research.

2019. Hedblom M, Gunnarsson B, Schaefer M, Knez I, Thorsson P, Lundström J, N. 2019. Sounds of nature in the city: No evidence of bird song improving stress recovery. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 16, 1390; doi:10.3390/ijerph16081390

2018. Ignatieva M, Hedblom M. An alternative urban green carpet. How can we move to sustainable lawns in a time of climate change? SCIENCE. 12 OCTOBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6411

2018. Johansson V, Koffman A, Hedblom M, Deboni G. Andersson P. 2018. Estimates of accessible food resources for pollinators in urban landscapes should take landscape friction into accountEcosphere. Volume 9(10). Article e02486

2018. Knez I, Gunnarsson B, Ode Sang Å, Hedblom M. 2018. Wellbeing in Urban Greenery: The Role of Naturalness and Place Identity. Frontiers in Psychology.

2018. LaSorte F, Lepczyk CA, Aronsopn MFJ, Goddard M, Hedblom M, Katti M, MacGregor-Fors I, Mörtberg U, Nilon CH, Williams NSG, Yang J. 2018. The phylogenetic and functional diversity of regional breeding bird assemblages is reduced and constricted through urbanization. Biodiversity and Distribuions. DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12738

2017. Andersson-Sköld Y, Klingberg J, Gunnarsson B, Gustafsson I, Hedblom M, Knez I,  Lindberg F, Ode-  Sang Å, Pleijel H, Thorsson P, Thorsson S. 2017. A stepwise process for benefit assessment and valuation of ecosystem services from urban greenery.  J of Environmental Management. OPEN ACCESS

2017. Hedblom M, Lindberg F, Vogel E, Wissmann J, Ahrné. 2017. Estimating urban lawn cover in space and time: case studies in three Swedish cities. Urban Ecosystems. DOI: 10.1007/s11252-017-0658-1.

2017. Hedblom M, Andersson E, Borgström S. 2017. Flexible land-use and undefined governance: From threats to potentials in peri-urban landscape planning. Land Use Policy. 63: 523–527

2017. Hedblom M, Knez I, Ode-Sang Å, Gunnarsson B. 2017. Evaluation of natural sounds in urban greenery: potential impact for urban nature preservation. Royal Society Open Science.

2017. Ignatieva M, Eriksson F, Eriksson T, Berg P, Hedblom M. 2017. Lawn as a social and cultural phenomenon in Sweden. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening.

2017. Blicharska M, Smithers RJ, Hedblom M, Hedenås H, Mikusinski G, Pedersen E, Sandström P, Svensson J. 2017. Shades of grey challenge practical application of the cultural ecosystem services concept. Ecosystem Services 23. 55-70

2017. Gunnarsson B, Knez I, Hedblom M, Ode Sang Å. 2017. Effects of biodiversity and environment-related attitude on perception of urban green space. Urban Ecosystems. 20, 37-49.

2017. Nielsen AB, Hedblom M, Stahl Olafsson A, Wiström B. 2017. Spatial configurations of urban forest in different landscape and socio-political contexts: identifying patterns for green infrastructure planning. Urban Ecosystems. DOI: 10.1007/s11252-016-0600-y


Proceedings with international coverage

5. Hedblom M, Gunnarsson B, Ode-Sang Å, Knez I,  Lundström JN. 2018. Urban woodlands and their importance for biodiversity and human well-being. Proceedings of the European Conference “Biodiversity and Health in the Face of Climate Change – Challenges, Opportunities and Evidence Gaps”. Melissa Marselle, Jutta Stadler, Horst Korn and Aletta Bonn (Eds.)

4. Hedblom  M. 2011. Long term monitoring of biodiversity and recreational values in Swedish urban green areas – methodology development. The Problems of Landscape Ecology. Vol. XXVIII.

3. Nielsen A-B, Hedblom M, Söderström B. 2010. Some characteristics of urban woodlands in Denmark and Sweden and two lines to pursue regarding their management for recreation. Conference: Forestry serving urbanised societies in the North Atlantic region. TemaNord  vol. 2010 nr 577. 93-110.

2. Levin G, Fjellstad WJ, Hedblom M, Re-hunen A and Münier B. 2008. Connectivity of nature in the Nordic countries (CONNOR). TemaNord 2008:571. ISBN 978-92-893-1729. DOI: 10.6027/tn2008-571.

1. Normander B., Levin G., Auvinen A-P, Bratli H, Stabbetorp O, Hedblom M, Glimskär AO, Gudmundsson GA. 2009. State of biodiversity in the Nordic countries - An assessment of progress towards achieving the target of halting biodiversity loss by 2010. vol. TemaNord  2009:509. ISBN 978-92-893-1825-9. DOI :10.6027/tn2009-509.


Editor for book

2. Murgui E & Hedblom M (editorial) 2017 Ecology and Conservation of Birds in Urban Environments. Springer Verlag

1. Lidestav G, Svensson J & Hedblom M (editorial). 2015. Innovative tools to support cooperation among stakeholders in Baltic Landscapes – a Handbook.


Book chapters

14. Åkerblom, Elg & Hedblom. 2024. Tätortsnära skog som plats för lärande. I boken Hållbarhetens dimensioner. Kapitel 9. sid 179-199. Redaktörer: Arora-Jonsson, Waldenström, Sandström.

13. Westin K, Wood C, Vilhar U & Hedblom M. 2023. Survey questionnaires; data collection for understanding managment conditions. Chapter 13 in the book: Monitoring Biodiversity- combining environmental and social data. Routledge. Allard A, keskitalo CH, Brown A (eds).

12. Ode-Sang Å, Hedblom M. 2020. Urban nature and its potential to contribute towards human well-being. Chapter 47 in the 2nd edition of The Routledge Handbook of Urban Ecology.

11. Hedblom M. 2019. Förvalta det som redan finns – parker, skogar, gräsmattor och trädgårdar. Chapter in Urbana Ekosystemtjänster- arbeta med naturen för goda livsmiljöer. Stad & Land nr 188.  (Swedish)

10. Hedblom M, Ode-Sang. 2019. Vilka förlorar på att stadsskogarna minskar? Chapter 13 in the book: Den öppna skogen. Ed. E. Andersson. (Swedish)

9. Hedblom M, Califate L. 2017. Urban greenery – how to include urban green areas in cities that are in desperate need of housing? In the WISE handbook. Widening Interdisciplinary Sustainability in higher Education. Editors: Iwińska K, Jones M, Kraszewska M.

8. Hedblom M, Knez I, Gunnarsson B. 2017. Bird Diversity Improves the Well-Being of City Residents. In the book: Ecology and Conservation of Birds in Urban Environments. Springer Verlag

7. Hedblom M, Enrique Murgui.  2017. Urban Bird Research in a Global Perspective. In the book: Ecology and Conservation of Birds in Urban Environments. Springer Verlag

6. Murgui E, Hedblom M. 2017. Improving Research Towards Conservation Objectives. In the book: Ecology and Conservation of Birds in Urban Environments. Springer Verlag

5. Hedblom M. and Svensson J. 2015. What is landscape? Chapter 1.2. in ”Innovative tools to support cooperation among stakeholders in Baltic Landscapes – a Handbook”.

4. Hedblom M. 2015. Landscape inventory and analysis. Chapter 2.6. in ”Innovative tools to support cooperation among stakeholders in Baltic Landscapes – a Handbook”.

3. Hedblom M, Majewski P, Svensson J and Lidestav G. 2015. Conclusions and recommendatons. Chapter 3. in ”Innovative tools to support cooperation among stakeholders in Baltic Landscapes –a Handbook”.

2. Hedblom M and Mörtberg U. 2011. Characterizing Biodiversity in Urban areas Using Remote Sensing. Book chapter in Urban Remote Sensing: Monitoring, Synthesis and Modelling in the Urban Environment. Ed. Xiaojun Y. Wiley and Blackwell. ISBN: 978-0-470-74958-6. DOI: 10.1002/9780470979563

1. Hedblom M. 2011. Naturvårdskedjan – för en effektivare naturvård. Fåglar och fjärilar i svenska städer –skötselåtgärder och bevarande strategier. P. 48-60.  Ed. Ebenhard T, Almstedt, M. & de Jong J. ISBN: 978-91-89232-60-0. (Swedish)


Popular science

16. Hedblom M. 2025. Gröna städer är viktiga för mångfalden. I tidningen Biodiverse Nr 1 med tema ”restaurering på agendan; EUs nya förordning om restaurering av natur. 

15. Olszewska-Guizzo A, Taufer F, Benzar A, Kyro Wissler, Hedblom M, Pálsdóttir AM. 2025. Visual Quality Assessment of Outdoor Settings for Nature-Based Interventions in Sweden Using the Contemplative Landscape Model. LTV fakultetens Faktablad. Report number 2025:2. DOI: 10.54612/a.722fntd0cn 

14. Hedblom M. 2024. Naturvård i staden för människors hälsa- och biologisk mångfald - i boken/rapporten "Fascinerande forskning för skolan med fokus på biologisk mångfald - för skolan med fokus på biologisk mångfald".

13. Marine Elbakidze, Lucas Dawson, Per Milberg, Grzegorz Mikusiński, Marcus Hedblom, Ivan Kruhlov, Taras Yamelynets, Christina Schaffer, Karl-Eric Johansson. 2023. Faktorer som påverkar hur människor använder urbana grönområden i Sverige. 2023. Fakta skog SLU 

13. Hedblom M. 2021. Utopi eller dystopi? Framtidsperspektiv på biologisk mångfald. Biodiverse nr. 4.

12. Hedblom M, Gunnarsson B. 2021. Diversitet på recept? Mångfalden av arter kan påverka hur vi mår. Biodiverse nr. 4.

11. Van der Wal R, Hedblom M. 2021. En grön spegel av vår tid. Betraktelse över gräsmattan som fenomen och habitat. Biodiverse nr. 4. 

10. Öckinger E, Blicharska M, Hedblom M, Josefsson J, Pärt T, Ranius T, Widenfalk L. 2020. Möjligheter och osäkerheter med ekologisk kompensation. Biodiverse Nr. 2. (about Biodiversity offsets)

9. Wissman J, Ahrné K,  Poeplau C, Hedblom M, Marstorp H, Ignatieva I and Kätterer T. 2016. Multi Functional Golf courses. The project was funded by STERF (Scandinavian Turf Grass Foundation) and Formas

8. Hedblom M, Gunnarsson B. 2015. Mångfald av fågelsång ökar trivseln. Biodiverse. 20:2. sid14-15.

7. Hedblom M. 2012. Städernas flora och fauna – Övervakning av grön mångfald i centrum.  Tidskriften. Fauna & Flora. P. 30-37. 107:4.

6. Hedblom M, Heyman E and Gunnarsson B. 2010. Optimal skötsel av tätortsnära skogar. Miljöforskning.Nr 3. Juni.

5. Hedblom M. 2008. Städernas värdefulla natur. Biodiverse Nr 2.

4. Hedblom M. Fåglar och vindkraftverksparker. 2008. Bok recension av Birds and wind farms – risk assessment and mitigation. SvenskVindkraft Nr 2. 

3. Hedblom M and Söderström B. 2008. Fågelliv i staden – på gott och ont. Vår Fågelvärld. Årgång 67. Nr 1.

2. Andersson E and Hedblom M. 2008. Rätt förvaltat grönområde stödjer ekosystem. Husbyggaren. Svenska Byggingenjörers Riksförbund. Nr. 1.

1. Söderström B and Hedblom M. 2004. Fjäril´n vingad syns i staden. Fauna & Flora.  99:1. English    Summary.



28. Fredman P, Sirén A, Lehto C, Lindhagen A, Hedblom M. 2023. Skogens rekreationsvärden- en förstudie med förslag till indikatorer. Rapport 2023/08. SKOGSSTYRELSEN

27. C Haaland, S Stålhammar, J Niss (redaktörer), E Andersson, B Gunnarsson, M Hedblom, F Johansson, A Persson (kapitelförfattare). 2023. Rapport: Funktionell grön infrastrukturför biologisk mångfald i urbana och tätortsmiljöer. Kapitel 3. Hedblom och Gunnarsson. Skogen i staden – Grön infrastruktur i städer för fåglar och människor

26. Beckman M, Wiström B, Mårtensson F, Simonsson E, Hedblom M och Ode Sang Å. 2023. Lekotoper i praktiken – Utveckling av Hjälmarviksparken i Norra Ormesta i Örebro. Rapport Movium Partneskap.

25. Mårtensson F, Litsmark A, Wiström B, Hedblom M. 2022. Lekotoper-platser där både barn och natur trivs. Movium Fakta #3.

24. Öckinger E, Josefsson J, Widenfalk L, Blicharska M, Chapurlat E, Hedblom M, Merinero S, Pärt T, Widenfalk O, Ranius T. 2021. När kan ekologisk kompensation bidra till att bevara biologisk mångfald och ekosystemtjänster? RApport 6996. September. Naturvårdsverket.

23. Widenfalk L, Josefsson J, Öckinger E, Blicharska M, Hedblom M, Widenfalk O, Ranius T, Chapurlat E, Merinero S, Campbell C, Pärt T. 2021. Systematisera ekologisk kunskap för att effektivisera ekologisk kompensation. Rapport 7007. September. Naturvårdsverket.

22. Widenfalk L, Josefsson J, Blicharska G, Hedblom M, Pärt T, Ranius T, Widenfalk O, Öckinger E. 2021. Ekologisk kunskap för ekologisk kompensation. Rapport 6995. September 2021. Naturvårdsverket

21. Mårtensson F, Litsmark A, Wiström B, Ode Sang Å and Hedblom M. 2021. Utveckling av lekotoper för barns naturmöten. Fakulteten för landskapsarkitektur, trädgårds- och växtproduktionsvetenskap Institutionen för människa och samhälle Landskapsarkitektur, trädgårds- och växtproduktionsvetenskap – Rapport 2021:22021

20. Laessö J, Anderson S, Esbensen GL, Prévot A-C, Benateau S, Turpin S, Hedblom M, Mårtensson F, Ode-Sang Å, Wiström B. 2021. Children, education and nature based solutions; research review report. REGREEN.

19. Hedblom M, Hedenås H. 2020. Fältdata och fjärranalys visar förutsättningar för friluftsliv. Skog & Mark. Tema Ekosystemtjänster 2020 om tillståndet i Svensk landmiljö. Naturvårdsverket. ISBN 978-91-620-1305-9

18. Gulsrud NM., AB Nielsen, A Bastrup-Birk, A Stahl Olafsson, M Lier, C Fischer, R Zalkauskas, M Hedblom, T Sievanen, H Nordh, J Dahlgren, G Kulbokas, C Davies, H Polley, U-B Brändli, F Kriher, V Johanssen, T Nord-Larsen, H Haakana, A Ihalainen, K Korhonen, L Straigte, S Tomter, L Sing, D Edwards, D RossI. 2018. Urban Forests in a European Perspective: what can the National Forest Inventory tell us. Workshop for Practitioners and Researchers held on March 15, Brussels. Summary of workshop results. 2018. University of Copenhagen department of geosciences and natural resource management

17. Hedenås, H., Åkerholm M. & Hedblom M. 2017. Behovsanalys och förslag till framtida verksamhet i våtmarksövervakningen: En delutredning inom revisionen av Naturvårdsverkets miljöövervakningsprogram Våtmarker. Arbetsrapport 473 2017

16. Svensson J, Mikusinski G, Esselin A, Adler S, Blicharska M, Hedblom M, Hedenås H, Sandström P, Sandström S, Wardle D. 2017. Nationell miljöövervakning och utvärdering av ekosystemtjänster i fjäll och skog. Rapport 6754 Februari 2017. Naturvårdsverket.

15. Wissman J, Ahrné K,  Poeplau C, Hedblom M, Marstorp H, Ignatieva I and Kätterer T. 2016. Multi Functional Golf courses. The project was funded by STERF (Scandinavian Turf GrassFoundation) and Formas (through the research program LAWN).

14. Fredman P and Hedblom M. 2015. Friluftsliv 2014 Nationell undersökning om svenska folkets friluftsvanor National survey of outdoor recreation participation among the Swedish population in 2014 (summary in English). Rapport 6691. Swedish Envioronmental Protection Agency. ISBN: 978-91-620-6691-8. Oktober 2015. P. 176.

13. Olsson O and Hedblom M. 2014.The role of public requirements in urban forest decision making: A case study of nine Swedish cities. Manuscript in O. Olsson thesis: Out of the Wild: studies on the forest as a recreational resource for urban residents. 2014:1 Umeå University Dept.Geography and Economic History.

12. Hedblom M, Hedenås H, Allard A, Svensson J and Jougda L. 2014. Methods and possibilities to apply NILS data for applied and integrated landscape planning: Reindeer Husbandry Plans, UAV low altitude aerial photos and dialouge. Report No. 27 In Baltic Landscape series. WP4. (In Swedish with extended summary in English).

11. Hedblom M, Lidestav G, Samuelsson-Sundin P, E Lopatkin. 2014. Similarities and dissimilarities in Nordic applied forest landscape planning systems: Suggested data compilation and methods for integrated landscape planning in Vilhelmina MF, Helge river BL and Ilomantsi MF. Baltic Landscape. Report  No 26 in Baltic landscape series. WP4. (In English)

10. Uppföljning av friluftsliv: Förslag till en samlad uppföljning av friluftsliv inom miljömålssystemet och friluftslivsmålen. 2014. Naturvårdsverket, representanter från Boverket, Folkhälsomyndigheten, Havs och vattenmyndigheten, Jordbruksverket, Länsstyrelsen i Jönköping, Mittuniversitetet, Naturvårdsverket, Regional  Utveckling och Samverkan i miljömålssystemet (RUS), Skogsstyrelsen, Statistiska  Centralbyrån, Svenskt Friluftsliv, Sveriges kommuner och landsting, Sveriges  lantbruksuniversitet (Hedblom M) och Tillväxtverket 6480. APRIL 2014. ISBN 978-91-620-6480-8. ISSN 0282-7298.

9. Ebenhard T, Angelstam P, Eide W, Hedblom M, Larsson M, Rydhmer L, Sandström J, Sarlöv-Herlin I, Svensson J. 2011. Förslag till utveckling av en grön infrastruktur. To the Swedish    Environmental Agency and Ministry of Environment.

8. Hedblom M, Caruso S, Green M and Ode Å. 2011. Övervakning av kvalitativa data i tätorters grönytor–upplevelsevärden, indikator arter och biologisk mångfald. Rapport 6411. Naturvårdsverket. ISBN:  978-91-620-6411-2. English summary.

7. Runesson K and Hedblom M. 2010. Vägkanter och grönytor i Uppsala stad – en resurs för biologisk mångfald. Uppsala kommun.

6. Hedblom M and Gyllin M. 2009. Övervakning av biologisk mångfald och friluftsliv i tätorter – en metodstudie. ISBN:978-91-620-5974-3. English summary. .  

5. Hedblom M. 2008. Fåglar i stadens trädgårdar Fakta. Trädgård – fritid. Nr 135.

4. Christensen P, Glimskär A, Hedblom M and Ringvall A. 2008. Myrarnas areal och vegetation: skattningar från provytedata i NILS 2003-2007.

3. Glimskär A, Bergman K.-O, Christensen P, Cronvall, E, Hedblom  M, Lagerqvist K, Ringvall A, Wikberg J. and Sundquist S. 2008. Uppföljning av kvalitetsförändringar i ängs- och betesmark via NILS           år 2007. Jordbruksverket.

2. Rygne H, Allard A, Glimskär A, Wretenberg J and Hedblom M. 2008. Hur kan NILS användas inom regional miljöövervakning och miljömålsuppföljning?  Lst. Örebro län. 

1. Hedblom M. 2005. Urban Sprawl and biodiversity. Introductory research essay. Department of Conservation Biology, SLU, Uppsala. ID:9872396


International conferences– main contributor

22. Hedblom M. 2023. Cities for Biodiversity! Managing the urban green for biodiversity and human well-being. Nordic and Baltic Cities as providers and promotors of global biodiversity, Stockholm 5th-7th October.

22. Hedblom M. 2023. Nice cut lawns or blowzy meadows. European conference on Beautiful, Sustainable and inclusive cities. EU Presidency Conference in Malmö 14-15 June. Oral presentation and moderating the session.

21. Hedblom M, Mårtensson F, Ode-Sang Å, Wiström B, Litsmark A. 2022. Design and management of nature-based solutions in urban plays settings: co-existence between children and biodiversity. URBIO conference in Leipzig. Germany. Oral presentation.   

20. Hedblom M and Ignatieva M (equal contribution). 2021. Designing of Urban Landscapes as Multisensory Phenomenon. ECLAS conference "Stop and think". Online.

19. Hedblom M.  2019. Bird song increase human well-being and reduce stress: a way forward for urban bird conservation? European Ornithologists' Union: EOU. Cluj Napoca. Romania. Oral presentation.

18. Hedblom M, Gunnarsson B, Knez I, Schaefer M, Thorsson P & Lundström J. 2019. The sound of nature: Birdsong and health in urban green areas. World congress on Forest for public health. 8-11th May. Athen, Greece. Oral presentation.

17. Hedblom M, Gunnarsson B, Knez I, Schaefer M, Behzad I, Thorsson P & Lundström J. 2018. Urban parks and forests reduce physiological stress while city centers do not: comparisons of visual virtual realities, bird songs, noise and smells. 14th International People Plant Symposium, IPPS 2018, OCTOBER 11-13. Malmö, SWEDEN. Oral presentation.

16. Hedblom M, Adler S, Blicharska M, Hedenås H, Mikusiński G, Sandström S, Sandström P, Svensson J,Wardle D.  2018. Developing a model linking physical landscape properties with perceived landscape features: potentials in NILS monitoring program. ECCB in  Jyväskulä Finland. Oral presentation.

15. Hedblom M, Gunnarsson B, Knez I, Shaefer M, Thorsson P and Lundström J. 2018. Urban parks and forests reduce physiological stress while cities do not: comparisons of visual virtual  realities, bird songs and natural smells. ECCB in Jyväskulä Finland. Oral presentation.

14. Hedblom H, and Gunnarsson B. 2017. Urban forest as biodiversity hotspots:  dead wood, birds, human perception and management.  IUFRO 125th anniversary  congress in Freiburg. GERMANY.  Oral Presentation

 13. Hedblom M, Gunnarsson B, Ode Sang Å, Knez I and Lundström J.  Urban woodlands and their importance for biodiversity and human well-being. 2017. Biodiversity and Health in the Face of Climate Change. Bonn. Germany. Oral presentation

12. Hedblom M, Gunnarsson B, Ode Sang Å, Knez I. 2016. IFLA AR-URBIO CONFERENCE Perception of urban green space in relation to soundscape, biodiversity, demography, naturalness, place identity and well-being.  Panama city. Panama. Oral presentation.

11. Hedblom M, Christensen P, Hedenås H, Roberge J-M. 2016. Landscape monitoring and biodiversity changes – examples from NILS and a supplementary inventory of bumble-bees and butterflies. 5th international ECOSUMMIT. Ecological susatainability. Montpellier, FRANCE. Oral presentation.

10. Hedblom M, Borgström S, Svanström S & Andersson E. 2015. Potential of the peri-urban landscape to meet new demands in the era of urban densification  – Sweden as an example.  IUFRO Landscape Ecology Conference. Sustaining ecosystem services in forest landscapes. Tartu, Estonia. Oral Presentation.

9. Hedblom M, Adler S, Blicharska M, Hedenås H, Mikusiński G, Sandström S, Sandström P, Svensson J, Wardle D. 2015. Linking visual landscape preferences and biophysical data for monitoring cultural ecosystem services based on systematic field plot photographs.  IUFRO Landscape Ecology Conference. Tartu, Estonia. Oral Presentation.

8. Hedblom M. Christensen P. and Svensson J. 2014. IUFRO World congress.  Using the biodiversity monitoring program NILS to assess outdoor recreation indicators. Salt Lake City USA.Oral presentation. 

7. Hedblom M, Heyman, Antonsson and Gunnarsson. 2014. IUFRO World congress. Bird song diversity influences people’s appreciation  of urban landscapes. Salt Lake City USA. Poster

6. Hedblom M. 2014. IV Annual Baltic Landscape Conference . State University of Technology. 24-27 March. I presented the progress and future recommendations. Title of speech. Integrated planning of the landscape - overview of Baltic Landscape progress and future. Audience: foresters, researchers , head of university and politicians. Minsk, Belarus. Oral presentation.

5. Hedblom M  2010.  Title: Importance of long term monitoring of urban biodiversity and hierarchical methodology. Invited by Susann Östergård, Stockholm, Environment and Health Administration. Conference: What about Urban nature - Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Europahuset, Stockholm 14-15 oct. Sweden. Oral presentation.   

4. Hedblom M  2010. Title: Long term monitoring of biodiversity and recreational values in Swedish urban green areas – methodology development. Implementation of Landscape ecological knowledge Practice. Poznán. POLAND. 16-19 June. Poster.  

3. Hedblom M and Söderström B. 2010.Title: Hierarchical landscape effects on birds in 34 Swedish cities. Invited by Nilon C and Mörtberg U. Oral presentation at URBIO2010. 18-22  May. Nagoya. Japan Oral presentation

2. Hedblom M and Söderström B. 2009. Title: Importance of proportion woodland at city and landscape     scales for birds in local urban woodlands.. European Congress of Conserv. Biol.  Sept.ECCB. in Prague, Czech Republic.  Oral presentation

1. Hedblom M and Söderström B. 2004. Title: Detecting threshold levels of urban forests in Sweden usingG.I.S. Soc. for Conserv. Biol.(SCB). Conservation in an Urbanizing World. N.Y., USA. Poster.


Swedish Conferences - main contributor

6. Hedblom M. 2022. Nordic urban greenery in a global context– present state and future imaginaries. At the Nordic conference Towards Greener, Healthier and Resilient Cities! the 1-2 December 2022, in Stockholm, Sweden. KEY NOTE SPEAKER.

5. Hedblom M.  2019. Stadens natur- Lund.Skogar och gräsmattor för fåglar, pollinatörer och människor. Audience: approximate 150. I also participated in a panel at the end of the day.

4. Hedblom M. 2019. DJUR NATUR HÄLSA 2019 - Nationell konferens om djur och natur som resurs för framtidens folkhälsa. My title: Parkens och skogens positiva hälsoeffekter.

3. Hedblom M. 2015.  Conference Liv i staden organized by the Swedish centre of Biodiversity. CBM,  Kartering och värdering av ekosystemtjänster från  urban grönska. Audience 90 people. KEYNOTE SPEAKER.

2. Hedblom M. 2015.  The Swedish Think Tank “Utomhus I stan- Tankesmedjan Friluftsliv”. Urban Friluftsliv i världen och Sverige: trender och förutsättningar. Audience ca. 270. Swedish national TV send the presentation. KEYNOTE SPEAKER

1. Hedblom M. Heyman, Antonsson and Gunnarsson. 2014. IALE Örebro. Fågelljud i staden. Mångbruk i skogen – fokus på sociala värden, 25-26 september . Poster at the conference.

Other contributions

1. Pringle S, Davies ZG, Goodard M, Dallimer M, Hart E, Le Golf L, Langdale S + 113 authors/contributors (Hedblom M is one of the contributors). 2023.  Robotics and Autonomous Systems for Environmental Sustainability: Monitoring Terrestrial Biodiversity. EPSRC UK-RAS Network. doi: 10.31256/WP2023.4. ISSN: 2398-4422 (Online), ISSN 2398-4414 (Print) 


Professor at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Landscape architecture Landscape management
Telephone: +4618671041, +46725316924